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Everything posted by JetReigns

  1. I did return, I messaged the person who asked about anime and went to the places you recommended. I didn't respond in the thread because I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to post in response. Finally, someone put it into words. The modern day is saturated with a million different kinds of entertainment, all highly sensationalized and vying for your attention in a bite-sized format. TikTok disgusts me, but it's a great example of why people have so little patience for stuff like SL, because not only can they get that entertainment in a million easier ways -- but SL isn't the same shiny new innovation that it was when it started, so it doesn't inspire much desire to explore it. I mean, I used to think the games I played as a kid had incredible graphics, I was so immersed and I loved exploring them. Now... I have no idea how I managed to crush on polygons with artifact-ridden faces. Well, Skyrim and Minecraft redefined exploration in a way that made it hard to go back and enjoy the cardboard cut-out landscapes of older games, and now... even those are considered old games. (Edit: Okay I'll be honest. I actually played Oblivion, not Skyrim. I just chose the more popular example ToT) I also think people who aren't familiar with computers and video games are much rarer than they used to be, so there's that. It's genuinely terrifying how many 8 year olds are given free reign with phone, tablets, and VR headsets... and my god, do I sound old right now.
  2. I just want to be clear, my rant here was completely unrelated to stuff that I have personally complained about. I just felt like it was weird how little people seemed to empathize with newbie frustrations. I never meant for it to seem like I was ignoring advice that I received in the pet peeves thread -- I didn't expect to get serious replies to that because I was just venting, and didn't want to steer too far from the "pet peeves" topic by replying to everyone. Sometimes I don't have anything to say, either. Still, I have checked out all of the hangout spots people have shared with me, looked into more events and music venues, tried finding those social hubs? the list goes on. I'm not sure where you got the impression that I argue with people who are trying to help though. Seriously, I just went through all of my posts... One person's advice basically amounted to telling me that I should want to socialize the way they socialize, so of course I responded explaining why my personal preference differs. That wasn't an argument.
  3. and you guys wonder why SL hardly retained any new players in the 2020 boom... The fact stands that the vast majority of people who come across Second Life look at the website, see pretty pictures featuring beautiful avatars doing activities like jet skiing along with a pitch about "finding your community" and whatnot, and they expect to get that experience in a form that makes sense to them. Because why would you expect anything else? So of course they're going to be confused (and probably very much rubbed the wrong way) when they're dropped into a space that looks significantly worse than the pictures, and everyone's telling them they have to drop a wad of cash and bend over backwards to understand their system and culture, all before they have even been given a reason to stay yet. Call it entitled if you want, but I call it being reasonable with your time and money. I think the only reason people aren't accusing SL of being a scam is because it has so much history and some creators who are doing LL's job for them making decent starter guides, showing them how to make SL into what it's advertised as. You also have to remember, SL is very old and a lot of you have been on it for years -- if not when SL was still fresh and new. When SL was new, it made sense for people to prepare for something really out of the ordinary because it was very much out of the ordinary at the time. People were drawn in by the novelty of something that had never been done before, and so it makes sense that SL attracted an audience of learners, innovators, and puzzle-solvers at the time. Emphasis on... at the time. Things have changed a lot, and SL has competition that is prettier and easier to use. The only major advantage SL has over competitors is in creation, which is devastatingly under-emphasized. Compare it to Roblox, which emphasizes user generated content and paints the front page with links to developer tools. It's not a good platform by any means, but it's successful at attracting its target audience. Meanwhile, SL's little section about user-generated content leads you to the market place, not to tools or information about how any of it is made. I dunno, I just don't understand why it's such a point of contention when people air their grievances about the poor new user experience. All of the frustrations (from this and previous threads) make perfect sense to me. Maybe if SL actually advertised itself as what it is, this wouldn't be a common stress point. Unfortunately, nowhere on the "join" pages of the website does it show what the UI actually looks like, mention anything about SL's deeply sandbox-nature, or explain how it actually works. What other entertainment platform expects you to do so much homework without even telling you what you're signing up for? If I hadn't already known about SL from years ago, I'd absolutely think it's a scam. But yeah idk I'll probably just get written off as whiny or uneducated lmao
  4. No offense, but... what are you talking about? WASD is functionally the same as using arrow keys, it's just in a different area of the keyboard. Anyway, WASD is the industry standard for 3D over-the-shoulder games (whether you consider SL a game or not is irrelevant), so I really doubt it would put off anyone. I'm not suggesting that the option to use arrow keys be taken away or that everyone should be switched over. By "set to default" I simply mean that brand new users on brand new accounts can walk around with WASD without having to change their preferences first.
