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Roche Runo

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Everything posted by Roche Runo

  1. Ah but was that a personal opinion or was it the actull rule stated somewhere in the EULA or decided by the board of directiors ( if there is one) or the top person who is in charge of SL Thank you for commenting
  2. Thank you for posting the applicable LL rules. It's very helpful in stiuations like this Though i suspect that wouldnt have charnged the girls mind.
  3. Clarifaction the comic book character did. The guy chose it not wear and wore the red cross symol instead This proves that he did have some consideration. Aslo the uninform that hiltler gave his amry to wear was based on a urniform of some other group that was a good group. Hitler added the hat and the swastika.
  4. That never entered my mind. But you cant live your life in fear of what people might do. took me years to get to that conclustion. My fear of people finding out i am gay prevented me from enjoying my life to its fullest. As my therispist told me Its only pain it goes away eventually and if you end up dead well you wont care anyway lol Thanky you for your comment
  5. You comment as merit But i dont belive he was trying to make a joke of it. and of coure you run your club as you see fit. I respect that. But she was reacting to the symbolism of the outfit. Most of the people who said they were okay with it understood that the guy wasnt supporting natzism. It was just a costume. I am gay the pink triangle was used as symbol fof hate and death for my type of people back then. Now its a sympol of pride. a symbol of we survived and we overrcame. I guess maybe that why's i have more tolerance for negative symbology. And not all nazis were bad Not ever the soldiers who were follloing orders who if didnt would have been sent to the camps. And lets not forget american leaders are not innocent at the time. They destoryed millin of people in japan Shoujld we also ban amerrican army navy and air uniforms. Note i am not putting downing the american armed . I am just pointing out there there uniforms also have some blood on them As alway just my opionion and not intending to offendend Thanks for you comment
  6. Yes that would work in a partner situation. I was the sole owner Thank you for commenting
  7. I agree Though i am a little different I have only one rule listed. We expect you act responsibly. Most people do. Listting a bunch of rules as no bearing on the good people. The people who dont wont listen to the rules anyway. anyone doing the latter i eject immediantly so they know i mean business. If they come back and conintue i ban Of course i make mistakes and as soon as it is brought to my attention.
  8. Thnk you you got me exactly right. I am well aware my biases are not the same as other bases. Normally i dont get invovled but the two people invovled were both long time supporters of my club. I belived they earned the right to have me mediate. But when one refused to give an in while the other at least made some attempt to placate the other one. To give the person upset i gave her won last chance and that was to ask the vips. They didnt side with her. So I left the descion to her She chose to leave and never come back And quite frankly i dont want people in my club who are not williing compromise
  9. The reason why I brought to the vips was for two reason. I wanted to know if anyone else was uncormfortable. i didnt say the names invovled. I only asked if anyone else was bother by the uniform. I also let the two people involvoed know i was doing so and that my decision would base on the responses. Thee toher reasons was most of vips had been coming to the club for well over a year so we all knew each other quit well. So i was comfortable, letting them help make the decision. Had the magority of the vips it made them uncoomfortable. I would have ask Capt Natzi to change or come back another night. To give Capt nazi credit he did say that he would never wear the costume again in my club. Thank you for your comment
  10. in my club owning days i held a comic book character event. Some one came in wearing a costume of a dc comics villian named Capt Natzi. It was, of course a natzi uniform he was wearing but he changeed the swastica to a red cross our of respect I know the guy and he is not a racist by any means and is a really nice guy. In fact i really didnt notice untill i got an im from a lady demanding that i kick him out. I looked over at what he was wearing and i will admit i was suprried by it. But as i had had not other complaint i just suggest that she just turn her view so she couldnt see him. She insisted she could look any dam way she pleased. So i suggest she mention her concerns to him Again the answer is no So i talk to the guy and asked him if he would consider changing because it was uppsetting in the first place . He refused saying it was a legitmate comic boo charachter, She was overeacting. He fingally agreed to remove the hat. But that wasnt good enough for her. So asked the crowd if the costume upset anyone. And everyone said no it doesnt So i said to the woman i am sorry but seem to the only one bothered by it. Personally i myself thought it was in bad taste but bad taste is not a reason to kick some one out. Dont get me wrong it was horrible what happpend in germany but a club is not the place to be bringing up polical issues. So i suggested if she was so unhappy why not come back another night. Her answer was i wont ever be back. I said that respect your choice but i do hope you changes her mind I actually verified that the character was legitimate. http://www.comicvine.com/captain-nazi/4005-24925/ I look forward to seeing how other people would handle this situation
