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Trinity Yazimoto

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Everything posted by Trinity Yazimoto

  1. Irene Muni wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: While I can only guess at it, my guess is that the ratio of the number of sales to page views is pretty dismal. I know I have abandoned many shopping attempts because of how poorly search works. It is too onerous and time consuming. I'd just wind up deciding to do with out what ever it was that I was looking for. As a consumer, totally agree, absolutely agree, deeply agree. As a merchant that is also a consumer (who isnt ?) i agree 200% lol. i can even say it in different languages if needed. Actually this is what im wondering everytime i come in the mp for looking for something. As a rl librarian i work on softwares all along the day with great performance in search, and everytime i come in the market place is just like im in a prehistoric search engine.... I just cant believe this one comes from USA lol....This is quite something unbelievable for me....:smileylol: So yes, Rodvik, add this to the list too pls
  2. coucou, c'est un bug connu qui est apparu au mois de septembre. Normalement, LL est en train de rembourser tous les marchants qui en ont été victime. Vérifie ton trans history à partir de ton dashboard, si ce n'est pas déjà fait, cela ne devrait plus tarder. Si tu ne vois rien venir d'ici quelques jours, je te conseille de soummettre un ticket à LL. (à partir de la secion help de ton dashboard). En compensation, LL a réactivé toutes les pubs en question gratuitement. esperons qu'ils ne vont pas nous refacturer ensuite. Par contre, bien sur, nous n'avons reçu aucune notification par email de ses remboursements, et ils n'apparaissent sur aucun livre de comptes de nos market place. Mais bon, tu peux au moins verifier sur ton trans history à partir de ton dashboard, que le remboursement à bien été effectué. tu peux egalement jeter un coup d'oeil à ce post des lindens http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Merchant-Update-October-2012/td-p/1704699, en reponse à nombre de nos questions sur le forum "merchants"... Réponse que nous jugeons bien sur très insatisfaisante, mais qui pourra cependant t'éclairer sur la résolution de ton problème en particulier. bonne continuation
  3. i must be missing smthing.... you say : " In addition to the above, the community raised the following issues which we are either investigating or evaluating the best way to address. Enhancements for “charging, cannot edit.” Price change problems with the cart. Listings that have the wrong photos. Merchants should be notified when a review is written. Categories should be reviewed and updated. Make preview image larger when editing a listing. Centralized reporting. Better association between a demo and a product. The ability for Merchants to merchandise their stores. Better sharing of products. A more detailed explanation of how search works." For a lot of this points on the list, isnt this the same song you are singing to us since several monthes now ? What is new ? Except you added some new points in the list, i dont see anything new on the deeds we are asking to u .... And your last sentence " Again, we appreciate your feedback!" sounds even as ironic to me.... If this is the way you appreciate our feedback, i think you didnt get the point .
  4. idk if this will help you, but i have this AO from Vista : Sweet chica Ao. ive noticed i have in the folder an short avatar's version. Ive never used it since my avi is normal sized, but i guess the short avatar's version could be what you are looking for. Its not a cheap AO but it worth the price. ive never regreted the price i've paid for. :smileyhappy:
  5. well so, i cant either have track of the refund i had this morning for an enhancement. i cant see it neither in my account/ order history, neither in my merchant home/orders/trans history, neither in my merchant home/report/orders. However, i had an answer to the ticket i submited this morning, with a not really understanble explanation lol. But well. Now i have an enhancement on, ive been refunded for it and i just hope i wont be charged again after this one will end at the end of the week...lol... sometimes i give up understanding things, they just look surnatural ....
