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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I think I'm thinking about Rebirth. AVI(L) should be for children/teens. Ignore my previous statement, lol. There are too many bodies, Rowan. TOO MANY BODIES. I don't know what's going on anymore! But yeah, I think the Marketplace was mentioned in the TOS. Yep...
  2. Same. Mazzaro's stuff always looks fresh off the runway to me. Many outfits are downright classy (though he does design very thin, so the alphas might shave off a whole part of my avatar when wearing them, LOL). I can't say whether or not the designer uses RL runway/Fashion Week references for his stuff, but it sure looks like it sometimes. I might complain about the scrunched up sleeves on that set, though, but that's just me. The rest is super stylish IMO.
  3. Just peeked at the Destination guide and took a quick look at Reddit where someone suggested it as a good place to go for a non-adult furry hangout 10 months ago. It's rated G. That might be why they picked it. Edit: It's also the oldest furry place, I think. Started in 2003.
  4. Isn't that body used to make children, teens, and adults? I haven't seen it myself, but I could've sworn it was mentioned in one of our dozen other threads somewhere. I'd check that before submitting any ARs. Edit: Am I thinking of Rebirth? Heck I don't even know anymore.
  5. I read up until I saw the phrase "ASMR-pilled." Then I started skimming. Then I quit. I'm a little bored with the whole "lemme write about a game/platform I don't even use!" thing in the gaming industry. It's so obnoxious, and so is the phrase "ASMR-pilled." That aside, the mention of prims just led me to believe this person has no idea what they're talking about. I won't quibble about Luskwood. It'd be like an outsider trying to get a pulse on the vampire community and hitting up Transylvania. I'm not going to expect a complete noob to Second Life to understand the inner workings of how mesh furries are made in 2024 (which would take them not only to several shops on the marketplace, but to human body stores, and good luck explaining all that to their audience).
  6. I found it so, so so, sososososososo difficult to use a Lel female head for my human avatars. I just didn't like the "frozen at 21" look whatsoever, and some of them are rather rigid on the sliders and extremely difficult to break out of that range. I think I've demo'd almost all of them, and while I'm okay using some for fantasy avatars, I just can't do human. For those, I use Catwa for my standard 30s+ looks (more flexible on the sliders and they age with less effort), Bespoke (for 50s and older), and I've had some decent luck with Akeruka for young 30s. For male avatars, though, Lel is great. I've yet to have an issue making avies in their 30s with those. I agree with you so much on this. I wish I could post the photo of that girl I was talking about (I forget who she is now, but I saw her on a show a few weeks back). Very naturally pretty, but she had those lip injections and her cheeks were just blown out and yeah...damn shame. When I Googled and saw her listed at age 22, I gasped. Possibly. I tend to look at a lot of photos of celebrities, models, and regular men and women when styling my avatars. Now obviously, there may be plastic surgery involved with some of them, but I try to look for common features. For example, I'll browse photos of Grace Jones, Missy Elliott, Björk (where a ton of my fashion inspo comes from), Billy Porter, Halle Berry, Lenny Kravitz, Prince, browse runway and fashion models, look at older men and women in ads and on blogs, look at people on YouTube, etc. If I see common features in an age group (like prominent cheekbones, for example), I'll work that into my look. I agree with what you said about needing some features to be baked into the mesh, though. That helps SO much. My Bespoke head is that way (wrinkles and lines are part of the head, not the skin), and that's why I can use it for avatars much older than I typically aim for. Genus also does this now in their male line. I'm HOPING they do something like their Classic M002 for women (check it out - it's seriously gorgeous) because I'd snatch that up in a heartbeat. I LIKE creating mature avatars.
