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Everything posted by Cynite00

  1. No, I meant 'weathering' as just a texture effect to age something, damage something, etc. PBR allows a lot of subtle details that as the poster stated, needs the proper lighting and environment to be seen. A rusted oil barrel, that is not just metal, but is worn from the sun, a logo "Big Oil" that was paint, but has chipped over time, metal has rusted and pits, has oil blobs that have leaked over time, has grass growing through the bottom, and is stained also from the moss and water.. It's a layered thing vs "Super shiney thing, it looks beautiful in SL's PBR!" we're seeing in pictures so far.
  2. 1) Will SL end one day? Yes. Will anyone ever admit if it was dead or not? Nope. Another Linden Lab platform was dying, and died, yet the population still claims it is 'not dead'. All 5 of them. In business, if you're not growing or stagnant, it usually means you are dying. A sign of growth is attaining new customers, but it's also important to maintain existing customers, otherwise it's just a plateau. Word of mouth in business will grow your business exponentially, or if it is failing short, has bad karma, and is being bad mouthed online - it will sink your business. After participating with and observing LL and their projects over 20 years, my opinion of them is that they are quite happy to be the size they are, are quite happy with their income as it is, and centers more on employing people and giving them busywork, and are happy to develop at a snail's pace. For most gamers, 30,000 people 'playing' (if we even have accurate metrics) is a dead game. eg. Eve Online was considered 'dead' (2012), yet it still maintains the same number it always has. The loyal players of these kind of platforms take 'dead' seriously, so it will never be dead as long as 1 person is logging in. To the majority of gamers out there, we considered a game dead, when you couldn't find a server to play on, or there were 1000 servers but with 1 person in them, or you simply couldn't find anyone else but bots. 2) SL is a virtual world where people mostly stand around dressing up their Barbie's and Ken's (and soon) to not only stand around not talking, but will also begin behaviours similar to VRCHat where they will look at themselves in a mirror too. 3) Will SL compete with Inzoi (Or anyone else)? No. Ever been, or observed the kid on the soccer field (or basketball court, take your pick) who is running back and forth, fully passionate, ready to play, eager and energetic... but never gets the ball? That's LL. In a nutshell, while the skilled athletes are playing the game - they don't even know that kid exists. Can't 'compete' or even be a 'threat' if noone notices you or cares about you. It's a niche market for niche users, concurrency has pretty much been steady, but they're probably a 30,000 concurrency platform, and will remain so.
  3. Yeah the PBR many are showcasing right now, is not anywhere close to what PBR is supposed to look like. Just mirrors and extra shine is not PBR. A properly PBR implementation will take advantage of all materials supplied, and 'tell a story' about the object (reflectance, rust, weathering, wetness, bumps, etc)
  4. I'd prefer a non-tattle taling more tolerant past SL I remember, but people didn't start suffering AR's and such as much until up to 2020 for sure, when some just didn't like ONE political side. The OTHER was quite fine by people, and noone AR'd them. SL has become almost surreal, for all the people trying to turn SL in RL complete with all the rules and etiquette, the RL equivalent of ARing someone over a sign in the neighbour's yard would be calling the cops "My neighbour is harassing me with Trump signs! I can look out my kitchen window and see it and it's making me very upset!"
  5. And the weird thing about those, and why I could never wrap my head around why anyone would pay big $$$ for them.. is that they only secure an XYZ space location, barely own the carpets and paint and wood inside of them, they own nothing else. Add strata kind of thing, now they will have rules that make them live like renters, like "No visitors after 11pm (they'll ticket cars in parking spots after 11pm), certain type of curtains used in the windows, and even up to 'no smoking on balconies', and the usual 'don't make noise to disturb neighbours'. One apartment I house sat for 3 months also charged for parking as an extra cost.
  6. I see rainbow flags and lgbtq+ and related signs everywhere. I report them but they don't go away, and instead get put on the front page, what can I do? PS. Why you post this on a friday? Prolly needs to get shut down fast. Huh, WUT? LMAO
  7. You have amazing eyesight and tiny little fingers to interact then. LOL.
  8. Hee hee, it's true... and they actually do. I won't get into details but 3 years ago, someone who didn't know what they were doing on another platform was tasked to 'tinker and poke around' in their main database software 'and learn as I go, hope to learn it, I'll get better' and 3 years later still having issues. People get monitored for quality, competence and completion at LL? I don't think so!
  9. This is where 'mobile first' has real meaning. They shouldn't even try to repurpose the existing design, which seems like it was designed in concrete. An opportunity to make one 'from scratch' and specifically for mobile users - then really can go up from there to the full fledged large screen layout. But most importantly, employing someone that actually knows what they're doing. Pay the $20,000 to $50,000 for a professional, and get it done in a month rather than allowing another to 'tinker and poke around and kinda sorta know what I'm doing, right now I'm exploring the code and seeing what can be done' typical behaviour.