  6. hi, so if i go in "my account" then "order history" i can see all of the page. But all of them are about what ive purchased and no about what ive sold. So nothing about the refund i had this morning for a non displayed enhancement i bought this summer. (ive writed about it here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/To-RODVIK-Request-meeting-with-Merchants-on-CommerceTeam/m-p/1704095#M28762 . then if i go in my "merchant home" / "orders" / "transaction history", here i see all what ive sold but still any track of the refund about the enhancement i got this morning. If i go in my "merchant home"/ "reports"/ "orders", here is the same, i see what ive sold but nothing about the refund. But i can see this refund on my trans history link from my dashboard. Obviously, they only display here and of course, prob, LL thought it was useless to send a notification by email for aware us. So maybe check your trans history from your dashboard for the latest days/weeks, maybe you will see here the notification about refunds for enhancements. Im afraid you wont be able to have more infos and explanations. Ive submit a ticket aswell this morning, and post in the mentionned thread in the forum to ask for explanation.... but well... i dont have a lot of hope i will get an answer.
  7. ok so let s have some fun ... this morning while i was coming with my chocolate and milk cup in front of my laptop to check my emails and my transaction history, i almost throw my chocolate on my screen lol. This is what happened. My transaction history displayed a refund of 399 l$ from the Market place. Since i dont have ANY enhancement on for now (bec, 1 of the one i paid for this summer never displayed, and after happened the mess with enhancement billings in september, i prefered to stop them for now and wait this is fixed). So first question : what 's the hell is that refund ? Since ive mentioned here ive paid for one enhancement this summer and it never displayed, and since Rodvik said to us kindly that he read this forum (but obviously can t post here), i thought "ok, they are refunding me for this enhancement they never displayed. So 2nd step i log in my MP page. Go in my enhancement page, assuming i would see here something about the refund. Here's when i almost throw up my chocolate.... my enhancement page, says that i have 1 enhancement on. I cant remember if this is for the same item precisely that the one has never been displayed but well, this one has been uploaded in the same period so i guess its this one. (my great memory, seems to say its not this one, but well, i can be wrong. so ok, lets say it was this one.) Right away, second question : why if you refund me, you have made this enhancement as active ? I wasnt aware that in commercial relations, so kind things could happen. But well. I wont complain for this indeed. then, i noticed i cant settle this enhancement to be not renewed. In fact i cant make anything on it. after checking my item page, i saw it was written as not renewing enhancement. So third question : What page may i trust ? So i checked the category said and yes my item enhancement is now displayed... (3 monthes after i asked for it....awesome...). So, i hope that you, LL , wont charge me again and again, weeks after weeks, for something ive asked only for 1 week in july or august. If you not aware, let me tell you, that we are now in october and i have new products, i dont need anymore to advertise for older products. If this a fix to replace the non displayed enhancement and on top you refund me, well, thanks for this. But i would like you send me an email to tell me, instead of making this a braintease for my breakfast. Due to the actual Mp situation, i m now worried to get stuck with having to pay this enhancement i dont want anymore for long weeks. This doesnt restore my trust for your enhancement system at all. and you will understand i will still wait some weeks before paying for another ones. Of course i filled right away a ticket asking for some explaination. But you see, LL guys, its not enough to fix a bug, you owe explaination too. Its already enough complex to manage a business with you, but if you refund/charge pp, then settle or not features, without explaination, since we are not soothsayers we cant guess what is your purpose. A simple email, explaining, you are fixing the not displayed enhancement and to apologize you even refund it to me, would have been really more clear than this braintease. btw, of course, i checked right away about my wrong displayed pics and well... these ones are still here and of course, in the 2 first pages, because they have special dispensation for relevance classification. Again, Rodvik, if this is a fix, im not complaining and i thank you for this. But your fix would have been really better with a lil explanation. You have to understand, that without it i cant guess for now if its a fix or a new bug. Without any explanation from you, only time will tell me. Your lack of communication is one of the biggest problem we have already pointed out in this thread. And see, maybe you have offered to me a fix for my enhancement issue, but i only can be suspicious about it, i cant believe it fully, just because i cant do it without any information. There is long time now, i dont believe in Santa Claus anymore.
