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Walelu Summerwind

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Everything posted by Walelu Summerwind

  1. I love how your party hat matches your leather, buckles and straps! Well done ?
  2. Time dilation is a fact in SL.. one week feels like a month.. so I thing that time is subjective. I do believe that we are living in a simulation, but, that doesn't make our existence any less real..so lets add String Theory into the mix.. Realities are bubbles of existence.. and I'm thinking SL has its own string that makes it part of the reality membrane... RL is a simulation that looks more real.. but that doesn't make SL any less real.. and now I'm babbling. Time for bed ?
  3. I'm back from my night out.. still seems like Saturday night ☺️?
  4. Just one of those kinda nights... Led Zep blues.. ahhh yehhh
  5. Sundays are crazy too.. for me.. I'm off tomorrow too!!!?
  6. Hey Ceka.. the skin is L'etre and the hair is Tram.. and yessss! the best days on SL are Friday and Saturday night. Seems like everyone I talk to and dance with are buzzed (just like me!) Good times ?
  7. Last night.. getting ready to listen to some Blues and dance... SL on the weekends is amazing ?
  8. I played World of Warcraft this afternoon and took my avatar, Sukie, to Ashenvale with me. ?
  9. I dreamed this song all night last night.. Woke this morning singing it. I've listened to it about 20 times this evening SSsssooo I'm pretty sure it will be the background music for my dreams again tonight ? *Edit.. no video showed up. Is there a different way to post them? Anyway.. the song is Wild Mountain Honey by Steve Miller Band.. and why are the emojis different.. ? Did I miss something??? ?
  10. ...Just me and the cricket and my ol' buddy Jack ..
  11. OOOoooohhhhh! I love your hair..Is it mesh or flexi? I've been looking for good mesh natural curls since mesh first hit the big time. The texturing on mesh natural curls is hideous, so, I'm still using my curly flexi hair.. anyway, love love your hair!
  12. I hear Azeroth calling me back again! I'm off to Booty Bay
  13. Saturday night in SL!!! oh yeh.. cocktails and insanity!
  14. what am I listening too... it's not music! I'm stuck in a cursing parrot loop and I can't stop!!! This is one of the funniest cockatoo videos I've ever seen. Hope it makes you laugh
  15. I missed seeing my friend today (7 hrs time difference is a bi*ch). Perfect time for a photo op!
  16. Hi Robold, I am an artist in rl (and sl) I paint murals, make pottery and jewelry, write poetry and record spoken word poetry. At the moment, I'm creating a tarot deck which I hope to publish. If I see you on, I'll send you a hello
  17. Here's day 1 .. July 2009. Completely lost and terrifying to look at. The next one is a few months in. I was a real social butterfly at the trailer park and really getting the hang of Second Life (preggers and drunk!) Ah yeh, good times
  18. sh*t bird! sure with I was fluent in French! Thanks, Thorinll!
  19. Hello, forum friends.. I'm pretty sure that most of us have had friends who do not speak English well.. if at all. I was wondering if there is such a thing as a real time translator for use in IM. I have one that I got from mp several yrs ago, but, it can only be used in open chat. I've been having to copy/paste from an online translator and that is a real pain. Is there any help for me?
  20. This is :Spider Suite" by The Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra. It is animated by an amazing artist, Nina Paley... (death of the first born in ancient Egypt) So bizarre, haunting and insanely good!
  21. I've always loved the weirdness of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, especially the very eccentric and creative Viv Stanshall. (showing my age now! )
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