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Ashlyn Voir

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Everything posted by Ashlyn Voir

  1. On OWN they showed a really good segment on #DarkGirls and I just want people to show appreciation toward black girls and women. I’m so glad to see more people being more open to seeing a different perspective other than their own. And, yes I know people are tired of us Americans acting as though we “make everything about ourselves”. But, black history is so ingrained in American culture and I see nothing wrong talking about it or making others aware. Other counties as well as ours has a history of anti-black racism. Black history is American history. Although, even after our ancestors were “freed” we were still slaves without the shackles. I’m just so glad many of young people in my generation and what not are so much more outspoken and more aware than our elders. And, our elders did pave the way, but got so comfortable and stopped fighting. And, the racism was still there. It’ll always be there, but the more people we can educate and bring awareness, the more hopefully it’ll make a change.
  2. Thank you so much for posting this and Happy Juneteenth. ❤️ BLM and other black activists have been not only bringing more awareness to the institutional and systemic racism in this country, but so far change has been happening. Here’s a post on Tumblr highlighting that: https://saatooriii.tumblr.com/post/620570169293619200/what-have-the-protests-accomplished There is still a lot that must be addressed and must be done, but so far I think people are starting to wake up and become aware.
  3. By the way, just because you’re a POC doesn’t mean you can’t be anti-black. And, this isn’t Dead By Daylight, or FN, or LoL, or what have you. GG my left buttcheek lol.
  4. Lmao this dude is trippin. He's the same person who compared the Klan to BLM. I cannot. 😂😂😂
  5. Well of course you’d have support on the opposite side, I mean...the Christchurch shooter had neo-Nazi supporters too from 8Chan. 🙃 I can vent because I am black and it affects me more than you so...? Your point? You don’t have to like me, I hate you too. Very much. But, you or others like you don’t matter to me anyway so. Lol.There are people who agree and open their eyes to see the truth too. Stay blind.
  6. Some posters here are lucky the demographic for SecondLife forums consists of mainly white and middle aged people. If it were Twitter they would get ripped a new one and cancelled, which is the only time I support cancel culture. The blessing of social media is being able to really see how a lot of people think and also realize how many hidden bigots there were.
  7. Omg same. I’m from the north and at least I’m the south they’re a little more in your face about it than the north where they smile in your face, but know they don’t really like us.
  8. More or less it still doesn’t make it any less worse. It still doesn’t make a difference like I said.
  9. Talking about racism or what not has been really stressful and tiring for me. As much as I’d like to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist...as much as I’d like to just live my life not thinking twice about it; me being me can’t run away from it. It’s everywhere. It affects my everyday life. All because of the race I was born. Something out of my control and something I had no say so in. And, I get for many people it can be an uncomfortable subject. It’s like a fly that won’t go away and just hoping by ignoring it maybe somehow it’ll disappear. But, we all know that hasn’t and never will work. I grew up in one of the most racist states in America. Like I said, my home state has 36 active neo-Nazi groups in it and studies show my home state ranks near the lowest when it comes to racial equality when it comes to economics. Moving to anywhere else wouldn’t make a difference. I’d still face racism. Direct or not. One thing about white privilege is not having to think twice about your race being a factor in the many institutions in this country. I’ve dealt with so much prejudice and bigotry since I was a child. And, at many times hated myself because I felt grass was always greener on the other side. I feel like a lot of the activism as of late as been a performative act and not genuine in the slightest. However, I’ve also seen people who truly want change and truly see how we feel. So, not all hope is lost. Either way, all this has been really exhausting.
  10. The same also holds true with breast cancer and other diseases or illnesses. The problem is so many already hold this implicit bias towards black people to begin with and it holds true for other forms of institutions in this country. People will fight us tooth and nail on how they don’t have white privilege or how they don’t benefit from anti-black racism or hold anti-black beliefs themselves (this holds true for non-black “POCs” too).
  11. When people charge for demos. I’m sure they have their reasons, but I just find it highly annoying especially if I don’t end up liking said item. Every linden counts lol
  12. That’s very true. It’s just really a shame how a lot of people really don’t want to listen to us or silence us.
  13. The video isn’t that long for a TL;DR. — Also, one thing my dad told us before he passed is the last war will be a race one. I believe it.
  14. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/akron-canton-news/akron-police-release-images-of-suspect-vehicle-in-nakia-crawford-homicide-investigation https://www.voanews.com/usa/race-america/california-investigates-hangings-2-black-men Other reports of black and brown people being killed and lynched recently or shot to death by suspected white supremacists. Stay safe like I said. I don’t want to be the next victim either.
  15. In my home state alone there are 36 active neo-Nazi groups in it and just recently a hate crime happened here. I’ve also been seeing a lot of reports of lynchings just this past week. Stay safe.
  16. The fact there are people on this thread who can deny they have white privilege just because they had to “work hard” shows their actual white privilege and how little race affects their day to day lives unlike ours. Because a poor struggling white person still has more privilege than even an middle class or upper middle class black person. Period. The constitution was meant for YOU. It was written for your people. Not mine. My people were still in shackles and chains when that was signed. Again, this country whether you want to accept it or not was built and remains on a violent white supremacist infrastructure. Again, y’all are racist and until you teach yourselves to unlearn that, then that’s on you.
  17. Omg thank you so much for actually listening to me. This post on so many levels right now
  18. Bare face challenge thingy I did and one with all my appliers and add ons. Both unedited/ Wearing my Genus head because why not lmao.
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