  8. hi A friend of mine made the landscaping of my wonderfull garden. She's awesomely talented and she has affordable price. Im going to log inworld right away and ask her to contact you asap. Look in my profile picks, there is the LM of my land there. Take a look at the garden... you will see what i mean when say she's awesomely talented.... :smileyhappy:
  9. So now, Rodvik ? I think you can make already a list of what we like you do for the marketplace. So can you tell us, what are your plan ? Or will you leave this thread and our willings going to the forgoten crap ?
  10. yep ! our best mesh-a-hollic is back ! :smileytongue: And i have to confess its very very funny to see you in this topic... One of the first reproaches i would make to mesh clothes is precisely they make butt look fat ! Dont try to give me your long mesh merchants list, ive tried already quite all of them. My avi is not fat at all, she's well-proportionated and she has a normal ass on a normal thin body. But everytime i wear mesh clothes, whatever is pants, skirt or dress, omg.... my avatar looks like she has a big ass. I made myself my shape, with the proportions i want and i like my avi has. Its not for looking another way while im wearing clothes. If i ever wanted to look with a big butt, i would have make my shape with a big butt. But its not my willing. Like prims or layers, meshes have some advantages and some inconvenients. The only thing that they have more is they are new. The day something even more new will happen and will relieve meshes to the old style, i guess you will be here to tell everytime you will have a chance to do it, that yes meshes are crap and the new way to make clothes is so awesome that you dont know how you have survived before it. Im sure this will be funny anyway. :smileytongue:
  11. Rya Nitely wrote: ImaTest wrote: ETA: This is my subtle version of an adult telling a child to "say you're sorry" after he's hit a little boy because someone else hit him first. In other words, two wrongs don't make a right, and hurting someone else because you've been hurt is NEVER the answer. This is so much the way I see it that it's worth repeating. And as for camp 3 - This thread is NOT about what happened to Xavier. Anyone would have compassion for a merchant who experiences theft. But that is NOT the topic here. it's about what happened to Emuna, and the way Xavier treated her. So all this 'oh but be understanding because he was hurt' is a load of crap. I've read pretty much all of this thread and haven't seen one valid point in how Emuna could have 'handled it better'. Is she expected to be understanding and compassionate towards someone who is practically accusing her of theft? Nobody would be. Xavier forfeited his right to my compassion when he took his anger out another victim. Just like if a boy was bullied and he turned around and did the same thing to someone else, he would lose my sympathy. (bold are mine) Damn ! So this thread isn't about Xavier ? Xavier isn't involved in the topic ? Gosh i thought he was. Stupid me ! Since he's one of the 2 persons involved in the pb, i dont agree with you Rya. And no, this thread is not done to only condamn him. This thread has been started by Emuna bec she was revolted to have recieve a so rude email and was asking some opinions about it. Then Xavier came freely to join the discussion and to explain his point of view. We know all here that threads can start on something and quickly come to another point. There are 2 persons here and both are humans. Do you think that in such case, Xavier should have start a second thread ? and so the discussion has to go over 2 threads ? Stop kidding... this is not serious. They argued here both. Of course Xavier had a rude attitude and he attacked first. Emuna just defended herself. We all agree on this and noone is condamning Emuna for this, since we all condamn Xavier for his rudeness. Both were angry and both have reasons for this. Both have been tactless. Emuna's behaviour was legitim since she has been attacked. But in her legitim need to defend herself, she didnt saw that Xavier was talking so rudly because he was hurted by the fact he has been stolen. Now, after some days and since all have been said, i think its time to watch things with objectivity. Xavier said in one of his posts " Maybe I could have chosen my words better, but keep in mind...i had just learned that I was robbed. And it was not a small theft, it was major." The highlighted words mean that he aknowledge the fact that he didnt contacted her in the right way. Ok, he could have said it more clearly and i hope he will. We always learn from our mistake when we aknowledge them. Some people have already ask him to do it. On the other hand, Emuna's fault, is surely to not have consider the fact he was talking under the emotion. A simply "hey ! i know you are hurted ! but its a not reason to talk to me like this ! im not your enemy" would have been really better than bring Xavier here in front of a kind Forum's jury to be condamned. I see a lot of hypocrisis here. A lot condamn Xavier for his rudness, but how many of you would have Ima's wisdom if you find out you have been robbed ? I really would like to have this wisdom too, but well, since this never happened to me till today, i cant be sure. Again, of course, Xavier's rudeness is nothing but condamnable. his stubborness here too. But damn, lets just consider the fact he was talking under emotion... just like Emuna was too. We cant ask pp not be perfect and never do mistake bec noone is perfect and safe to do mistake.
