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Ashlyn Voir

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Everything posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. So many racists coming out the wood work. Now I know who to avoid even on SL.
  2. Nice straw man. See, that’s the type of stuff I’m taking about. Always make it about other people and derail from the actual issue, but go off or whatever. I’m gonna stick to my own kind who are like me, don’t have time for stupidity anymore. Goodnight.
  3. I thought more people would have been outraged with Trayvon or Tamir Rice...I mean...those were kids. Like...didn’t no one protest when a black girl (a child) was body slammed by a cop or another little (a child) black girl beaten...or old black ladies being beaten or black women getting their throats slashed. Smh. Everyday I see there’s a protest and everyday there’s a freaking helicopter flying over my house. It’s crazy. But, I just low key feel like people are using this man’s death to just get out and do something, you know? I mean, you figure most people are out of work or have nothing to do because of the pandemic. So, this rallying is basically just for them to do something when I mean..stuff has been going on for a hot minute. I mean, you an I lead totally different lives and have totally different perspectives, but hey that’s life.
  4. Ok... here’s my honest opinion and it might upset a lot of people and for that I apologize but it’s how I feel. This simply just isn’t your fight. I know many whites and non-black POCs are rallying for the whole BLM movement, but it really isn’t your fight. I’m not saying y’all can’t be an ally and I’m not saying that y’all can’t protest because that is your right as an American citizen. I’m more likely to be targeted than a white or Asian or hispanic/Latina woman. But, people want to make this an all lives thing. And all lives do matter, but based on actions and history...black lives don’t. This country is too far deep in a history filled with violence and hatred. I used to be a straight up black supremacist. Like. I’m talking hated anyone who wasn’t black. But, I appreciate non-black people attempting to show me some kindness and I learned to open my mind much more than I did. I welcome other races in my personal life or social circles if they want to be. but, I mean that’s not going to change my experiences or deep thoughts. I dunno what I’m trying to say, really. On one hand I know people want a change but all of this seems so convenient especially during this whole pandemic. I mean why now do people want to go so hard all of a sudden when this has been going on for centuries? It just seems like there’s an agenda or people using this as some sort of Coachella experience just to leave the house. Or people using this as a means to bring attention to their own people. I dunno. Do people really want true equality...and lose their privilege? That’s my question. I mean, people can preach all day, but realistically black men are more likely to be incarceration. Black women are more likely to be single and unmarried. Black children are more likely to live in poverty. Black on black crime is an issue. Or...the racial wealth gap between blacks and whites. Life doesn’t stop for us just because people want to rally and protest when nothing has changed. It would be helpful to change the way the system is and build up the black community. It would be helpful to educate people who are more set in there ways and make them see another perspective. But, I’m cynical and I don’t think anything will change due to all of this. It’ll happen again, I’m sure.
  5. Oh, I gave you an intelligent answer. Too bad you think being called a bigot is name calling? You should wear your hatred as a badge so black people know to avoid you. I was informing people who may not know—not you since you claim to already know so much— on racial violence against blacks. Also, black history is American history. I was informing you on that, sweetie. I don’t speak for all black people and while some may want help from their non-black allies, some of us think the entire thing is honestly a backhanded agenda. I’m on the more militant side of things and I honestly don’t care whether or not white people or non-black POCs support us. All I care for is for black people to stand as one and start rebuilding our own community instead of being dependent on other races and losing ourselves in the process. As I said, I don’t speak for all black people. Some actually love the idea of coming together as one, especially those in interracial relationships. You can’t expect to get an answer you’re looking for from one black person and assume that’s how the rest of us think as well.
  6. Dude, I don’t even follow BLM. Does it look like I know everything about BLM or speak on behalf of BLM just because I’m black? Don’t do that, see now you just really irked me and I’m sorry but you sound like a bigot. Unlike most people, I don’t center white people and I don’t give a damn whether or not you support me or my people. That’s on you. You’re grown. Whether or not you want to is not my issue. _____ All that stand together BS just ignores the straight up racism against black people in this country. Period. And, I’m also getting tired of everyone using our movements to make it about themselves. When the shootings happened at synagogues for example, people showed their support for the Jewish community and gave donations and not make it about themselves. But, E V E R Y single time when it comes to black Americans and we want justice for our people, everyone has to make it a POC issue even though many non-black POCs absolutely hate black people. It’s like people want to ignore the real black truth and sugarcoat it with other propaganda to derail from the reality.
  7. And, my apologies for rambling but it should not have to take for whites being attacked or killed or harmed by the police for [white] people to wake up and get something done. People don’t even see black people as human, so many don’t even care about what happens to us. At all. Matter of fact, people labeled us as sub-human for centuries. It’s only when it’s happening to whites is when something will most likely be done and that’s even more infuriating because I know it will happen again and again to more and more black people before one day many of us become tired of it all together and then a racial war happens.
