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Everything posted by VanVox

  1. No one uses any of those child avatars anymore. They all use mesh heads and bodies now. And the teens use adult bodies with petite add ons.
  2. The existence of 'family nude beaches' should never have been allowed in the first place. Naked children hanging out around naked adults has always been illegal and against the TOS.
  3. If it were me, I would probably just adjust my appearance to make it appear more mature, until I was fully confident that no one could judge me as being under eighteen
  4. No, but there is currently only one person on the "family safe" nude beach. The other sims are more populated but I don't feel comfortable going there to find out if everyone is adhering to the new TOS or not
  5. If I was wearing an avatar that I thought might be misconstrued as under 18, I would stay far away from certain "family friendly" playgrounds/beaches, "barely legal" clubs, escort sims, daddy/babygirl venues and adult baby sims.
  6. For me, it's primarily a person's facial features and face skin that usually causes me to question their age.
  7. Finding modest clothing options for women can be challenging. The marketplace seems to prioritize revealing and form-fitting outfits, with very few choices for those looking for more conservative attire. I've spent countless hours searching for clothes that provide adequate coverage while avoiding tight fits and excessively short hemlines.
  8. The creators of the most popular animesh children have fortunately made it impossible to use them in an obscene and illegal manner. So I have no idea how that scenario could even happen. Unless someone is now making animesh children that do not have the same precautions built into them - in which case they will need to be pulled from the market asap.
  9. I imagine that people roleplaying under 18 who are using an adult body with a flat or petite chest add-on to appear pre/pubescent would be expected to comply with all the same rules in the TOS that apply to child avatars, including the use of modesty layers.
  10. I may be overly pessimistic, but I'm afraid that there will never be a way to prevent people from engaging in activities that are against the TOS due to the existence of flat/petite chest addons and the ability to modify the height of adult bodies to appear under the age of 18. Even if there was a ban on child avatars, the offending individuals who used to wear inappropriate skimpy attire while roleplaying under 18 on those family nude/beach sims would probably just switch to an adult body with a flat/petite chest addon and continue doing what they were doing.
  11. While I cannot be certain about every individual's activities, from my extensive involvement with the kid community in Second Life for 15 years, I did not personally encounter anyone acting against the Terms of Service. During that time, I spent a lot of time roleplaying on family-friendly sims, attended various roleplay schools and events geared for the community. While you raise a fair point that it's difficult to know for certain, based on my long involvement in this community, my observation has been that individuals engaging in activities violating the Terms of Service generally do not actively participate in the G-rated kid community spaces and events. From what I've witnessed, those engaging in such inappropriate behavior tend to operate in separate, distinct environments from the typical spaces frequented by the majority of child roleplayers. However, you're correct that without monitoring every individual, there is no way to state this categorically.
  12. Would it be possible to just make child avatars with built-in permanent chest/pelvis alphas? I'm not a creator so have no clue how mesh works. I imagine that the offenders would then just switch to adult bodies with the flat/petite chest so probably not much of a solution even if it were possible.
  13. It would be good practice to just alpha out the chest and pelvis in addition to the modesty layers, that way no one can ever see those areas.
  14. The majority of people who roleplay as children in SL are already compliant and on board with making sure they follow the TOS to the letter. The small percentage that engage in activities that are against the TOS will unfortunately always find a loophole. Even if there was a way to create an unremovable modesty layer on child avatar bodies, a person could just purchase an adult body with a flat or petite chest addon to get around that restriction. I also think that it will be imperative to address the sims that cater to these types of activities. If you do a search inworld for the term "family" and sort by traffic, the first sim that comes up in the results is a "Family Safe Nude Beach" where no clothing is allowed.
  15. I tried using a male avatar to avoid this issue but ended up receiving more messages (from females this time, rather than males) - which defeated the whole purpose lol.
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