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: I see the 2 camps a bit differently. Camp 1 - Sees Emuna's side, and not Xavier's. Camp 2 - Sees Emuna's side and Xavier's side, but think Xavier could have handled it better. Camp 3 - Sees Emuna's side and Xavier's side, but think they both could have handled it better. It took me hours to read the 16 pages of this thread (english is not my native language), and omg, i have now a hard migraine. If i had to choose a camp, i think that i would choose the 3rd one too. Im mediteranean, and trust me i know what anger means better than a lot of other pp. Im myself a hothead. But, i have for me the fact i know how to admit my mystakes and apologize for them. I think both are victims, i have full empathy for both, but i also think both has mistaken in some ways. Xavier, you have contacted Emula in a really harsh way and even worst, you have (i say you, but imho, its not only you but all the pp of your watchdog group) quite a bit get Emula's business reputation in danger. Slander someone is something as reprehensible as steal someone. The way you talked to her or about her in the forum is wrong and just insinuating shes so guilty as the thief even if you never said she's a thief. Then, i guess your anger made you say some silly things like "when you will make so big incomes like me you will be able to talk" to Darrius (not your original words but i ve read yours in this meaning). So yes, anger can make pp missing some objectivity and drive them to say silly things. Im sure you didnt think them this way. Maybe your words have been over what you was thinking. It would be something really responsible to come here and just tell us, ok, you were under the shock to have been stolen, you thought that everyone here wasnt trusting the fact you have been stolen (i think now, its clear that everyone trust you). and ok, you ve talken with too much hot temp. And you aknowledge the fact there was better way to handle this problem and to contact Emula, but you're just human. Now you will know. Emula, i know you felt scared first, and secondly wrongly accusated. This is something everyone can understand here and maybe it would have been better to answer directly Xavier before alerting the forum. I agree with you on the watchdog groups, nothing can be done good with this kind of things. Noone, in rl, is allowed to make justice by him/herself, and this for really great reasons, and i think, its same for SL. SL has TOS that have values of SL laws and the ones who have to make justice are LL themselves. But maybe you have stigmased Xavier a lil too fast. We know you were feeling wrongly accused. Just try too Xavier's shoes and imagine your anger then, if smth same happened to you. So all you need here is a lil empathy for Xavier too... he s been rude.. indeed... i could be the first one to condamn him for this... he has been stubborn in this forum too... but well... who knows how i (or you, or everyone else here, except the one who have lived this yet) would have reacted under the shock ? Ima told us he had a great behave, and i admire him for this (im sorry Ima, maybe you are a she, lol, sorry if i mistake), but we are not all Ima. So in the doubt its still better to not condamn. So maybe you could come here and just tell us that yes, youve been hurted, but so, you havent maybe seen Xavier's pain. You are both victims of this stupid and shameless thief, but it wont help you both to fight against each other. Best will be prob to keep in contact both and to see if you can bring some help in both parts. Maybe Emuna can help Xavier to bring the evidence to LL that he has been stolen, and maybe Xavier can replace some of the animation that Emuna had to delete for a cheap price. The interest is here. If you fight, you wont have nothing more than more anger and at last bitterness and you will be looser both. If you act like responsible adults and consider you are both victims so in the same camp, you will bring something to each other and you will be winners both. Of course this is more easy for me to say this because im not part of the argue and so i dont have any anger. I just try to bring you here an objective opinion. The one from someone that is also a merchant and also a customer and above all a SL resident that see this from the outside. When you are involved in a fight you just can see things with your subjectivity because it s the way it works. when you are not, you see things without any affectivity interaction. So, when its my turn to be involved, whatever the willing i have to beat my adversary to death, lol, i always keep an eye on outside pp opinions, bec with time, ive learnt they are more right at this moment that me when im angry. Im not asking you become both best friend forever, but just consider the fact you are both victims from the same persons and if you dont aknowledge the fact you are both in the same camp, the thief will be the winner.