  11. Man, I haven't been inworld in a few years. A friend of mine tried sL for about 20 minutes but of COURSE the first thing that happened was some creepazoid following her around trying to "do teh sects". Anyway so here are a couple what-if's... For the residents who are at the height of their SL addiction (16 or more hours a day in some cases), what if they lost their web connection or the power was off for a few hours? How would they survive? Over my addicticon days but then bad withdrawl felt it in my gut. reall resltess its surviable lol What if max prim allowance didn't exist on any rented land in SL? Like it just wasn't a factor? Would some residents have completely cluttered SL homes like their RL homes probably are? not clutterd but i would every type of business going vertical What if there was some sort of block on new residents (maybe 30 days?) from doing adult activity? Would the "do teh sects" creepazoid population still loiter the noob spots in search of some new person all the time? text and the imaginations are wonderful when used to gether A big one - suppose SL followed the same rule as that "social media" site that is getting tired. Like say your avatar had to look as bad as the RL operator sometimes does with weight problems and all and have the same name. Would SL'ers then try to use SL to pretend their RL is better than what it really is? I know people on social media never do that HAHAHA sorry I cannot say that with a straight face would miss being called wow your are so sexy lol but since everyone less attactive i think it would be same
  12. this is all on the assumption that you have verified your age with linden labs if you havent thats why cant select adult
  13. hi there here is how i see it you thought the shoes looked pretty so you bought it if they fit on your feet nothing wrong there if the are the same item as in the picture nothing wrogh there So it really comes down to your taste why right a review at all If the shoes are tranferable contact the seller and say you changed you mind about them and asks for a refund The seller might do it for goodwil to keep you as customer then again he might not and your stuck with them or ask for an exchange. if the shoes are not transferable then you are stuck with shoes and nother else wrting a review to warn people the shoes are ugly is unfair to seller we have bought stuff that we go after why on earth did i buy that movie critics will go on and on about how bad a movie is yet many people enjoyed the movie
  14. i am amaze at how much you know. You know which area of the knowlege base, the wiki, or youtube to send the person to I am impressed way to go:)
  15. you didnt mention if other people are walking ing slowing as well if so are you downloading movies or gamees, or running a lot of extra background programs Have your gone over your download limit with your internet provider Some of them automataclly decrease it to the basic level Is ther another computer in the house and if so are you both connected to the one interent line If your are both on the computer playing data intenseve progams that could could happen.
  16. Sorry posters not my intention to prove you wrong and you are right it is hard to find or even offer to rent in this siturations. I just happen to have a room Lynn get a hold of me thanks
  17. I wonder if repleace current outfit would work using a newbie newbe avatar I know that workes when i a am stuck as a ghost
  18. I discovered that mesh can be the cause of lag To fix that i just lower the object slider (called mesh in Firestome ) to 1 or 2 Bad Lags clears right up Note i mean on my systems that happens
  19. simple answer is anything you can do in real life you can do do is second life. Seriously you name it your avatar can do it And it a lot fun
  20. Currently it seasm the questiion in answers is appering in general chat go to forum click on general forems the answer questions are listed it there click on answere questions Same questions Had i answere there it would have shown up here oh thank you i do that as well
  21. In 2007,After working on building a skyclub for 14 hours it was finally done and linked. So proud was i had to show it my friends 7 people came to look are were walking around looking at everying. Being a bit of perfectionist i notice that one prim on the floor was out oof alighnement So i thought i would fix it right then and there. Bad idea lol I was so tired from building on it instead of hitting edit i hit delete . Never seen so many WTF comments as we all fell to the ground . lol i was so embarresed but they all found it was funny
  22. A friend of mine heard me talking at work about second life. She was interested in joining So i helped get started and she she was excited to get her first non-newbie clothing that i bought and gave her. i said would you like to me to show what you to do . Being a very indenpendant worman she said proudlly I can do it And off she went upstairs to have some privacy . Now i knew she didnt know yet how to open a box to the clothing out. ( you know whats coming lol) So i cammed up and laughed as the box appeared on her head. well no head now just a box on a neck Off went the box got to give her credit that box when on and off 8 times lol along were some swear words I was beside myself with laughter finally i cammed away and said Need any help up there The very frustrated voice calls back Oh, get up here i was laughing all the way when i showed her how opening boxes works she says "Well you didnt tell me that " lol
  23. you know i was reading the responses to a post i made but i dont seey my the post i made. nor do i remember posting in this discussion at all Nor how old this discussion is . Based on the respondse I was getting that must have been the old me . the new me understands that business will will address people complaint how they want to and not necessarly what the customers wants. They have there reasons and dont have to explain them to you Most times the complainer is never asked how does this affect him and the play of the Second Life Based on a reply to me I think this was around when gambling was outlawed in second life And people lots a lot of money. The new me would have responded like this. While i dont agree with decision and i think its may be harmeful to second life We have no choice in the matter as we dont have vote on the matter. The new me understands that sometimes people need to vent. The new me also understands that just because they said something doesnt mean thats why they meant. As well if they were angry or frustrated they would of chose different wording . and some of course wouldnt. i personally dont get frustrated when i see the same post over and over. for the new me understands they have just a much right to post as we dol If i dont want to read a post i just skip over it. Its amazing what 5 years of therapy can do. It finally sunk in in that it was my way of thinkg that caused most of my problems if real life. have a great day
  24. nope lol you pay upfront would get ripped off a lot if the person paid after.
  25. rofl pull the knob too funny love the wrap up lol
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