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Everything posted by Paulsian

  1. Not sure, not to be a party pooper but when I see residents making money (collecting tips/earning revenue for the "DJ" "Host") from concerts with residents pretending to be ABBA, U2, um David Bowie; some calling them tributes, but playing their music they are making money from art they have not created nor have received permission to do so is wrong. I love music, if the concerts were free probably would not bother me as much, but people are making a living doing this and have for a long time. Or places: send us your song requests we'll play them but don't forget to tip the dj and host and so forth. It takes the magic away from attending events like that. When I stream music in SL I do it because I enjoy music not to collect or ask for "Linden Love" I think that's tacky.
  2. I kind of take that back just in case computer crashes it would be good to have LL back up the .dae files on private grid data. They already back up the live content. I guess they already do back up all the test files on the test grid without a fee. Maybe not? Yes we need this bad. Another user mentioned a way to expand to new users. This is the way. New users want to build and most do not want to mess with all the adult stuff or drama. Having private grids would open SL up to all ages. It's just a shame that most platforms offer this type of concept for free. Not every talented 3D building 10 year old has 250$ but I'm sure they can beg their parents for it. Have it for free with free play cash to upload and test content offline but with premium plus you will have ability to take your locally hosted grid online (with afk time limits no attaching avatar to prim with omega) and no commercial or currency transfer activity and with premium plus your online live grid inventory would communicate with your private grid. Something like that. But if it's premium plus and locally hosted time should not be limited. Because if i'm working as part of a building team and I have to run to the store should not affect the other users. A lot of thought will have to go into how it would work that best benefit the users and LL equally. There would have to be two inventory systems one for live grid content and one for private grid content so that if the service was cancelled they live grid content inventory system would not be accessible and all the live grid content would poof from private grid. Free is key & Pay to host With this system it would be at account creation for new users ( offline building grid |all ages| locally hosted ) or ( live grid ) locally hosted would have options to pay for multiple users lot of thinking out loud but something like this. as many of you know I can go on and on and on an on and on and on forever. Free one region locally hosted offline private grid / Premium Plus 9 regions locally hosted multiple player accessible private grid. That would solve the servers are too expensive issue and give residents something to do like learn and teach building scripting with friends who will eventually want their own. The center region would be the free one. Would recommend Premium Plus Multiplayer Private Grid option to require annual membership. I think there's a couple people here interested in beta testing a system like this feel free to send emails if something like this is doable.
  3. I would love to have my own locally hosted region, that has access to SL's assets so that I could use everything I have purchased in SL. Of course, I am just dreaming and don't expect any of this to ever happen (including my "sandbox"). They would have to factor in a lot of logisticals, you can kind of do that with the test grid but it is not private and more for testing and less playing around. If they allow the inworld stuff to auto transfer to it as it does with the test grid. The export .dae files would only be allowed for the .dae files the user imported.
  4. or a locally hosted grid sort of like the test grid but option to go online to host events or offline to work on creating mesh for the live grid. I'd pay 250$ for that. And because they would be locally hosted there would not be any cost to LL. But: I would have to be able to export the combined .dae files to desktop that I uploaded to the private grid, for example I upload a bunch of different mesh parts I build to the private grid and then I play around with them and build things with them to create products from there I would like to take those products from the private grid back to desktop or a way to complete them in private grid and have upload to live grid option. Otherwise, it would be useless to me to have another test grid to build things with parts and then try to redo all that work in blender based on those parts. I would also pay the extra to avoid abuse and have privacy. Dare I say Linden Home Office?
  5. Ability to rez an alt in 1 viewer vs multiple viewers for companionship, dance partner, +1. Alt could also be a vehicle type; they would be more stable than inworld vehicle system. Would not have to worry about your boat or plane booting you off and getting caught in limbo. Alt vehicles would not impact land either.
  6. and maybe for the new system avatars they can have actions that animate the avatar based on words and punctuation which can be changed out with purchased custom animations ! is excitement motion ? scratches head (or option to scratch bum) or for future sl animal avatars scratch back wag tail for legal purposes would have to be donny duck, daffly duck mikey mouse mindy mouse yellowstone sam and reddish rooster could have wolf voice bird voice cat voice dog voice robot voice and those voices could change with the appearance for shapeshifters for the text to speech would be helpful for onboarding with Linden NPCs with preloaded notecards with text instructions that verbalize instructions to users and have them setup with different options. Do you need help? I can help with the following: world rules, how to file an abuse report, how to change cloths, list of destinations for shopping. sorta like boxie linden but with voice. Linden Governance NPCs. Building? Lets go to a sandbox follow me click here! Would make the world a bit more polished and interesting.