  13. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Finally, having the weekly meetings is not mutually exclusive to the forum threads that we would like CTL to actively participate on. In fact I belive both should be deployed to enforce each other (i.e. to support those that cannot make the weekly meetings). BUT the critical reason for the weekly meeting is to restore a damaged relationship. Forum communications where the LL staff can hide behind a forum/blog are not as effective as face-to-face frequent communucations. ok, it seems that you know already a lot about this meetings and i will trust your experience. As long as the forum will be a second place for those who can't be there, i dont see anything bad in your proposition. I fully understand what you mean about the need to "restore the damaged relationship" and well, at least, it worth to be tried. Maybe you are right on the weekly regularity... maybe not.. but yes, why not try and see then ?
  14. After having read Faye’s latest post, i have some thoughts that i d like to share here. Of course, Rodvick is not exempted to read too. On the contrary. :smileywink: Faye told the loss of her inventory finally discouraged her totally. My first point is on how she already felt discouraged before because the competition is hard. At this point, id like to point out the fact a lot of creators are giving more money to sl than what they earn. Not because of the quality of their items, but you can have design skills and no skills at all for commerce. You can also be not able to enter the cheat game with mp reviews that consist in paying people for buying and writing reviews on your items. You have indeed some ways to make things a lil faster, with joining groups where you can send notices, but a lot of them allow you only for free things like mm boards, group gifts or freebie… That means, you will give away again and again, and as we all know here, on 100 pp that come for this purpose, you will get less than 10 that will purchase and come back. No need to say that you need regularity in this kind of work, if you want to keep having people coming in your inworld store and that mean at least 1 hour daily at least (and on top, its really not the funniest part of a creator job). You can also, in the way to boost your marketplace, buy enhancements, but they are really not cheap and when it happens that after paying you don’t see your items featured, well…. You know… So what keep this creators creating is their passion for creation. They like creating, whatever they sell or not. But in this case, if its just a matter of passion, why not sell items for free ? Well, creating cost money. First, every upload cost money indeed. But then, you need also to invest in materials. Textures if you cant do them yourself, prims if your not a prim builders, meshes etc… + machines, scripts, packages, vendors etc…. The bill doesn’t stop here. If you are enough lucky for having an inworld store, you need money for the tier…. So at the end of the month, well, you still have to put rl money in sl. But well, still better than giving items for free, indeed, your sl incomes are not enough to pay all what you have to pay, but they help greatly, so yeah, you can limit the amount of rl money you put in sl. I think this had to be said. Because a lot of people doesn’t know, or have just forgetting how it was before they make enough sl money to bring it back to rl money. That said. When we upload OUR creations in SL, I mean what we worked hard to create, we entrust them to LL for they store them in their server. LL can say whatever they wants in their TOS, imho, they are responsible about what we entrust to them. In RL, I manage a public library. In this one, we have a big room made for art exhibits. When we make art exhib, we are legally responsible of the paints and sculptures artists entrust to us. If sadly, one day, a hold-up happens, our insurance will pay the artists back for the damage. We won’t tell them : “ah sorry, you left your arts here, someone came in the night and stole all, and well, sorry, we can’t nothing for you…..” No, we won’t. So why didn’t LL helped Faye to estimate the amount of the damage for her, looking in her inventory, and checking her old transaction histories and refunded her, at least for a part ? This is not fair at all. And it wouldn’t be in any case, legal in France. LL, whatever you writed in your TOS, how can you be in peace with the fact that someone entrusted to you items she worked hard for, and because of a technical issue your servers have lost ? No matter what is in your TOS, this is just not fair. So, Faye I understand you have been discouraged, but im an incorrigible optimist. We cant fix the discouraged feeling. But I ve recently heard about an argue between 2 famous creators that is now in courts. The one who has been sued needed a lot of money for paying the court costs. Some creators made a tribute event for this person and they deed all the money of the sales to this creator. So would you be ok, for such thing ? And creators that read here the thread would you be ok for joining it ? I have no idea about what it could be. But well, its an idea, maybe with the money we could do, Faye would be able to purchase back a