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Stella Carver

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Everything posted by Stella Carver

  1. Felix Wagstaff wrote: Dear Stella, We 100% agree. You can get banned for anything without reason. However - the case is that you should not be allowed to put down an anti-LLCS reason in your covenant or in your rules. That is a direct attack on Linden Lab, telling them that we do not give an eff about your abuse report systems and in fact we will ban anyone using this system or who uses your Linden Viewer for that matter. Abuse Reporting is a serious thing and involve a relationship between you as a legal person and Linden Labs, where you report another legal person for breaking the terms of service or - as in my case - the US federal law. Scaring people away from using this channel by threatening with repercussions should they use exercise their right to use the system - is in my humble opinion a very bad thing to do. A bit like saying "sure you can complain about the service received in our supermarket, but just know that we will NEVER let you buy milk again anywhere!". Felix Yeah, but not really. It's more like saying, "We know you have the right to AR people, but we've had a reall problem with it here, so if it happens here and we know about it, we will ban you." If I found myself in an area with an anti-AR statement in their covenant, I'd either go somewhere else, or, if I had to AR someone, I'd keep keep it to myself and not get banned.
  2. They haven't removed your right to AR by banning you. You exercised your right to AR someone you felt was abusive, they exercised their right to ban anyone from their land for any reason. Neither of these violates TOS. You don't need to come up with examples of offensive things that could be in the covenant because no one has to state in the covenant the reasons they might ban people.
  3. Danggit! All I did was take a pic of the dining room. Now I have to go back. That third bowl of porridge was juuuussst rigghhhht! ;-). I meant to say earlier that your house is very pretty!
  4. Ian Undercroft wrote: I find the way this thread has progressed ironic, if not bizarre. Having started out wanting to preserve the privacy of the interior of her house, that interior is now, at her invitation, apparent for the world to see. Absolutely. I think in fact, that she said she'd only read about the possibility of camming, not that she was actually having an incident & now we've all gone and gang cammed her. When did she say she'd be back, around 2? We should have an impromtu party waiting.
  5. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I find May's naivety about this rather endearing. I was just as naive when I got here, not having had a lot of gaming experience; it was a long time before I realized I could use the alt mouse click thing to cam around. Unlike May, I was excited to know I could cam to things far away and look into places without having to move my avatar there. So she doesn't "get it" quite yet... so what? Eventually she will, then move on to her next shocking discovery, which I look forward to hearing about and helping her figure out. ...Dres You are just too darn sweet and are in danger of being a good influence on me!
  6. Maya, I went, cammed in with no problems & took a pic. IM me for a copy. Nevermind, Venus was faster ;-). *waves back @ya* I ate your porridge, which was a little cold for my liking.
  7. Ian Undercroft wrote: I think you ought to delete the location of your home, Maya. You might not have encountered any yet, but there are a fair few nutter/griefer/stalker types in SL. It seems silly to attract them to your home location. Excellent advice. Better to let someone from the thread who expressed interest in helping you IM you inworld.
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: Stella Carver wrote: There's the Wiki, there are classes, there's the very nature of the virtual world that is SL. There simply aren't that many any people who are as surprised by this as you are. FIFY, again. lol! & Thank you.
  9. Does anyone besides me think that once Maya learns to cam she may find her opinion changing about whether it's a good thing?
  10. I think you're misunderstanding that it's something 'they' would do. LL doesn't disable objects, push, etc. on certain areas. The owner of the area does that. From their point of view, the number of people who would be upset to have their cameral controls disabled far outweighs the number of people who are upset by being looked at, so I don't see why they would do it. Most of us view cam as a bonus and a vital tool, not as something that needs fixing.
  11. Mayalily wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Use ALT+left-click-mouse to cam through walls, etc. Not sure but I think that silly view thingy that I have never used will stop at a prim? As for the alleged expectation of privacy in SL... There never was any. I don't see how people can say there was no expectation of privacy... well, what are changing rooms there for then? Just to confuse us? And yes, LL should ethically disclose there is no privacy in changing rooms, in rented land, etc because of the camming abilities. There has to be some way to remedy this. Changing rooms are there to protect shy people from seeing you naked. And again, I'm not trying to be rude and I know you're just trying to work this all out, but it is disclosed. There's the Wiki, there are classes, there's the very nature of the virtual world that is SL. There simply aren't that many people who are as surprised by this as you are.
  12. Ian Undercroft wrote: /me thinks twice about telling Mayalily that some SL men have a tendency to "perv" cam up women's skirts when in SL clubs. I was also holding back that info. In fact, you weren't wearing a skirt, but I perv cammed you recently at the Blarney. For your own sanity, Mayalily, don't enable 'show look at'. Just don't.
  13. Watch the Torley video and check all the settings in your camera/view preferences. This is something the majority of SL has been doing regularly(using the cam I mean, not peeping on you!) and all the new viewers still support the ability. The new privacy settings may help you with it, but it's honestly not a rumor or something we're just saying to freak you out. It's just how the cam works.
