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Charolotte Caxton

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Everything posted by Charolotte Caxton

  1. You did receive responses: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/I-am-unable-to-stay-logged-in-to-Phoenix-s-newest-viewer-Local/qaq-p/891863
  2. do these work for you? http://secondlife.com/my/whatnext/video-tutorials/
  3. On the dashboard, middle right, under video tutorials.
  4. True. You can probably youtube a lot of sl videos, that should eat up most your time.
  5. Perhaps your inventory is not completely loaded. Go to me, preferences, setup. Hit the reset button. Logout and log back in. Open your inventory and wait for it to stop fetching. You should be good now. Please let us know.
  6. Perhaps it is because Linden Labs is based out of San Francisco, USA.
  7. Make sure you are using your Second Life password, not your email password.
  8. Just so you know, you can add to your questions by choosing options, edit. If your question has been answered, you can mark the answer or answers as accepted solution.
  9. My, what a handsome suit. I'm impressed. A nice suit and a house, you, Sir, are living the dream.
  10. If you are on a laptop it may be getting too hot. Make sure you are getting enough ventilation/cool air through to the little vents or you may very well burn up your graphics card.
  11. Wow, cool! Love the open air loft neato . The little couch outside is cute.
  12. Try hitting the reset button under me, preferences, setup. Then relog.
  13. I used to collect friends. Everyone I met I tried to be friends with. Especially if they were alone. Cause I thought they needed a friend. Then I learned about drama. So I choose my friends a bit more wisely now. I wished I had known about calling cards a while back. I was in a phase where if I didn't hear from a friend in like a few days, I figured they didn't want to talk to me, so I deleted them. Then they would IM and be like, why did you delete me? So I dont get rid of friends anymore. I have come to understand that all those little avatars I meet? Yeah, they are people too.
  14. and with a premium membership he wont have to, right? i just got confused is all cause you said he will always have to pay monthly tier fees, and then i started wondering about my situation
  15. You could also go to me>preferences>general>language, but I guess you wouldn't be able to read that.
  16. From what I understand, yes and no. https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/private-regions.php You can buy a private island and then terraform it. In that way you would be creating the look of your land, though not really making any land. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Beginning-land-owner-FAQ/ta-p/700035 http://secondlife.com/land/
  17. So you meant my premium membership fees when you said I will always pay monthly tier fees?
  18. A friend of me sent me a notecard with the LM to this store: .( bewildebeest )., Port Seraphine - General I saw this jewelry and I was like omg, so fun! Do you have any cool jewelry stores/pictures of fun jewelry? :) (btw they have a couple of free items out too) The one on the top left is a hairpin, cute!
  19. The information that is being used to verify you is not up to date. You will have to submit a manual support ticket. Simply having payment info on file though will be enough and easier. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accessing-Adult-land-and-content/ta-p/805975
  20. If you want a different linden Home, you have to give up the one you own now. You can only have one linden home. If you want a home on land you have to purchase or rent the land and put or make a house on it or lease land with a house already on it. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-overview/ta-p/700103 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  21. Thanks Luc, at least it's not just me. Cerese and cat, I went back and looked at photos I had taken where in my mind I remembered for certain that the curves were smooth and not jaggy. I went specifically to the photos of some sculptures that I knew beyond a doubt I had seen as smooth. They are not smooth. They were jagged.
  22. It is illegal because it an invasion of privacy and against the TOS.
  23. I will have to pay tier on my 512?
  24. Technically you can never own land, you will be leasing it from the owner. It is virtual land that ultimately belongs to Linden Labs. What you can do as a premium member is purchase land and not have to pay tier, up to a certain extent. For example, I as a premium member am allowed 512 square meters of tier free land. That means I can either have a Linden home or purchase my own land from LL. If you purchase land for a group you and your friend form, you receive a ten percent land bonus. If you and she are both premium for example, you could have 512 times two plus ten percent land tier free. Type in buying land in the search button up top, there is tons of info on the subject. http://secondlife.com/land/pricing.php?lang=en http://secondlife.com/land/purchasing.php
  25. You can buy them, you can win them, you can earn them, you can be given them. The funnest way is winning them until it becomes fun no more, then the quickest most economically practical way is to purchase them.
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