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onyx Kelberry

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Everything posted by onyx Kelberry

  1. You can set substance painter to size your maps to 2048x2048 and that is what I did. ( No visible cracks ( seams ) in substance but visible in sl ). Upon upload SL resized them to 1024x1024. I doubt the size has anything to do with it but I will test it anyway. Its worth a shot.
  2. I used a Dev kit and uploaded the mesh body into blender, then I set up the uv's so I could work them in Substance painter. Then I created a full body tattoo in substance painter. Looked great, without visible seams. I painted directly on the body. Looked good - look here https://gyazo.com/fa9bd29a923392c8fe2cdf35fdbf66d4 Problem is when I put my upper and lower textures on a tattoo layer in second life ---- I could see cracks at the seams. I tried using smudge to fix this but does not look good. I have a lot of tattoo's that I purchased from various creators in second life over the years. I put myself in T pose and tried them on one my one ( inspecting the problem area's. ) Some black out area's , some do not go close to the edges of the map. Most who do, have issues. I have not seen any that are perfectly seamless unless there is no texturing near the edges of the maps. I been searching for tutorials on this. Also if anyone knows of a store in second life that sells full body tattoo's that are perfectly seamless please feel free to message me and let me know. I would like to see. I have been searching for tutorials for a fix but have yet to find any. It's getting frustrating.
  3. I posted the above on the 7th of Sept 2023 we are now the 11th of Oct 2023 and best selling has not changed for me. All related Jira's have been closed saying they were resolved but they were not as I am still seeing the same top three products listed as best sellers. Nothing is moving. It would be nice to get this fixed. Putting a band aid on the issue fixes nothing and it is aggravating to be told that the issue was fixed when we can plainly see that it has not.
  4. I am confused. Lexi Zelin has not created anything new in years and her MP is still as was years ago. Nothing new.
  5. When a customer buys something it is because he/she is happy with it as is ( sizes included ). Second life is constantly changing. Some mesh bodies brands have taken their bodies off the market and new bodies are coming out all the time. Old sizes barely sell therefore causing a loss of income to the content creator. If the content creator chooses to rig newer sizes they are not obligated to send out thousands of updates for free. People do not realize the work involved in rigging , making textures and creating huds. Content creators that do events have deadlines to meet and often skip meals and get very little sleep. They also invest in costly software, have other cost and put in hours of work. When you consider everything, I do not think its fair to expect free updates and get upset about it when they are not offered.
  6. On my Marketplace best selling has not changed for weeks now. What is going on ????
  7. Marketplace is still broken. Cannot search by store owners name nore by store name. Sales are bad. If we are losing money so is LL . This needs to be fixed.
  8. Everything you upload in second life has a UUID. It should be pretty simple when original creators supply the first UUID they ever uploaded compared to the dates of the files the thief has.
  9. Still does not mean the body will have a long life. Lots of people are not even aware about who they are and what happened before. Their tmp body did well as well and then everything went sideways. It was so bad that they had several sales at 500 L trying to get people to buy it.
  10. When buying a body its important to have quality customer service. I don't think there will be a lot of designers wanting to make clothes for the new legacy body for the simple fact that because of what happened with their tmp those items are barely selling now. Who wants to take the time to do a rig for a body that will have a short life.
  11. This is a good thing and if everyone gets on board it will reduce lag and performance on the servers. Polygons, scripts and texture memory were killing us. This affects all of us, even our computers life. Users complain without truly understanding, but frame rates WILL improve. Siddean Munro from Slink did a great job and other popular body brands are working hard to get their products ready. Once firestorm releases the new BoM release I am updating my viewer and ( sighs ) updating all my products with alpha support. Like anything beta there will be glitches but they will get ironed out and on we go ........ forward
  12. I will, thank you and I suggest others do the same. But mostly I will not take anything for granted. It seems to me that LL keep's on changing things. Only time will tell us what we are up against. As my mother use to say - We will cross that bridge when we get to it.
