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Ashlyn Voir

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Everything posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. ***** you know you love me. You love me so much you reference me in every post. ❤️
  2. You know what will get rid of Covid? If we could make a Psycho Ray.
  3. Seriously, where are you guys? I need people I can relate to.
  4. Our worlds are vastly different. Of course you won’t get it, lmao.
  5. Way to dismiss racism as just a 'women's issue's when black women and white women do not get treated the same lol.
  6. I’m talking about America. I have no clue what goes on in the UK and I’m sure there are names BW are still called to demote as a stereotype. Some people are truly unaware due to ignorance. It’s not your fault. I had seen someone talk about calling certain women ‘Karen’ and I see a lot of people getting really upset at it when black women and other women of color of been called derogatory names for decades.
  7. White women get mad at being called Karen, but been calling black women Shaniqua and Shanaynay for decades along with tons of other things that are far worse to actually be called. Guess they don’t like when it happens to them, lol.
  8. I’m currently changing my gender and sexual orientation to ‘it’ and ‘troll’. Don’t think my boyfriend will be too happy about this decision, but the owner of the forums told me so.
  9. Every situation can be mediated, but people—especially older people—keep their opinions about things instead of trying to open their view and actually listen without their bias getting in the way. So, it is what it is.
  10. Don’t all you old people have something else to worry about?
  11. Somehow calling me an it is supposed to get a rise out of me? Go on pretending to rule the SL forums you old ass *****.
  12. Guess I’ll have to block most of the users on the forum then.
  13. It’s a black thing, so not a lot of people on this forum will get it.
  14. I see it a lot in these forums and I think it needs to be addressed. There’s a lot of biased behavior and targeting towards users going on here, and no one really talks about it. When one person is already alienated and made to feel they can’t post on a PUBLIC forum, mind you. That’s what the ignore feature is for, but many users here get away with completely targeting people in order to get them into trouble.
  15. There could be better effort put into other things 😄😂 and aww those sock puppets are cute :3
  16. Huh? What are you talking about? I’m not the only person who takes edited photos or photos in general. It was a general statement about a simple pet peeve, I wasn’t just referring to myself or anyone. Y’all really finna pick a fight out of no where and make it seem like it’s me. What the...?
  17. Tell me about it. I guess certain people can be as passive aggressive as they want to be, but don’t like when it’s done to them. I don’t even have the energy to deal with that mess, the world is already screwed up lmao. I’ll just use the block button again psh
  18. I wasn’t referring to you, but go off Karen. Don’t you have a manager to yell at? Smh, y’all really looking to finna start with people for no reason but call them trolls. Y’all trippin lmao
  19. I wish people would stop having this weird hate towards people who Photoshop their SL photos. I mean, it’s not real photography. As someone who takes RL photography as well, it’s always better to have a raw photo or one with minimal editing. But, like, I dunno man that makes sense to me. But, SecondLife is just a game. It’s nice that you take raw photos but there’s no need to hate on people who don’t.
  20. That’s like saying “Such and such wants a new iPhone, but doesn’t have the means to do so.” You don’t NEED it, it’s a want. And, you’re aware of there being a free or cheaper alternative, but you don’t care about that because you WANT that iPhone. Same concept goes here. No one is entitled to anything on SecondLife and all the hard work from content creators is just that. Hard work. They don’t have to make it free and those who make things free are doing it out of genuine kindness. The fact you liked my last post makes me think you’re underaged. Just under speculation. I’m not accusing you. It’s just in the past most people who complain about not being able to afford things in SL are usually underage. There are free items and you can always make your own shapes as well.
  21. Bruh...how old are you? SecondLife is not a necessity and is honestly a free game that you basically make in-game purchases like IMVU. You don’t NEED anything in this game. If you don’t have the money for items then too bad. Guess you’ll have to buy it like everyone else. No one is entitled to anything especially on something like SL. Psh.
  22. Was feeling down but I’m better now 💜
  23. Aww looks like you're having a lot of fun 😍❤
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