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Ashlyn Voir

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Everything posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. Red lining does still exist. They’re just more sneaky about it by using legal loopholes and the credit system. Yeah. So. Bruh. It’s still a white supremacist society. Oh, I am young. And many of us young black people have very much educated ourselves. We aren’t our ancestors and we won’t stand around and not call people out either. Oh, and to help end the “well black people have xyz”, I’ll burst your little ignorant bubble to tell you that shiz don’t matter, bruh. Because, at the end of the day we still a you know what to a white supremacist society and they don’t give a damn about how much education we have or money. If you are so blind by the fact you think everything is so damn peachy, then there’s no fixing you. You’re racist and you refuse to really acknowledge that. So, me constantly replying to you is a waste of my time when I’m basically talking to a brick wall.
  2. Oh my goodness. No. That’s not the point. Jesus. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has nothing to do with just BLM or George Floyd or what have you. This goes way beyond that. Way beyond that. When I say white supremacist infrastructure, I’m talking things like red lining. I’m talking things like FBI taking down the Black Panther party when the Ku Klux Klan still operates. I’m talking about why are there 36 active neo-Nazi groups in my home state. I’m talking why a young black person has a lower credit score than a white person even if they’ve done the same things. Or why realtors will work more with a poor white family than a black one. Or why a white school is funded better than the black one even though they are funded by the same people. Or why black babies were fed to alligators during slavery. Or why when ever I walk into a store I’m being watched constantly. Or why there are so many abortion clinics in black neighborhoods. Or how white supremacy broke the black family structure. Police brutality is just a legal way of basically a modern day lynching.
  3. I bet the racist forum members will listen to her because she’s white, but black people been saying the same thing and no one listens to what we have to say without passing it as being a black supremacist or saying well other lives matter blah blah blah.
  4. But are we systemically oppressing people and benefiting off of a white supremacist infrastructure? Nope. I can’t be racist. But you are, though.
  5. Calling me bitter is racist. I’m not some bitter black girl who doesn’t know about outside of the U.S. But, continue using straw man arguments to silence us. And, I’m also not racist and can’t be. I don’t benefit from a white supremacist system, but you do even in your own country.
  6. That right there is why you or people like you will NEVER EVER learn. Maybe it’s because you’re old AF and stuck in your ways, but there are white people who are middle aged and learned to open their eyes. So, maybe it’s just you. I never said I don’t acknowledge other races, but right now this isn’t about that. These constant straw man arguments to derail the situation or take the mic away from American black people who are tired of the BS and history of a violent white supremacist infrastructure is why I’m going to call anyone who disagrees with that a freaking racist. Asians get treated than we do in this country. Latinos/Hispanics get treated better than we do in this country. Even Native Americans get more respect than we do in this country. And, yeah they might have racial biases aimed towards them, but they at least don’t have people telling them to basically shut the hell up when they speak out on it like everyone does when us black AMERICANS speak on it. And, I implore you to read these articles because people don’t even feel for us at all. You took the humanity out of you to where our words mean absolutely jack ___. So whatever. I don’t got time to wake up people who don’t want to and pull the fake BS smile in your face and “ooo I want racism to stop blah blah blah” but really don’t want to because they know they’ll lose their privilege. I ain’t your damn slave, you ain’t massa and I don’t have to explain everything to you. That’s that privilege right there. You expect me to go out of MY way to show YOU. Psh. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=RPSwvZk4nPA&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXJJeXV4RW5wQ3F1Vl90UVVEWlM1TmZRUGY2d3xBQ3Jtc0ttVXlzQXIwSkEtdE1sZVZBZFVoa1ZLX2dKTzlCTXFqOGtFQV9wMXB5dVVnSElMZl95NE4xMGN5S0dranZBZlkwWjItbndiVHF6RkpnYzVtOHhSSzJSYmtkWG56QUhoM3YxR3dXd0xXcnZhMFVZaUp6SQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Fblogs.miaminewtimes.com%2Friptide%2F2014%2F02%2Fblack_babies_used_as_alligator.php https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=RPSwvZk4nPA&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhaazlVdTRQTjN5QU1SNkU0MXFwazdURnEwUXxBQ3Jtc0tuS1dlcmkzMWlGNXcyMWZiLXllT0VOVEhBcVVXWkVUcnk3VEswcnFkS0RRRmw5bDUzSHJiM0NFejhQTGtkYW5zRkxvSHlYMFFhdDdya3NSQnJTOE5hcE9JLU9jU1ZyY1liNHVUamdOcXVUZDcxdW5zOA%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Flibjournal.uncg.edu%2Findex.php%2Fijcp%2Farticle%2Fview%2F249 