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Everything posted by benchthis

  1. I accept that and I still think your a good person.
  2. We all have different opinions, that's what makes us interesting to be around. We do not always agree and that's okay. When we dwell and fight moderation steps in and attempts to reestablish focus, when that is not likely can not have differing opinions anymore. I want to have differing opinions. In the olden days before social media and bloging that is how people did it differing sides would meet and have educated debates that were for the common good, now with social media people can now try to insist what is right in a tweet and attack you if you attempt to have a conversation about their perspective. It takes a lot of time to learn how things work, it's not easy.
  3. thanks goodness we have the forums to fall back on during times of transformation.
  4. You're welcome, that makes my stomach sick feeling. It's sad that details about our real lives are being used to hurt us. It's sad that we have to keep our profiles blank to avoid problems while traveling. Gosh I could not imagine the hate directed at your country which is being directed at you feels. Keep traveling and if anyone bans you for being who you are report them, don't let them win. I've been in some heated conversations defending russias choices. From my perspective it is a land dispute, uk was take from russia with the su was broke up, and i've read that russia considers her the motherland. I don't like that the world is getting torn apart over a land dispute. Talk to people and share your perspective, that's why we are here really. I'm not saying i'm correct, there's a lot I do not know or understand. I'm open to conversation always, usually. I don't like repeating myself, I will never dwell too far on the same subject. Who am I trying to convence? I like to have my conversations in world at info hubs; they are public property no one can ban you from except a linden. Or if you want the community spirit you could explore Bellisseria, it's a huge official area not owned by 3rd parties, it's a neat premium area open to anyone to explore and maybe learn of events and hang out with people who will not judge you, ban or block you. You're in the right place here in the forums, you'll discover things that are so cool and learn so much. Don't let the mean stupid people get to you, they are everywhere. Nice helpful people are everywhere too.
  5. I think that's really neat your from Russia. I'm from America and I feel the same way, we are a work in progress. I was banned for being male before, I didn't even bother with a report because people are sometimes mean and stupid here, as they often are in the real world. I don't like to go to places like that, I go to other places. If ever you think something is wrong go to help at the top of the viewer and report abuse, you will not receive updates regarding the abuse. File the abuse report and move on with your life because in this world there's prolly 100s of things that you will find destusting like in the real world. I'm sorry you had this experience, it's sad that we all experience things like this in virtual and real world, there's no avoiding it for active users. I'm happy you found this place and look forward to more converations in the furture about topics you are concerned about.
  6. I've never seen this message on the linden viewer ever.
  7. What is "Dullahan"? Well usually for me it's about 20-50 instances running under several sl plugins when I alt ctrl del and bring up task manager that I commonly stop. Usually if I stop them I can not access avatar picker but I can access marketplace it will just bring up another plug in. These also pop up when users stream music or have little music players they use to dance to.
  8. I appreciate no scripted sandboxes more. We need a notificaion if pop up is not official and could be dangerous. Official pop ups, vetted popups, and non vetted popups. Someone is always going to figure ways around things but currently there's no around anything they are just doing it. If I was doing this I would target new users with payment information on file. I would access the account, purchase as many lindens as I could, and then transfer those lindens to another account. That's as far as my currency laundering knowledge goes. Does not seem like that's a crime worth the trouble. Maybe if the target is elderly and has the same password for everything can access computer files and emails accounts banking accounts. Or the want to access the account to modify it somehow so that then will infect the computer and they would not have to do anything else? Regarding official scam report LL receives there should be an account diagnostic that can be performed to show changes. Those changes are important they may reveal the scam. Gota be data trail. One time I was at a galleria during a weekend, I only had my debit card on my and some cash. I found a nice jacket I could not live without. I went to use my debit card and because I was shopping in a town I never shopped out the card was frooze. I could not unfreeze the card right away. Thankfully I had cash too. Maybe if account is logged in from a new location (I clear my cache like 50 times a day I'm always new) SL will send an email to the account to verify, only problem is if someone has that password could intercept the confirmation email. Maybe a option to add text verification. Then we have to deal with people not wanting their data collected.
  9. If I was LL/SL I would reach out on twitter to the users and ask for more information: region it happened, time frame, and if possible way to pull region traffic data. Be leery of links could be trap. If I was doing this my goal would be to gain access to leadership.
  10. If your able to in preferences you can increase your internet speed settings. I can't remember which Linden meeting it was in the past regarding a problem with the cache processor not being able to keep up with max internet speeds, bottlenecks and generates undesired performance issues. I usually bump my cache up to 8 gigs or max and I try not to max the internet speed because of the bottle neck issue.
  11. Looks like your cache might be full? if you go to preferences you can increase cache space. Also you can clear cache from time to time too in preferences.
  12. Here's the new location of this thread for anyone who wants to post your second life barbie creativity photos.
  13. It would be cool if say a parcel was occupied but it was your dream house and location, premium plus members could be put on a waiting list for the location. That'll be kind of fun, maybe up to 20 homes per account. Say first pick is not available but 5 is go to 5th and still pend on 1st, however, premium pluses are going to want the 2048 home mostly so for them since they will likely not be hopping around so much, maybe 1 alt will have these benefits as well, just the home picking for premium w same emails I'd like to have 2048 regular house and maybe a boat house too. Going out and looking for the perfect location, and then holding on to hope that you will one day get it is priceless. I stopped messing around the monthly subscriptions, I ususally go with annual, cheaper in long run.
  14. This was so beautiful. Thank you so much. While I was there a few new friends who never heard of Bellisseria came to enjoy the show. First comment was how beautiful it all was, he thought it was a private estate. I was like nope this is where we all live, everything here is ours, except the premium homes. And! I learned something about Japanese culture while I was there. My explination of this song is very primitive, but I learned this is the first song students are taught.
  15. This is just extra. regarding how someone might do this. if I wanted to do it and make it look like a hud i'd create a media on prim with the scam and then I'd somehow attach that to the avatar camera to make it look like a hud. I have no idea.
  16. Some 3rd party businesses within Second Life are doing that for them. Here's a quote from the latest Lab Gab with Philip Linden. He touches on Surveillance Capitalism & Behavior Manipulation. “A business whose core design is to do advertising to do targeting, if that business is successful in building a virtual world like this, the potential for human harm is hard to overstate. The reason for that is as we go into these worlds wholly as beings; we give more of ourselves to the world. If the people running the world are surveying that data, building NPC avatars with AI that are taking advantage of that surveillance, the end game for us is not one we want to see out. It’s a terribly dangerous situation.” I agree I don't want to residents manipulated and exploited. To put this in context skip to 21:00
  17. I'm same way I never click pop ups I close everything that pops up, if that came up i'd deff AR it. My first reaction would be a third party viewer security issue, Solar Legion raises good point about scripted object triggering and displaying fraudulent hud (heads up display), pretty sure a few years ago I suggested to jira to somehow build some sort of indicator letting users know which pop ups are official and which are not. For once I'm going to say it's possible this is not a firestorm issue, it's happening in firestorm now, who knows how many more of them are happening for the other viewers.
  18. Here's the link to the general post w more information for anyone looking for more information.
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