  10. Yes. All feedback is helpful, and many times valid. LL needs to hear this, and hear it repeatedly and ASAP so that they make the appropriate changes to give the customer what they want (or even attain their own professed goals). My review and feedback style as always been 1) Genuine 2) Pointing out realistic flaws and detrimental things 3) Being blunt about it 4) Many times offering/suggesting solutions People can label that feedback anyway they want, but I sincerely believe LL needs to hear it all - and as blunt as possible - so that they live in reality, and make proper decisions based on it. I don't expect them or anyone else to tailor to me specifically, but I do want my points considered.... without being 'tone policed'
  11. Cynical? Perhaps. Accurate? You bet! I think at this point, through all of LL's products, they are for beta-testers and tinkerers. If I were to encapsulate how I view LL and their staff, from 'testing' their products from Blocksworld to SL to Sansar... definitely 'tinkerers' and beta testers. As much as I have enjoyed SL and participated, it has always seemed like an unfinished product 'with potential', but after 20 years... still waiting for the full experience to happen and for management and team to get serious. It is what it is... but it is definitely lots of tinkering. They're not named Linden Lab Research for nothing. When an app presents itself as access to SL, I expect it to give me the full experience, not much unlike logging into Roblox and able to play games and have full access (with expected mobile limitations) to the platform. I'm not there to be a tester, so don't release an unfinished app, or my review WILL BE "Unfinished app, can't access games, says I can't do this that.. wait until full release"
  12. Responsive design attempt, LL style. Perhaps they could hire Sansar's Product Page designer. As one can see, it is very simple, to the point, focuses on product listings and very easy to purchase. Design easily adapts to screen sizes and is responsive, which is the DEFAULT needed in 2024. Sansar's Individual Product Page Example : Shrink your browser/window down in size and see how it easily and smoothly adapts
  13. Yikes. I feel for the OP. I bet they wish they never posted now, huh. Welcome to SL Forums.
  14. Those were the best days of SL IMO. Going to favourite sandbox, working on things, showing things to friends, pretty soon we're all making new and abstract stuff and it is slowly morphing into an impromptu night club or other, and more people would log in and hang out, 20 people all chilling out in a random build that would never be seen again, but fun chat, dancing, seeing what others were working on... haven't seen that in a long time. All my fave sandboxes are dead or missing - and the ones I use now... just umm dead and empty. "Back in the SL of 2009... oh yeah... Me and my baby back in two-oh-nine... ohhhhh"
  15. Nothing. In true LL style, they open up the app to the most 'loyal' or 'invested' customers (subscribers) that will most likely upvote the app. It's that simple. It's too bad, because the REAL feedback, the REAL effect and results of releasing an app to NORMAL consumers - can be conveniently ignored. Sure that's where a lot of trolls or SL haters giving LL back some karma - can add some negativity, but out of that also is a lot of honesty that LL needs to hear to be able to create a top-knotch product that will get them to their goals. It's a bit cringe to see Obwerwolf pretty much begging for good reviews "Come on guys, give it a good rating so we can succeed there" instead of "Hey guys, don't hold back, give us your honest reviews, because we want this to be the best app to access SL through mobile ever!"
  16. I've similar experiences with some individuals. Some random 'offense' they suffered turns into years of stalking, abuse, even from platform to platform and even unrelated. It's just how some people roll these days. Be glad you're anonymous, because some of these people will go after your RL too if possible. It's a form of severe mental issues and psychopathy. All you can do is block them and ignore them, report them if they continue. However LL considers these 'interpersonal disputes', and will not get involved. Perhaps just try lying instead and report that they mis-gendered you or used a wrong pronoun, and that seems to make them come running and take action above all else. Also use alt accounts on these forums as well, to separate your public posts from your SL account that you may want to run a store or do other activities with - as those same stalkers will come after your store as well. As was mentioned, even your profile will have to be curated so that they don't stalk you through your groups, or even contact/harass/ban your friends just to get another stab in. Do not include your personal website, or off SL-links of any kind, or to a social links page, etc.
  17. dullahan.exe is a process you can block in your firewall, to immediately and measurably improve your latency, fps and experience in both Second Life and Sansar. Just because you turn it off in setting, doesn't mean it stops operating. Using some tools to observe and sniff its activity exposes that on both platforms it will continue to steal CPU cycles and even bandwidth. In Sansar it was even more obvious as the process was tracked to a 1920*1080 resolution media feed a user was pumping into their experience, and strange lag was observed. Once again it was dullahan.exe - and because of the resolution of the media used gave a very succint clue to what it was doing. If you don't need media desperately, or use the in viewer browser, or don't care about seeing the last snapshot where your home is, etc blocking it might add to some improvement. Sansarians might be surprised to find that the perceived lag on that platform had to do with this same process + probably an incompetent software switch let to most of their perceived lag Try it. If you need something or want to see some media, just unblock it.
  18. They had far too many forces working against them, sabotaging their efforts, knowingly and unknowingly, and some of us could write a book about it. To me it was a multi-faceted in it's failure. But regarding this topic it was the typical LL claiming their platform could do something, how much 'potential' it had, then relying on the existing creator base to make something cool out of their mess, then finding out no one is going to come and play (or stay) anyway - as again, like SL - was designed to be a social platform, not a gaming platform similar to CORE, Fortnite Creative, and other similar in the market space right now.
  19. I want to be able to create bones and animations for my projects in Blender and import them intact into SL. I don't want to have to script even a simple offset and hinge mechanism to open a chest, when it can be easily done with bone animation, and allows far more options, like turning it also into a Mimic , and add more animations like biting, chasing, fleeing, reacting, etc
  20. If you must at least this solution is not so jarring to people, as many of us are exploring and lose our place if sent home. It sucks when you see something interesting and ZAP by shorter-timed orbs. Let's face it, we're not flying at 2000m because we can't see anything.. Oh what's that cool looking store down .... ahhh
  21. This is the core of the issue that never gets addressed. It's people on 'publicly accessible' mainland areas (not private sims and homesteads) doing this - and we see multiple complaints over the years from users regarding getting zapped when they're just casually flying around, and the same landowners who practice this sort of thing just double down for some reason, like they have any real right to expect a private parcel when they don't want to pay for the privilege. Then they ignore possible solutions to this, like having a private instance where they are guaranteed to never be bothered, or encouraged to go to areas more suited to privacy. For me, I enjoyed the open nature and relative friendliness that was in Mainland SL in the early days. Now it's all so territorial it's a minefield. Also neglecting to address this issue or provide solutions and the resultant antisocial behaviour (or negative experiences) in this regard is just another contributer to why the platform is not popular.
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