  8. And, I mean this with no shade, but it is not our duty as black Americans to teach white people or non-black people of color how to be accepting or not racist or how to support black people. Google is there for a reason. Always educate yourselves. Period. Also, being so immersed in your privilege to be so blinded by the reality of this country should say a lot. I’m not even done listing things: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School-to-prison_pipeline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism
  9. I enjoy watching her videos, but compared to another black female YouTube who I prefer and am more in tune with more, she’s very PG and more so caters to everyone. She’s not as radical which works for her, I suppose. I don’t know why people are so surprised at American racism towards black people. I can name a slew of incidents. I’ll happily link them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/16th_Street_Baptist_Church_bombing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_1918_lynchings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Trayvon_Martin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Martin_Luther_King_Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan (Still active, might I add, and not considered a terrorist group. Not the only white supremacy group either). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Laura_and_L._D._Nelson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Michael_Donald https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newberry_Six_lynchings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_race_riot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omaha_race_riot_of_1919 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1920_Duluth_lynchings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching_of_Thomas_Shipp_and_Abram_Smith There are so much more, by the way. I could go on. Also, for those of you outside the “United” States, please take a gander at this to learn a little more of the history of this country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel_show https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_representation_in_Hollywood And, also if there’s a film I can recommend for you all to watch, it’s called Bamboozled by Spike Lee.
  10. I was binge watching Switched on Netflix, but I finished it, so now I’m sad. 😭 I’m still on episode 418 of Naruto Shippuden, but for some reason I don’t have the mind energy to watch the rest lol.
  11. No one said all lives didn’t matter and I’m getting sick and tired of people trying to use that straw man as a means of ignoring the racist history this country and the world has towards black AMERICAN people for CENTURIES. This goes beyond just America. Black people have been treated poorly by every other race including non-black POCs for a long time. And, every time us as black Americans wants to start a movement, everyone feels the need to join in and make it about themselves and it’s this BS is why I only rather deal with my own people because it’s clear to me this BS will NEVER STOP. Ever.
  12. It’s wishful thinking, to be honest. There are children who are taught to be racist and as they get older, many times don’t break away from that mindset. So, unfortunately to be realistic, it will never go away. And, even if by some miracle racism went away, there would still be something people will find to find themselves more superior over another.
  13. Well, that’s the beauty of social media and smartphones. We can film people showing their true colors. The funniest thing about it is that these same people are usually every day people. Coworkers, classmates, etc.,
  14. Thank you guys so much and everyone else for your words. I like to talk to my mom and sister a lot about racism in America. How...this country was built on violence and hatred. Even when I learned the truth about Christopher Columbus and what he did to the native population or when the pilgrims did, I got angry. And, now there’s the blatant murder of black Americans even before all of this. I read so many things about our history of the treatment of black Americans, and I think everyone should educate themselves as well.
  15. As my mom says, racism is passed down from generation to generation. It will never go away. I’m slowly trying to open the idea to trying to trust other races again, but it’s a learning process. When I see people like even Breonna Taylor or Atatiana Jefferson...I get angry. When I see black girls and women getting beaten and killed by not only police, but racist civilians...I get angry. I’ve noticed a lot of people especially on Twitter bringing straw man arguments in this whole ordeal talking about black on black crime and such, but what people don’t realize is how a lot of that stems from systemic racism and being made to hate ourselves. We have to remember there are still old people alive who went through Jim Crow and a lot of those [racist] people still have influence over the country and its people. So, I mean realistically it might never ago away.
  16. And, a lot of SecondLife users are white or just non-black and clearly so based on their words. Thankfully the death of George Floyd brought out hidden racists. And that I’m grateful for.
  17. Whether or not you like me isn’t an issue. A lot of people don’t. But, I think these series of events has shown this country has never really left 1619.
  18. These forums are very PG and how I feel about everything is not so PG. Plus, it’s also not politically correct and I will be honest to say my experiences RL or online with whites and other non-blacks have been awful. Period. I remember being in Jacksonville, FL with my big sister. We we’re riding around and a [white] cop pulled us over for the tail light being out. But, his demeanor came off bigoted. You can feel when someone hates you. I was already in fear because I remembered what happened to Philando Castro. I remembered what happened to Trayvon Martin. I remembered what happened to so many black people before that. I didn’t want to be another black girl killed by the hands of a police officer or non-black person and be stereotyped or have the media trash my name. I’ve experienced racism ever since I was a little girl. I remembered being called the n-word to my freaking face by someone I had considered to be my best friend. I remembered being denied jobs or opportunities simply because I checked ‘black’ on an application even when I was qualified. I remember my sister having a white police officer pull a gun on her during a domestic violence situation when she was the ONE WHO CALLED FOR HELP. THEY DON’T give a damn about our lives. Period. I remember being left racist hate comments in my inbox back when I used to be on deviantART and Tumblr. I am used to being followed in a store because people assume I’m going to steal or think I have little money. When my dad died, the white ambulance had a freaking smirk on their faces. I am used to non-blacks talk down to me like I’m an idiot because they feel they’re superior or think I know nothing when I know so much. And, quite frankly I’m sick and tired of it. Apart of me even felt the same hate towards non-blacks a white supremacist would feel for me. But, I knew all that hatred wasn’t healthy. To see my people being continually dragged and to see people have the nerve to talk about other countries and what they deal with...when we can’t even get our country together sickens me. This country has no right in policing others when this is the same country that had four white supremacists bomb a church and killed four little black girls. The same country where a white supremacist kills 9 church members who welcomed him in with open arms. The same country who voted in a racist and fascist president because his entire campaign was based on hatred and violence. This country was NEVER integrated. We were assimilated. We were desegregated. But NEVER truly integrated.
  19. I won’t even put my true and honest opinions on here for the simple fact I know I’ll piss a certain group of people off. But, I think these series of events really brings out the true colors in certain groups and all the more of a reason to protest more or to just simply avoid those people. It also highlights how this country was never truly integrated even though teachers and history books say otherwise.
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