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Everything posted by NekaChulo

  1. Hello I'm a freelance rigger charging 4K per body. I can rig for Maitreya Lara.
  2. If you're still looking, I'm a freelance rigger.
  3. If you're still looking, I'm a freelance rigger.
  4. Hello, I'm a freelance rigger. The bodies I currently rig for are: Legacy M & F Belleza Freya and Jake Signature Gianni Kupra Slink Hourglass Bebe Youth Maitreya Lara I charge 4K per body to rig. Payment is due upfront for services. Takes 2-5 days to receive rigs back. Same Day Rush delivery is an additional 10K Contact info: Instagram- notoriousneka You can send a Notecard IW- NekaChulo Email- Melange.secondlife@gmail.com You can also fill out this form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3fHg731Wp8S75LjGTn9Fe84AtFZIija_pDPX-G7UY03zBlw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628
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