part of what she lost or at least to upload again her textures (bec LL is not ashamed to charge her for this a second time). I know, its not our job to fix smth we are not guilty for. But, in rl, when govs fail bec they prefer to pay wars than give money to medical research, isn’t what civil society does ? So well, just an idea. I know Faye is not a unique case, but at least shes the one we are aware now. So just think about this.. it can be another way (for example, some of us decide to deed a percentage of our sales for a limited time, idk, lets just be creative ) .. but I think solidarity isnt a vain word. Whatever the way we choose to express it. (since I think this topic is a lil different with the main one, but well, Rodvick told us he is reading this one, im not sure about posting here. So if you agree with the idea what about starting another thread on this specific topic ?) (Faye, you don’t have in any case, to feel not ease with the solidarity idea I explained, what happened to you can happen to every of us… so if we do it, its also for ourselves)
  15. i agree with you Medhue. This sound a better idea. First people who live far from San Francisco time zone, we be also able to be part of the discussion. Second, this will encourage people to discuss quietly and with more objectivity than in the fire of a live meeting. And third, because even the one who are not part of the thread, whatever the reason, will still be able to read and know what have been said by everyone who joined the debate. So yes, good idea. But both sides have to respect the contract, otherwise it will be useless . PS to Toysoldier : i know what you mean, but you have also to understand that not everyone is living in usa with us time zone. so unless this group are planning to work for 24 hours following, i dont see how this could be working in an equal way. i dont think europeans merchants are less important than us one (neither more), but will we be forced too to wake up during our nights for our voice will be heard ? and what propose Medhue is a regular meeting too, with both parts participation, but just the way is the forum and not a live meeting. So i still think his propostion is more equal.
  16. Ah, Rodvik, ... while we are having all your ears....i have also some other questions for you... --- Same as Toysoldier about the jira but well no need to say, indeed. --- Do you think your company looks credible when merchants pays for enhancements and they dont see the paid enhancement in the mp ? (this happened to me this summer, i didnt even deigned to submit a ticket, i have a full time rl job and i work for my sl business as a second full time job, so you will understand i have better to do with my time than going for a lost cause. but guess what ? ive stopped buying any enhancement and specially after reading in this forum about the billing issue that happened just after). --- And at last, please answer this, can you explain me by what miracle the items with wrong pic displayed in my market place store, that link to mp homepage and so that i cant sell of course are still (for 2 of them) on my first page in my mp store (classified with relevance filter) before already sold items and considering the fact that the wrong pics items has never been sold ??? Why ??? Is it a new definition for "relevance search ? "... i wasnt aware about this... Or does these wrong items/pics/links have special dispensation ? Are they excluded of the relevance order and appear in the first page no matter what they are sold or not ? Isnt this the obvious evidence that your relevance filter is some kind of doubtful classification ? what relevance is it for these 4 or 5 items with wrong pic displayed and linked to the mp homepage i have in my mp store ? Normally they should have been at the end of the list with the items never sold ... but no. i have 2 of them on my first page and 2 other ones in my second page (with relevance order asked). So maybe im dumb, maybe im missing smth, maybe im wrong on the definition of relevance classification.... but i want you to explain me pls.... because on top to still have this wrong (and for some of them, ugly) pics displayed since march 2012, they are in my 2 first pages ! so first seen. If you dont mind your company doesnt look serious and credible, i do mind my mp store look good and serious. Otherwise i wouldnt loose my time making adpics on the same style. --- Fix your search by relevance filter so. --- And if you have still some minutes after, check the review system that is obviously a cheated system btw.... Again Rodvik, thanks for your attention. I know we prob seems rude, but well, you waited 3 days to tell us you are reading us and that we are welcome to tell you what is wrong with mp.... and after 7 monthes, we still have wrong pics displayed on our store and above all in first pages and still not a simple word on this topic from LL... so yes, we want to cooperate with you, we want to help you telling you what is wrong with the mp, but we need acts and a lil more than a " ive read the thread, and my team and i keep reading it day after day". So i hope you will soon give us evidence you have intention to do your part of the job. I wish you good luck, the job to do is huge...