  5. Honestly, yes? I'm no stranger to making friends online. It just sounds like we have completely different preferences when it comes to socializing. I am infinitely more comfortable getting to know people in a group conversation than I am one on one. That "come and go" is exactly what I crave. I'm comforted by the freedom to casually drop out of a conversation if it turns out that I'm not meshing well with the people involved. I want to banter, laugh, and play games with people until I find my people in the mix. That's how I met my best friend. We've had plenty of deep conversations in groups too, even on platforms as ridiculous as Roblox. I think "shallowness" is entirely symptomatic of how people treat a group conversation, not an innate quality of them. Besides, creeps are more likely to be creeps in IMs than in a group conversation. I tried some clubs, those are the dead silent places I was talking about lol. I guess everyone is in IMs... I'm not sure if the hubs I'm thinking of are the same ones you're talking about. I've been to the Firestorm one? It's not very lively.
  6. I have to agree. I don't understand why they haven't at least changed the default controls to WASD or allowed users to swivel the camera with right-click. That was jarring for me, even way back when I first tried SL as a teen. There are a lot of things that scare people away from SL, the steep start-up cost (now that mesh bodies and heads are standard), the controls and UI, and if not the absolute lack of people to talk to, then without a doubt the lag. I might have turned to VRchat too, if not for the fact that it doesn't have text chat or what I would consider decent character customization. Anyway, I empathize. If you (OP) want help from the perspective of someone who's familiar with other games/MMOs, I can try. Edit: BTW I don't know if the people giving the advice to go to the newbie areas have visited those places recently, but they're often full of trolls, so... fair warning.
  7. Because I can never complain about it enough, my favorite pet peeve is that when I finally find somewhere with people, it's dead silent and/or everyone there is a bot. Social mmo my butt T~T
  8. I'm just looking for cute animals and plushies (especially bunnies) that are NOT breedable, because that tends to hike up the price and frankly, I have no interest in that system. I don't have a house (yet?) so I'd really prefer something that I can hold, lol Doesn't have to be animated.
  9. I don't know if you're still looking, but I recently went on the same journey to make my avi look asian like myself, so here's what I know. - Although it's up to personal preference, I agree that Lelutka is probably the best choice. You'll find a lot to go with lel heads. --- I'm using Lelutka's freebie Raven, so I didn't really look for heads. The only distinctly asian head I know by name is Kane (for men) but I know Lelutka has others too. - EVO X is like EVO plus, meaning if you have EVO X, you can use EVO stuff in addition to EVO X stuff if you want to. There's a toggle for it in the HUD. - I think almost any head works with enough shape-tweaking. The hard part is getting a low nose-bridge or monolid on some, so demo the heck out of them! Stores where you can find skins for asian faces (most of which are Korean, but still): MUDSKIN - Heavily k-pop inspired, I think a lot of the skins are based on actual people. Some skins cost up to 1000L per tone, so... you've been warned. --- They have skins for Catwa, Genus, and Lelutka (EVO and EVO X). It'll usually tell you which head brand (and generation) the skin is compatible with in the name. Some of the skins have tones to match Velour (a body skin brand) if you happen to like Velour. They also come with shapes. Avarosa - More realistic (less glamorized) options in my opinion, and not all Korean. Tends to be cheaper than MUDSKIN too. I think they're primarily for Lelutka EVO X. ODIO - More K-pop inspired skins, Lelutka (both EVO and EVO X I think?) cheaper than MUDSKIN, and comes with shapes. PoPPet Skins - Exclusively for Lelutka EVO X, and uses Velour tones. I don't think they're K-pop inspired, but they are glamorous.
  10. I feel like normie is used differently here on SL than it is in most corners of the internet though... Some people use it to distinguish realistic human avatars from things like kemono and anime style avatars. I don't think it's meant to be an insult? My pet peeve is whatever you call those sounds some people use on SL. High-pitch, munchkin voices have a way of grating every nerve in my body. I've also heard people use (uncomfortably heavy) breathing sound effects and automatically play music every time they walk. Not a fan of the spanking and moaning either. I sound like a prude but really I'm just sensitive to sounds, especially voices.