  7. A lot of people do not like voice chat and with the new audio technology developed by Philip Rosedale I think text to speech with an array of voices and ability to modify them would make in world conversations more interesting with option to enable or disable.
  8. I figured with big tech starting to be regulated this would be a good time to try to limit ads. Maybe 1 ad per content and ad must contain information like who paid for the ad and ad must be placed at end of content like this content is sponsored by and must say click this to skip with a large button, if consumers are not interested in the ad they should have the option not to see it. The US does not allow tobacco ads and I believe alcohol ads should not be allowed, as well as political ads. What concerns me the most is children under 4 mimic their parents / guardians and they want to have technology and they are given technology at an early age, some tech savvy parents know how to enable child mode on youtube and I hope they do not have ads, but for the non tech savvy parents they just give their children a tablet or old phone with youtube on it and let them click and they absorb in some cases 30 minute ads just watching and watching. I don't log into youtube and always clear my cache and each time I access youtube I am taken to the default content page which contains videos with firearms and a lot of random content and when I click like a science video I get ads for alcohol and politics. Growing up I had the 30 channels basic cable and had my morning child programing with cereal and toy commercials before school. This is getting scary. I could not imagine growing up without that foundation of content. Like light pollution we have cyber pollution some places take light pollution seriously because how else would we be able to see a part of our galaxy in the night sky from those places? ads driven by greed are corrupting our most important generation. Clearly something is going the wrong way. People getting paid to create content like this person got bullied in school with millions of views? Wonder what it will look like in 40 years.
  9. That's smart wonder if it works with sling and hulu. Amazon Prime, Netflix, & Disney+ are great but i'm sure they are gathering data to sell to the mad aders
  10. I've recently started boycotting all products I see ads for. The theory is if people boycott products pushed by ads the corporations will be afraid to create them. It's getting to the point where youtube for instance plays the same annoying liberty mutual commercial every 2 minutes to force people to go premium. It's mute skip mute skip skip skip. On sling mute mute mute. For a paid service to get ad after ad and they are usually the same ads. Why are corporations wasting their money, it's only alienating consumers? And then the political ones wait before you scroll away, those noobs, you don't scroll away from youtube ads you click skip.. Youtube pushing alcohol ads, political ads... No wonder people are having problems.. Apparently google thinks I should drink a lot more and become politically radicalized. Thoughts?
  11. I agree I think SL should support mesh uploads with unlimited textured faces & if material is not set up in blender for each face SL should make all the faces of mesh objects modifiable by default. As far as lag when I disable transparent water helps a lot, world water is everywhere even underground maybe if water is not visible do not render might reduce lag? Maybe if mesh objects like the avatars you were talking about were loaded in SL with lots of faces but blank and SL made the faces modifiable by default SL could add to build tools face arrays.
  12. I kind of figured this scenario. It was purposeful.
  13. Perhaps those unpaid volunteers figured out a way to get paid? And perhaps since they are trusted to add "features" to the official second life viewer somehow make it perform poorly vs their viewers that runs so much better would solve the lag questions? Is there a reason why LL Legal is not pursuing intellectual theft / damages for the reverse engineered modified simulators?
  14. It does not but if it was my revenue being leeched away I might want to learn more about it.
  15. I agree I think SL should support mesh uploads with unlimited textured faces & if material is not set up in blender for each face SL should make all the faces of mesh objects modifiable by default. As far as lag when I disable transparent water helps a lot, world water is everywhere even underground maybe if water is not visible do not render might reduce lag?
  16. I'm trying to learn and do get dramatic (can't help it) Holy Prim so the Linden Lab Second Life Viewer is open source, but the simulator is not but Third Party Viewers that are trusted by LL/SL have Secondary Viewers that support reversed engineered simulators with their own currency?
  17. After researching the Firestorm OpenSim rabbit hole, there are so so many third party second life copy cat grids out there. I wonder if there are terms of service for the sl open source code?, something like third parties may not form their own currency and take revenue away from Linden Lab? There has to be a lot of trust between the trusted 3rd party viewers to allow them access to the Linden systems. I'm not a fan of third party viewers and as neat as the third party grids seem, i'm getting virtual nightmare vibes from it. If SL were to evolve and I was leading I would not open source SL2 and would not allow any third party anything.
  18. Thanks I think i'm starting to get it there's grids like Open Simulator and then there's viewers that work with those grids like Singularity. For Second Life there's the Second Life Simulator (which normal users do not have access to and then the Official SL Viewer and Third Party Viewers. Learned something today third party grids, that's genius! I've heard of third party views but grids. My brain is expanding.
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