  17. Dear Rodvik, Toysoldier started this thread with an open letter to you on the 8th of october. You answered only on the 11th. In France we would call this the speed of a snail. But well, at least you answered and thank you for this. Compares to the time you are taking to fix the issue with the displaying of wrong pics in the market place stores that has been pointed out via this forum and the jira and even tickets since march 2012; well, indeed, this time, your answer came close at the light speed. But to be honnest, your answer doesnt tell much. Of course its already nice of you to tell us you and your team are reading us, but it wont be enough to fulfill us. We'd like to know quickly what are your intentions for making this market place working in a right way, and to beguin, when will we get delivery notifications, and when, finally, will these unrelevant pics disappear from our market place. Of course, there are a lot of others things to fix, but damn, ive never suspected that a company like yours could take more than 7 monthes to fix the issue with these wrong displayed pics on mp stores. For me, SL was a serious company, with competent team but after this, its not the way it looks. Really. So well, lets say you were so busy that you didnt notice that poor merchants was complaining again and again about this but now that you said yourself you have read the entire thread and you keep doing it day after day, so you can not ignore anymore this problem. So i think legitimate that we expect now a fix for this specific issue really soon (really soon doesnt mean at all 7 monthes more, i bet you have understood). @Toysoldier, thanks for having pointing out the mp issues and to have start this thread, i couldnt contribute before and add my voice to yours and to all the other pp who have writen here because of my busy rl schedule this week. So i wont add more, i think a lot have been said in a lot of these great posts i enjoyed reading. @Faye. ive been really sorry to read your story. Except the loss of your inventory, i can say pretty much the same than you on the remaining of your first post and yes i guess the inventorty drama added to all what you said before has been too much.. i cant even imagine how i would be in such case. Some merchants are enough lucky, and they deserve it by their work, to have enough incomes to pay all they expenses with them and even turn L$ in rl money, but the majority of us, have still to put rl money in sl to make our business running and so we need a lot of passion and trust in our sl creation work to keep standing up. But sometimes, even this is not enough.
