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Destiny Marques

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Everything posted by Destiny Marques

  1. The first question that came to mind while reading your post was - Are you a multi-generational American? I ask because as you know, with us being people of color, there was a lot of mixing and "passing" going on back in the day. So despite some of the flaws with DNA testing, it is quite possible that you could have African ancestry if one or more of your ancestors were the offspring of a slave and their master, or the product of some other interracial union involving someone of African descent. Most of the time a lot of people who were black, but didn't outwardly present as black, purposely hid their true racial identity for safety reasons, and this sometimes went on for generations. If they happened to have a slightly or moderately tanned hue to their skin, it was often explained away as being of "Cherokee blood" in origin. I know personally, on my dad's side of the family, we had a lot of "white passing" ancestors" who were actually black and lived their lives as such, to avoid the pitfalls which befell other blacks who could not outwardly hide their race - so I would definitely look a bit deeper and research where that Nigerian ancestry possibly came from, because you might find out something similar happened to what I've described above. I would like to get a DNA test done, because my family on both sides claim that we are "part Cherokee" or some other Native American tribe, along with Irish, English, African, Spanish, French, and lord only knows what else. LOL We are Creole, so I guess it's possible that we are a bit of everything that passed through Louisiana and it's neighboring states. All I know for sure, is that my family tree is a hodgepodge of different races and ethnicities, but we identify as "black" or "black Creoles". If you feel that a DNA test will benefit you in some way and maybe put to rest some questions that you have about your ancestry, then go for it. It's a personal decision to do so, and no one else make that choice for you. So you'll either end up really happy you did it, or it may open up Pandora's box to more questions. Things such as this can go either way.
  2. When I'm not working inworld or buying linden, I'll play the vaults or use my Lindo hud to grow flowers for $L. Lindo: http://www.thevirtualflowers.com/ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lindo-HUD-Earn-Linden/8795162
  3. You're welcome, and I'm glad that you were able to find something that you liked.
  4. Oracul, Body Language, and Voir all have a nice selection of girly Bento AO's. Oracul: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuso/207/237/227 Voir: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuso/207/237/227 Body Language: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bon Voyage/127/120/1254
  5. So, in other words - we should 'expect the worst' from you, because of the Pavlovian conditioning that you received during your brief stint in the military. Gotcha.
  6. Chances are Klytyna has never served in the military, but predictably, she will still act as though she knows more about it than you do.
  7. Ah, delightful, claiming you must be right because others agree with you, the same excuse that was used to persecute a number of scientists in ages past, It's the same claptrap that's heard when people say "no, EVERYONE knows that can't be so". Looks around.. Um yeah, you're the ONLY one I see complaining, which means... NOTHING. NEXT! Luna... Luna's contribution so far can be summarised as follows "Don't oppose anti-caucasian racists, join them because whiteys deserve it, Walmart proves it!" Meh. Luna has contributed more worthwhile posts to this forum than you ever will. NEXT! Cynical person, I don't accept bullmanure unchallenged and expect the worst from the typical human because that's what humans are like. Study some history, you might learn this for your self. No need to study history, you've already led by example and shown us your worst. NEXT! Thank you for your application to enter the "Clueless Amateur Psychologist Wannabe of the Year" contest, unfortunately you have not been selected due to incompetence, but do feel free to apply again next year. Well, Psychology WAS my major in college as I was working towards my degree as a psychotherapist. Something, might I add, you seem in desperate need of atm. But instead of going into that career field, I decided to go in a different direction. However, your motivations here aren't that difficult to decipher, and you are more transparent than you may think. Everyone sees through you, as I've stated before. NEXT! ... have to listen to your whining ego-stroking mealy mouthed bs. Yet here you are like a Pavlovian dog - salivating at the mouth and ready to pounce onto each juicy morsel that I post. *rings the bell* This: "whining ego-stroking mealy mouthed bs. " perfectly describes your long-winded pointless drivel.
  8. If you are going to quote me, quote it as I wrote it: "Oh and White people as they are currently known, didn't even exist until about 8000-12,000 years or so ago. So, who are "your" people?" Meaning, as that article states - modern day fair-skinned people of European descent ("pale" or "white people" - the common descriptive term used most often around the world) didn't develop pale skin until much later - which would be as the article states, around 8000 years ago. So, I'm glad that you finally agree. I find it curious and a bit comical, that after all of your contrived grandstanding and racist posturing, that not one person has come to your defense to say 'No, you are wrong! Klytyna isn't a bigot, nor is she a racist!" - that fact alone speaks volumes about your posting history in this forum and how it has formulated others perceptions of you, more so than the mountains of text you've wasted your time dumping in this thread. You immediately came out of the gate being accusatory - espousing your bigotry and prejudices, with your opinions firmly set against Americans and people of color. Too proud (or is it too stupid) to look beyond your own warped biases and skewed world view, to receive what others were telling you. Your quote to Luna should have read: It's a true statement of what you have presented thus far in this thread and right to the point. You do come across as an extremely miserable person who is full of hatred - always prejudging, always taking an aggressive stance. Is it because a huge part of you actually feels quite powerless in RL to change whatever unfortunate circumstances that you currently find yourself in, so you lash out at others online as a form of release from your mental anguish? Typically, those who practice intolerance as you do - go through the world stuck in perpetual "victim" mode, unable to free themselves from the negative mindset that binds them. In a way, I feel a hint of pity for you, because I know that whether you are in the virtual world of SL or trapped in whatever hell you call a "real life", you are without a doubt one of the most wretchedly unhappy people that I've ever come across. It truly sucks to be you.