  13. The question does not, in itself, seem at all "silly," Onyx. I've spent literally hours and hours here over the past few weeks trying to assist residents coming in with questions, concerns, or misinformation about Tilia. The vast majority of those questions were from people who pretty clearly have not processed credit out of Second Life, and in most cases didn't even know what that term meant. Their confusion is pretty understandable. On top of that, yes, you are right, the available information is confusing, and it's actually not easy finding authoritative answers. Even LL's own blog post announcing Tilia contains incorrect information, as (for some unaccountable reason) it has not been updated since LL made a major change to the process, and exempted most residents from having to agree to the Tilia TOS. What triggered me a little, and I assume Qie, about your post is that you obviously do know something about this process, and should certainly know enough to be able to find the answers without first contributing, as you (unintentionally, I hope) did by airing misinformation about new fees. I'm sorry if my response seemed "bullying," but I'm getting awfully tired of doing this. One question for which I'd seriously like an answer is, where did you get the idea that there were likely, or even possibly, going to be new fees? At no point in this process has LL suggested anything of the sort. I don't want specific names or even groups -- but I'd really like to know how this misinformation is being spread around. And I'd love to know if any of it is malicious. I wasn't saying there would be additional fee's I was asking if there would be. LL sprung the last one on us and Tilia will need administrators, logically at some point I suspect there will be fee's attached to that as well. I did not spread such a rumor and I didn't hear of it either, it was a question I asked myself. To me it only seemed like a logical question.
  14. It does say in the Tilia TOS (and this is not unusual these days and I really HATE that) LL can change the TOS of Tilia at any time in the future. This was affirmed in the video, so yes, it does seem that the fee could be increased but ONLY if it is legal within the laws of the various states. Grumpity mentioned that each state was different and so that "not more than three dollars per month" estimate was dependent on the laws of the various states. So it isn't likely that they can just decide to make it $5.00 on their own for example. They have TOLD us anyway that they cannot. WATCH THE VIDEO. While LL has told us many things lately that they aren't following through on, I do believe that the RL laws will keep THAT kind of change from being arbitrary. AGAIN, for the people that will continue to use Tilia and process there USD balances to Paypal etc, they will need to stay alert. Also AGAIN, Premium members will not have to worry about the fee. So the CURRENT number of users that have to worry about this are very small. WATCH THE VIDEO I will and thank you Chic. Much appreciated
  15. I'm going to answer this on the (admittedly doubtful) assumption that, just maybe, it is an actual question. There is NO indication, and no reason to believe at this time, that LL, through Tilia or SL, is planning to add additional fees. In fact, on the contrary, LL has announced that Tilia's fees for credit processing are the same as those currently charged, and not additional to them. I quote from the very first FAQ in LL's "Official" Tilia thread: If you want a more detailed breakdown of the implications of the changes, check out the FAQ here, and most especially Inara Pey's detailed, comprehensive, and wonderfully well organized summary of the recent town hall on this subject. Finally, I'm going to echo Qie's point: if you already know enough to be aware that LL raised the fee for credit processing, you know enough to be able to find this information yourself, just as I, and most others on this thread, have. Personally, I can make allowance for residents who do not regularly process credit, because they are likely to be generally unaware of the entire process, and LL has not done a great job of passing this info on. It's pretty clear, however, that you have no such excuse. I am sorry if this question seemed silly to you but It was a legit question as I did put a ( ? ) It might be to others as well if they withdraw money from second life. After all Tilia will be handling the process. Yes I do know about the fee but this does not mean another fee will not be added on when Tilia takes effect. I did read about Tilia but I must have missed that as most of what I read was confusing to begin with and it went on and on ..... Its nice to have people helping others but those who ridicule while doing it just makes them look like bullies. Thank you for the informative response.
  16. Not at all its a concern. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked. I thought this thread was for people who had concerns and questions. If that rubs you the wrong way, all you had to do was ignore.
  17. Just a few weeks ago LL doubled the processing fee for cashing out from 2.5% to 5%. Are we going to have pay fee's to LL and to Tilia now ?
  18. Second life voice is vivox . Its been acting up last couple of days .... lots of breaking up sounds and frequent loss of voice all together.
  19. Banning could be useful if that also included others from being able to gift to the banned account. Otherwise its useless
  20. Nice idea . I would like to ban some people as well but what would be the use of a ban button when people can simply gift ?
  21. I get theses every single day . I have had up to 12 in one single day. They are swift to leave when my orb doesnt catch them and 9 times out of 10 they are 3000 feet up even though the landing is set to ground level :smileysurprised: talk about bizarre !!
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