  18. mtwtfss71 wrote: I totally agree. I've always wondered why so many designers only show one side (the front) of the clothing in their ads. I make it a point to always have all sides showing in both my Marketplace and inworld vendor images as well as the perms and what is included in the box and also the price on all of my ads. Sometimes, I'll design a piece of clothing that actually has more detail on the back than on the front. Why wouldn't I want to show it off? I agree with the OP. I won't buy anything that only shows one view. I've been burned and I refuse to do that to my customers, even though, yes, it takes a lot more work to do it. Great post. lol your post is excellent too.. you say in a better english than mine exactly what im thinking lol..even for the packs content, perms and price. so thanks a lot.:smileyhappy:
  19. Coby Foden wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: you can still go back to the old style shoes with invisible feet prims. they will hide your feet when you will wear your shoes w/o feet included. ... if you need any help for this or for invisible prims, contact me inworld, i can make the invisible feet prims for you. Invisiprims work only if shadows are not on in the viewer preferences. If shadows are on, then invisiprims loose their magic of hiding things and they hide absolutely nothing. So anybody wearing shoes with invisiprims will look very strange to a person who has turned shadows on. The feet are poking through the shoes. Invisiprims have also one disadvantage; when viewed against water, or against some semi transparent texture, we can see the inviprim's "shape halo". Not a nice sight. That does not happen with alpha mask. Thus, it's better to forget invisprims and go for alpha mask instead. hahahhaha.. i never said invis prim are better neither they are good ! but the op said : "Im looking for a shoe that doesnt require a Alpha to fit! Base etc is all fine, just hoping I can find some nice ones that will leave me alpha free!! " (bold is mine) so i just proposed to her an alternative for alpha. this doesnt mean i said invisble prims are perfect because i know they are far from being perfect. if you answer sm1 that asked how she can wear shoes without alpha saying "go for alpha mask instead." this wont help lol... btw, to the OP (Tegan), if your issue with alpha comes from the fact you cant wear more than one alpha layer at once, and you are already wearing one for another part of your outfit, know that in Firestorm viewer you can wear 5 alphalayer (or any other kind of layers) at the same time. So here is maybe your better fix.
  20. well my opinion, is that you should select your drawn tattoo by a color range selection or even using the mask tools.. but magic wands is not approprieted for this kind of work. if ur drawn is on a white or whatever color backgroud, just go in ur selection menu, then choose color range. touch the background menu for it settle it to this color, set fuzziness to the max. and say ok. then do a copy of ur layer and make the first one invisible. then press ur del key.. and you will get ur drawn alone on a transp background. i also advice u to crop then the layer to the size of the drawn.. or even better to select it by a ctrl clik on the icon layer and to make a brush from it, then you will be able to use it for everything you want. As i said u may contact me inworld, i can drive you while you doing it.. but well, i wont tell it again and again... explanations for pshop in a forum, while i cant know what u are doing at the same moment and so can t check if you do wrong or right are less usefull than direct explanation.
  21. hi, im sorry but must be my bad english, i cant get exactly what you mean. i prob can help you but i will need to know more. So if you want, you can im me inworld and show me what is your pb. (if im not online, send a nc better, my ims are often capped, i will go back to you as soon as ill be logged)
  22. hum, i cant be online bec im at rl work.. but if i rem well, an alpha layer is a lil more complex than a simple transp layer. At least if you use the alpha layer. u can use this trick for any clothing layer but, indeed, you will see your skin under the transp clothe. contact me when im inworld. i can make ur alpha layer for you, and there are even alpha layers pack with all kind of them. ive a folder such like this, but i cant rem now if i found it on the mp or inworld and even how much i paid for it or if it was free. but once ill be online i can check this if you need. so let me know inworld if you still need help with this or not.
  23. you can still go back to the old style shoes with invisible feet prims. they will hide your feet when you will wear your shoes w/o feet included. btw, you have to know also, that Firestorm viewer can support till 5 alpha layers worn at the same time. So if you need to wear other alpha layers on your body , you still can wear the one for your shoes. For this you have to right clik on the item in your invent and select "add" instiead of "wear". if you need any help for this or for invisible prims, contact me inworld, i can make the invisible feet prims for you.
  24. i think there is a buton for this on the top menus. i cant tell u wich one bec im at rl work for now and unfortunately firestorm doesnt want to run on my work pc grrrr but... you should join Phoenix and Firestorm support group inword. There you will find an answer to your question for sure. there is always someone to help there. good luck
  25. well, i never tried to create make up for now.. but could it because of the size of your pshop file ? what is the size that you are using for your file and did you tried to raise it or lower it ? sometimes it helps.
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