  14. Wreath, paintings, etc. only block the view from outside. You can still cam in, just like always. Same with changing rooms. And like others mentioned, they can't walk through a locked or blocked door, but they can still click and sit on a chair inside to get in.
  15. I use Viewer 3 and the newest Firestorm release. Cam works like it always did. Flying? I'm not sure how that would relate to the camera. I know you just want to know how it works, but I had to giggle that you're incensed about people camming into your house, but you want us to cam in and take photos, then post them here, of other peoples houses in order to dispell the 'rumor'.
  16. This discussion came up in one of my groups recently, I'm not sure if it was you, Mayalily, or someone else who brought it up. Like others said, the cam is extremely useful for building, shopping, hunting, etc. Most hunts are designed with the cam feature in mind and store owners hide things behind pictures, in jars, all sorts of nooks and crannies you couldn't possibly get to without your cam. As far as homes, although I wouldn't cam into someone's home when they're in it (well,not anymore, I admit to having done it as a newb), I often cam into empty homes, especially the other Linden Homes just to see how they decorated. (Most don't have their doors locked, but I don't feel right about walking in.) and sometimes into public buildings to get a feel for clubs, etc before going in. Just to play devil's advocate for a second, you mentioned that you paid for this service and you want your privacy. The cammer could be thinking that they paid for the service and if there's something to be seen on their monitor, they want to see it. I understand your desire for privacy, but as far as LL needing to make it clearer to others, it honestly never even occurred to me that I'd have privacy in SL. Regarding how to use the cam, check your camera settings in preferences, there's one to disable camera constraints, which I think affects how far away you can move your camera. Also, if you alt+click on the thing you want a closer look at, it helps zoom the camera in tight on that thing.
  17. I don't care for malls either, but there are several shopping areas that are styled like small towns (I'm sure there's a proper name for them but I don't know it Duh! Shopping Districts, can't believe I couldn't think of that!) and that house numerous shops both large and small. The Wash sim is probably my favorite, featuring the FabFree shop, and some old faves like Icing and Hellbop as well as lots of new ones. I'm trying to think of the others, I'll check inworld later tonight & get some slurls for you. Okay, you did say, 'niche', but without more specifics, I'm not sure what you have in mind, but here are a few favorites of mine. Liberty City secondlife://Liberty/14/212/22 Rue D'Antibes http://slurl.com/secondlife/Rue%20DAntibes/94/64/28 Pulse secondlife://Pulse/71/76/596 
  18. I am attracted to avatars, but not in an, "OMG, I wanna smexx yer pixels", way. People who have clearly put some thought and creativity into their look draw my attention. People who have clearly only put money into theirs, who look like they checked the marketplace, searched 'bestselling' sorted by 'price high to low' and threw some cash at it, just don't. Best not to rush your look either, just let it evolve and change as often as the mood strikes you. Some people eventually find a look they like and stick with it, others change shapes, eras, species, etc. by the minute. Enjoy getting your look together . Oh, & don't forget your profile! Something about your self, as much or little as you like, but something; a song lyric you love, or a favorite quote helps break the ice and makes it easier for people to start talking to you. Profile info is at least as important as avatar look to me.
  19. Flouncers are so entertaining. "Hey people I've never met or talked to, I'm leaving this place you never knew I was in to begin with as it does not suit my spechul needz." Our loss is the scientific community's gain.
  20. BJayy, I'll preface by saying that I don't condone bullying at all and you certainly have the right to do whatever you choose with your SL. However, people who are inclined to hassle others in the first place, are bound to be easily triggered by your username. You've stated in other posts why you use it, and I get that, but unless you've invested a lot of money in your account, changing it to something more neutral might make you less of a magnet for jerks.
  21. Is this * posting style * absolutely * necessary * ? * It seems as if it would be awkward to type that way and it's extremely annoying to try to read.
  22. NCI (New Citizen's Incorporated-inworld help group)gives regular beginner through advanced classes on making clothing. As far as whether a 16 year old can learn to do this, it depends on the 16 year old. The more familiar they already are with a graphics program, the easier it would be I imagine. I noticed that you're a new resident yourself. I would highly recommend that you spend some time inworld prior to bringing in your class. There's a bit of a learning curve to just walking around and changing clothes, let alone learning to design them. Not to mention the fact that although SL has opened the grid to teens, it's still largely an adult world. just sayin'
  23. There's a blog that was hugely helpful to me when I was starting out, Davina. Well, actually a bunch, that were & still are, but this one in particular has several really usefull tutorials as well as the regular updates on hunts and group gifts that are available. http://www.sl4nowt.com/blog/ She covers a lot of things like fitting your prim clothes and shoes, setting up ao's, etc. that seem so confusing when you're new.
  24. The main thing I look for is attention to detail, especially on sometimes overlooked areas like the back of the knee. Some makers seem to concentrate on face and a few other key areas, but hands and feet sometimes seem to have been an afterthought. Now that we have makeup options, I like my base skin to be relatively neutral makeup wise so I can go tattoo layer mad and match my mood or outfit. Also, nipple placement-I once had a skin that was perfect in every other detail, but made my boobs look cross-eyed.
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