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=RPSwvZk4nPA&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnQ2cE9kX0ZRc2Z6QTVhTnJXNHhnY1o1cFJuZ3xBQ3Jtc0trWXJOZ0tzdFkzaFVIT1NXLThmclduS1FIemZCTzRLbnUzNXVJeTFYOXd2T2xtN21kbTFocUN4VTNvRjZhZzJzVjBDejhSRDQ1OTNFbzFUVENiZlZWeWRFN3NIR0NNUFBuLTJYMXJqajdkT1VVbm52TQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.archive.org%2Fweb%2F20150509111514%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fdisinfo.com%2F2014%2F11%2Fwhite-people-bet-dont-black-friends%2F https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=RPSwvZk4nPA&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbXhjZHFSVHM1NElMVFFVQ0lIZ3V3bTFSakt4QXxBQ3Jtc0tuMTdtcUpwaUtXOVRfNExnWXdGMHFHZ2Q5c2x0Zk1oOU1Gdkh5WlNNR0NTdHdxc1NaaEJmSHZVaElWVHQ2Ukw4MDUwLWNWMjJHSlJzcmk3VjJ2a0x5MXpORUFRa1JhOGhDZmQtT3AwNnVoNVJuSnQ5QQ%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC3108582%2F https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=RPSwvZk4nPA&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVBRTHBTclVXWHZtUElQcDZwWWpvdHBpeVl3Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuS1VpSE9XVGdzTG1zVlpHOTlBWW5zU01ENjBEQlB3ckdEaGplZWdXS0ZXM0xBSTVVRnhoQ2pHdHZHaVJXUzRPaW1TQjNKZWhYSFI0bDZBNnVWNFJ3bW5BVDN1QVl0TTgwVXZKVGJveDBKQk9TOElQaw%3D%3D&event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2010%2FHEALTH%2F05%2F27%2Frace.empathy%2F
  7. Then focus on your country and we’ll focus on ours. You’re still a bigot tho 😙🥰
  8. You’re racist AF. I’m not even apart of the BLM movement and I’ve been talking about this stuff before the whole thing blew up like...bruh. You’re a bigot and racist AF and refuse to see it. You’re blind lmao. You need to focus on how your country is racist and always has been toward aboriginals. Like boy bye lmao. You’re a racist 😂🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
  9. Aww, is it hard to accept you’re a racist bigot? It’s okay, take deep breaths.
  10. If I have to tell you then you already lost lmao. Smh Seren is so right.
  11. At the end of the day, it’s not my job or any black persons job to teach white people how to admit they’re racist and grew up in a white supremacist society that benefits them to this very day. And, ultimately change to realize this is what it is and grow from it. So, if you want to continue being a racist and living in denial for the rest of your life because it makes YOU feel COMFORTABLE, then that’s on you.
  12. See, I really respect and like you a lot for that. For being able to not get upset for my feelings or my outlook on life. You’re a real ally to me. Someone who is able to see it for what it is and admit to that fact. So many people will make excuses as if they don’t benefit from white supremacy, but people who realize that and do make changes to themselves is who I really respect and you’ve earned mine. Thank you. You can still have black friends and still be racist. You can have sex with one, date one, or what have you and still be racist. I slept with and had white boyfriends who were racist AF. So, that argument means nothing to me. This goes beyond police brutality. This is on some global stuff and I’m tired of people like you using straw man fallacies in order to shut us black people up because you don’t want to face the reality that you benefit and grew up in a white supremacist society. Even if you don’t directly see it, even if you claim you’re not like other white people blah blah blah, you still benefit from it. So, it changes nothing if you can’t admit to it. You’re a racist and I’m sure you’ll continue to be that way until you teach yourself to unlearn it. https://youtu.be/RPSwvZk4nPA
  13. A lot of the non-black people protesting and supposedly showing their ‘support’ doesn’t seem genuine at all. This goes beyond police brutality. How many non-black people even really interact with black people outside of professional environments or on a real personal level? Most people don’t even interact in the game and let alone I doubt IRL. Just seems like something to make them feel less guilty for so many centuries of dissonance.
  14. Why doesn’t anyone talk in SecondLife? It’s honestly like a glorified IMVU. No one says anything and everyone seems so stuck up. Honestly, I get the feeling I keep being ignored on SL because my avatar is black. I dunno. Went to the Hello Kitty waterpark thing and everyone just seemed rude.
  15. This thread just really highlights the divide and ignorance I think a lot of people have. And, realistically no one is ready for real change. Prejudice and racism has been here even before Christ, if you believe in the Bible anyway. So, what makes us think it’ll ever go away now? It won’t and I know it won’t. Ever. Just from this thread alone, I can tell a lot of people here really probably never deal with black folks on the daily or really ever interacted with a black person outside of work or school. That’s no shade, just an observation. We’re more likely to deal with white people as black people than the other way around. So...I mean. It is what it is. Realistically people don’t really listen to black Americans when it comes to racism until a white person starts talking about it. And then, people begin to derail the argument with making it about other people. As I said, NO ONE SAID all lives didn’t matter. NO ONE SAID they didn’t care about the injustices that happens to other races or cultures. But, every time we as black Americans talk about something that pertains to us, everyone wanna jump in and put their own two cents or make it about themselves. And, it further buries the issue at hand.
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