  9. True, but I was thinking that maybe they have a few that can be modified to some degree into a "unisex" style. I'll have to take a look through my landmarks when I log inworld to see if I can find any other places to suggest. Unfortunately, there aren't many places to choose from when it comes to good quality afro/curly textured styles for men.
  10. Thanks Luna, and ftr I do know the definition of Creole, but as evidenced in this thread - it was she who tried to deny the existence of Creoles of color, by trying to assert that it was some made up movement by the "Afro-Pretentious" to claim the word as their own, when I never indicated anything of the sort.
  11. Again you lie. Do you not realize that everyone reading this thread can go back and see precisely what was posted? Nowhere anywhere in this thread did I deny 'the existence of non black Creoles;. To the contrary, you sat here and tried to deny the existence of Creoles of color by claiming that it was something that the "Afro-Pretentious" made up. Once again, this is you jumping to conclusions, based on your own biased viewpoint. You take what others have said and twist it until it becomes an unrecognizable parody of the truth. And when you can't twist what's been said, you outright lie or fill in the blanks with whatever suits you. I've seen you attack people who were in agreement with you, because you thought they were mocking you. You do seem to suffer from some type of acute persecution complex as if all of the "bad ol' black people" - oh, pardon me "Afro-Pretentious" are out to get you or something. LOL Geez lady, can you come down off of the rafters now? You've been up there for quite a while now and you seem to be on the verge of falling.
  12. I didn't ASSume anything. YOU were the one who's been making ASSumptions throughout this entire thread. Not only making assumptions, but outright lying. Nowhere did I say that the first people out of Africa were black skinned, you jumped to that conclusion. Then you posted this garbage, in which you further made the assumption that I believed it: Then you wrongly made the ASSumption that I felt the word "creole" was exclusive to blacks and those of African descent from my region by posting this: Until of course, I posted an article for you to read on Creoles of color and black creoles in Louisiana. You haven't posted one verifiable link to me which proves anything that you've said. You've sat here ranting and moaning about Afro this, Afro that, blacks this, blacks that, Americans this, Americans that without putting forth even the slightest shred of proof or evidence to back up ANY of your claims. It's only been one emotional meltdown after another coming from your direction with a good deal of projection, hypocrisy, and bigotry tossed in for good measure. Not to mention YOU were the one who initiated a search for 'the origins of white people'. I searched for "The evolution of human skin color" and "How did lighter skin color develop?" So don't attribute that to me, when you were the one who took it upon yourself to Google that phrase. But what can we seriously expect from someone who freely tosses around words like honky and cracker?
  13. Hi there, Have you checked Unorthodox, Analog Dog, Aibeat, Homage, or EliMent? Edit: I will update this as I find more LMs.
  14. You definitely have your work cut out for you.
  15. I can most definitely see why you guys ignore her. She is a stone cold, certified fruit loop. O___O
  16. Lady, You are truly pathetic and a delusional, pathological liar to boot. No where have I ever posted that insipid hogwash, nor can you even post a direct link to anywhere in this forum where I've stated that. Seriously, are you crazy or on drugs? LOL You can't even get your lie straight. I don't have a white boyfriend in SL, however, I am married to a Norwegian in RL. Are you suggesting that I have him resprayed to look less white? LMAO!
  17. Hi Phil, The article that I posted to her was directly from Science mag. Which she ignorantly quoted as 'racist propaganda'. I didn't think that I needed to spell out to her that due to a colder climate, dietary changes, and evolution, the people who lived in the Northern Latitudes began producing less melanin which enabled them to better absorb vitamin D. Perhaps I was affording her too much credit? Yet, pointing out natural evolutionary changes is considered "racist' to her. When all is said and done, we're all human in the end. Well, maybe except her. She may actually be some alien species, previously unknown to man. More links below for her viewing pleasure: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/04/how-europeans-evolved-white-skin https://www.livescience.com/7863-people-white.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/how-europeans-evolved-to-have-white-skin-starting-from-around-8000-years-ago-10160120.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_skin_color https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_skin
  18. So according to your brazen stupidity, I hate white people so much that I married one. Not to mention that I have White people and other colors of people all throughout my family, and we all get along fabulously might I add. Um... Yeah, it doesn't make any logical sense to me either. You know why? Because in this catastrophic disaster known as your "response", you have neglected to make any valid point whatsoever. Keep clutching for those non-existence straws, you may finally grasp hold of something.
  19. Ms. Bigoted Google scholar extraordinaire - chill out. Go smoke a spliff, beat an unruly sub, burn a cross in some unsuspecting person of color's yard, or whatever it is that you do to unwind and take a load off. The world will keep revolving as usual, Americans will keep their hyphens, and POC the world over will keep claiming their heritage despite your screeching protests to the contrary. So to summarize and put things into a perspective in which you can comprehend - What have you accomplished in this long and very detailed interaction of keyboard clacking and textual gymnastics? Not a dog gone thing. Well, we did bump this thread up to over 100 replies so I guess that counts for something.
  20. *nods in agreement* It does, now that you've mentioned it! Lol
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