  11. I already have Maitreya flat but I'm considering getting Maitreya VTech too, just so I can fit VTech stuff. I'm just worried that my body skin isn't compatible because when I put on the demo, it makes my chest solid white. I'm using Velour Venus and of course the Venus flat tattoo.
  12. This made me curious so I checked and... my avatar's around 7ft... T_T oops I scaled him to match the height of other avatars and the furniture around me, so I'm not sure it can be helped, but it does make me wonder why people started making their avatars so tall before there was such a standard. Regardless, the problem seems to be that SL has a lot of substyles. Furry, anime, and "normie" communities don't overlap a whole lot. It seems like they each have their own standards for what people in their communities should look like in order to maintain immersion. I mean, a neon furry would look out of place in Dark Souls, right? I'm struggling with this a bit because I don't want to use a full on anime avatar, but I am trying to make an anime-inspired avatar that's a bit more stylized than realistic, unlike most "normie" avatars. The problem with mixing styles is that I don't know what communities I fit in with. I'm not anime enough for the anime people, and I'm not furry enough for the furries, but I'm too anime and too furry (like a neko, but with bunny ears) for the normies. All that is to say, I understand why people might be nitpicky about extreme differences in proportion, even when child-like avatars aren't a concern. It's immersion breaking... and yeah, getting kicked out of places does suck, but what do you really gain by conforming to the shape editor's height measurements when the majority of SL content is clearly made for a different scale?
  13. Was the world completely empty, or were there buildings and a tutorial and such? Just curious if anyone knows, I guess lol
  14. I'm returning, but still new! My best friend and I joined SL a couple years ago, but we were quickly overwhelmed and dropped it before we could even build proper avatars. Now we're giving it another shot, and with huge thanks to all the christmas gift events, I actually managed to put together an avatar this time. I'm hoping to find some friends on here because my friend and I haven't run into anyone yet. I don't know much about SL, but there's a lot I'm interested in. I love games, alternative fashion, all things cute, dark, and fantasy, and I used to love RPing on forums so I want to try out Second Life's RP scene too. I would say I like anime but I kinda... don't watch it anymore. I'm still a fan of the art style and culture, if that counts. Aside from that... - My avi's mostly human (except for stuff like horns and bunny ears) but I'm friendly to all kinds of avis, furry or otherwise. - I'm a guy and I go by he/him even though my avatar is pretty feminine. - My timezone is Mountain Time (MT), but I keep odd hours because I'm a short sleeper. - I prefer text chat over voice. If I ever do voice chat, it'll probably be on Discord. - and like I said in my original introduction, I'm LGBT so anything under that umbrella is a bonus!
  15. That's a bit obnoxious, it seems like the ability to modify is a big part of deciding whether or not to buy something, so it seems vital for that to display correctly... Is this the case with the marketplace and vendors too? Will certain modifiable items appear as "no modify" before you purchase them?
  16. Thanks for the replies. I figured new players come in and ask things like "what am I supposed to do?" all the time, so I wanted to ask about what the current players are into, in terms of what makes SL unique... if that makes sense? It has a lot of features you don't see too often, like the player run market.
  17. Nope, just new to SL and still figuring it out. I like reading through the forums to get a better feel for what people do on SL/use it for. So far, my personal ecperience has been little more than following my friend around as she shops, and getting kicked from places for my account age lol. I'll figure it out eventually.
  18. What are the most important features of SL to you? For example, is it important to you that SL has an interconnected land grid/world map? How do you feel about buying, selling, and renting land? What about the in-world creation tools? I'm curious to know!
  19. Yo, I'm new. A friend and I joined SL on a whim, and it's a bit overwhelming. I played SL very briefly back when I was a teen and my only memory of it is being bombarded with screaming spongebobs in a sandbox, so... Neither of us know what we're doing. Still, I want to give it another shot. I'm a guy, but right now my avatar is one of the default girls because the default guys aren't doing it for me. I haven't changed my avatar at all except for a party hat that I equipped by accident. I plan on changing to a guy once I wrap my head around customization and find something worth wearing. Not sure if that matters, but I figured I'd warn you guys about my excessively newbie-looking avatar. I don't know what to put in my profile yet. All I know right now is that I'd love to meet people, play games, roleplay, and see what SL has to offer. I'm LGBT so anything under that umbrella is a bonus. If you have some advice on literally anything that could help me figure out how to get started, please throw it my way. Any help I can get would be appreciated.
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