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Roche Runo

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Everything posted by Roche Runo

  1. If if you are working for some one then usually get 10 to 20 percent to help pay for tier If you are freelancing you get it all. If you are are working for free you are not an escort lol Though some escort will give thier tip back if the client has been exceptionally fun to be with.
  2. sometines other times people are bitching at the dj for the music that being played or somge one comes in thinking the world revolves them are are beting obnoxious
  3. That happen to a friend of mine and he wasnt even gay
  4. Okay my post has nothing to do with what the poster was asking. Sorry i was tired and should have paid closer attention. Well its first instict to lash out at the people who cause you pain. I am a guy and i think you should be lashing out at the guy who hurt you . Emotions are real in in second life . The girl would havent been with your guy if he hadnt let it happen. if it is just between you two. I wouldnt consider this drama. Now if the two of are fighting it out in public then yes its drama Hope your heart heals soon. Lots of good guys out there.
  5. heh i love these philosophical discussions it would depend on the situation. It it cheating when some who has mulitple partners base on the religion cheeting Some would say yes some would say no. If a woman who is being tormented by her husband finds solace in the the arms of another again some would say yes some would say no. Defintions of actions are not carved in storne. They change. As for the first i would say no the second he same. however i personally an not invovled as for my self i agree if you go against what you agreed up at the beginning then yes its cheating If you havent set the ground rules ahead of time its not. Now in SL that a whole different ball a wax Its so easy to cheat the it really becomes moot Al it takes is creating a second avatart. So who is doing the cheating the avatar or the person behind the avater lol
  6. ‎06-09-2015 03:33 PM Roche Runo wrote: Cheating is self defined if you think it is then it is If you can justify it ain't then it ain't FIFY PS Isn't that what you really wrote any okay i gues you could say that but you justify everything you do in life What i mean was that other people will think your chearting even if the the people invovbed do not hence its a personal deccison Two sides to every coin i guess
  7. It has to be a wave file though i dont know how to script it no other format will work you woud have to seach for a play wave script hope this helps
  8. The lindens you buy are the lindens other people are sellinging. You wont get your lindeds until enough people have sold theirs. Now if weeks have gone by and you have recieved nothing file a ticket hope that helps
  9. you change the music by changing the music url Go to your land options then sound and you will see where to put it Music will only be heard in your plot . Of course they have to have a working head set or speakers. If you friends own land and they like what you are playing you can give them the url to play at their homes. You can also listen to that url outside of second life. Just paste that url in to windam or windows media etc You find urls a number of ways Ask a friend Get it from another sim or plot by doing the above but dont paste just hit the copy button then paste it in a notecard for future reference. Use google to find radio stream urls Buy a radio of market place they uusally have urls already in Note some stations dont run 24 hourrs or change urls so if you hear nothing just put in or pick anothe station hope this helps
  10. Never ever make some one an owner Create or use the one provide for people you want to give powers to but event managers board members etc should not be given full powers Do they really not powers that have nothing to do with the job they are doing. Never give them the rights to sell groups own objects which includes deeded to group land Dont even let your spouse boyfriend girlfriend have ownships My ex destroyed my club by kicking everyone out of the group 300 members and i count stop her I had to just sit there and watch her doing it cause once some one is partner you cant take it way. The have to quit. Lesson Leaned Sadly
  11. have you check to see if your payment file on record is accuarate?
  12. hi there okay first be sure it actually is place a prim on the edge of your land and move it up to where the neighbours sky box If you dont know how to do this as a friend No friends then i can come and do it for you If it is the find out the name of the neighbour by right clicking on the house and look who the owner is from there you can call up the neighbors profile then im him. Just say are you aware your sky home is over my land? Would you mind moving it. I appreciate it. While when place skyboxes one should walk around the home along the walls to see if it is overlapping but sometime people forget or dont care. I dont belive linden labs will get involved cause you do have the option to move to another sim They usually dont get invovled in disputes between tenats or avatarsr If they neighor refuses to move (which i doubt will happen) then you wouldnt want to live next door anyway Also remember even if is moved you may see it anyway from your skybox. hope this helps you
  13. That can happen whe the internet disconnects while playinging Check to make sure your forward key is not stuck down Is the food under the key stopping the key from making a connection Dumb kids had to remove gum one time. lol hope that helps
  14. Yes pose balls are obsolete aand many people will not buy an item with it Avisit i think is the name a lot of people put that in then the animation and then seit on the item and move the item around until its in the right place
  15. first be sure that your collar can have to owners Then give the collar back to the your owner and he can do it hope that helps
  16. First try seeach places Secondly there are a lot of parks and sim that have have saling and surfing Would that not work as well Also some merpeople sims are quite peacful At one time Linden Lab sold what they called water sim. they were cheaper and came in bundles of 4. The idea being a sim owner bought 2 sets and could have ocean surround the sim that could be used for boating sailing scub diving etc They are no longer avaliable and what people use now are homestead sims Hope this helps
  17. couple of other reasons the sever that handles the information my only update at a certain times And why would not like a higher traffic number Secondly though doubtful you had a mass exeoduss of people or an angry partner or staff who kicked a bunch of people out and the search numbers have not caught up yet. Had that happen to me
  18. hey there Frustrating i am sure Back when casinos were banned people who had spent hundrends of thousands set up the casino got nothing The reason is made clear in the End Users Legal agreement(EULA) that you agreed to in order to enjoy second life. Everying created in SL is the property of Linden Labs You are (in effect) just renting it This is the is the the stand in most programs like Second life As for you you feel, Linden Labs had nothing to do with that Second life is a tool to enjoy There are not going to back you back just because you dont enjoy it Now one thing you can get back is your lindens just sell them but if you dont have payment info on file then you cant.
  19. Try reseting your password That messege comes up for either one or both Try using a different veiwer Or if that doesnt work try sending a message to Linden Labs if not of those work just create a new charcter until if and when you get access to your old character oh you can also try looking in the second life Knowledge base hope this helps you
  20. what a lot of magazine publsheres do is create an object to give the magazine out to anyone who click it. Then you go around business to business and and ask if you can put it there . Some places may want a small fee. Just put it in places that will target your audience Waste of time to do other wise
  21. its simple things you delete ,whether in your inventory or out of it, goes to you you trassh file Find it there then right click and hit restore and it will put it back where it was in the inventory If you dont restore the item, and you clear your trash, its gone for good.
  22. There are three types of rules Linden Lab Rules such as terms of servcie, Rules for the adult contientent. etc Land owner/renter rules: What you can or can do on your land Real Life Laws (that apply) Such as Chid avatar sex Copyright theft etc I have been in SL for 8 years and enjoy it thoughly I like to think of it as a life simulater and personaly i belive its the emotions that are real. The visual part is just a visual aid. an so to me not real at all. It just pixels.
  23. Shoud be under your preferences warning or it might actually called popup ups look under the dont warn section
  24. hmm good points. most yards sales did indeed have crappy stuff. but some were quality at the time. And for newbies it was a god send. Hmmm maybe i cant sell the stuff i buy i should rent them out. Rather than just delete them. and most of the gatch i have seen is in adboards. I rarely buy something i cant try personally. But then who knows maybe i will breakdown and try a few .
  25. if your furniture is scupty this can happen as well
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