  7. Hmm, I actually disagree with this somewhat. I think if you're going with the more popular Lelutka heads and out-of-the-box shapes that come with them (or even popular shapes and skins sold separately), I'd mostly agree, sure. Quite a few female Lel heads do get "stuck" in the early 20s, yes. On the other hand, if you aren't using those, aging avatars up isn't too difficult. I will say, it really, REALLY depends on "what kind of 30" (or 40, 50, etc.) you're going for. I have seen some 22-year-olds in real life who legitimately looked 40+ due to wayyyyyy too much botox and cosmetic shenanigans (oof). On the other hand, I frequently use real life models who are in their 50s to base some of my avatars on (both physical shape and fashion style), and you'd have to really stare at some of them to believe they're that old. Many look 30s. For example, at 30, some women don't have wrinkles or anything. I sure didn't, and still don't. Many don't get that until much, much older. Hair color, well, there's dye, for one, and there are people like me who started getting gray streaks (which I call my Rogue from X-Men hair) while still in high school. So it really, really depends on what look you're aiming for. Mature is pretty easy to achieve in SL. Middle-age can be done. Elderly isn't too bad either, with the right tweaks. But sometimes, a 30 doesn't look very different at all from a 24 and a 45 just needs the right base (head choice will really matter here) and with that mindset, you can make it happen.
  8. Lol, I'm 100% serious. I browsed and binged websites and braved all kinds of dodgy links looking for more up-to-date and "lived" experience and information than I was finding in books on the subject. And boy did I find it. I joined social/dating sites after that to meet real people instead of just learning about them through their "okay guys, so here's my women in headphones photo collection..." fan sites. 😂 I very much agree with you on this, and I have certainly seen it both in SL and in the real world. I've gone shopping with a man who loved drag (RL) and saw how the store associates treated him. I dated a guy who wore long skirts (goth/rocker) and heard everything people were saying behind our backs when out in public. I've known (and still know) people who were/are closeted in RL but are fully able to live their lives in SL and I understand the challenges they face just trying to get through a day. It sucks, and I wish more knew how to mind their own dang business, except in cases of real, actual danger and harm. Obnoxiously, when you DO see things like that, very few seem to want to act, but hey, someone doing something I'm unfamiliar with - time to get involved!
  9. Absolutely all of this. As bizarre as it sounds, I marvel at just how absolutely wholesome that series is. No spoilers, but if you play (or watch) Infinite Wealth, btw, the diaper gang has one of the most beautiful side stories in the entire game. Straight up tears. Just wow. This is a lesson I learned very, very long ago in my late teens. As a "too curious for my own good" sort, I spent a lot of time after high school graduation reading about fetishes. The curiosity probably started with listening to Dr. Judy's love/sex/relationship advice show on the radio every night for a few years prior (and later reading her book), LOL. Lots of fringe cases there. I learned a lot of rare things through both that and a bunch of shameless Internet research and by the time I got to SL, there was very, very little I didn't already know about. By that point, I'd been hanging out in adult communities and social media sites for years anyhow. Nothing ever bothered me or shocked me enough to consider an AR - even the more extreme things I ran across. By that point, I'd already adopted the "not mah business" approach. I don't have to involve myself in anything if I don't want to and nothing they do affects my real (or Second) life whatsoever. Leave em be. With the new rules, I do think some will need to be more careful (though I truly don't believe "do I look 17 or 18" will be as big of a deal here - that'd take a lot of effort and resources to investigate as opposed to something far more obvious) as I'm well aware a lot of the platform is not as "yolowhatever" as I am these days, but such is life. That's mostly why I'm not participating in the photo thread on the voting side. My vote would be too skewed through a combination of that experience plus knowing far too well what head/body/skin/clothing trends are popular here (shopaholic), and what looks get the most attention, following, and hype (on Flickr especially). It's very "in" to wear very young-looking avatars and has been for a long time. It'll be interesting to see if that trend eventually shifts. Looool. I know. Imagine the pamphlets and diagrams. 😂
  10. Oh, I know exactly what it is. I'm no stranger to various RL fetish scenes and used to be more involved in SL's ages ago. We won't talk about the stuff I used to build. 👀 My point was I haven't met anyone into it here in SL. I have known and do know others involved in other scenes, though. The ARs are unfortunate. As I said, I'm very much a let people live sort of person, so that's absolutely the last thing I'd be doing (in fact, I don't think I've ever filed one in my entire 18+ years here and have no intention of starting now).
  11. Maybe it's because I stopped going to adult hangout sims a long time ago, but I feel like the older SL era was a LOT more...adventurous. I'm sure some of the more wild...interests...still exist. I just feel they're a bit more hidden than they used to be. And yeah...vore. Ugh. No thanks on that one!!!!!!!!! Even then, I can't really recall ever meeting anyone with a diaper fetish here, and it's not really the most talked about thing, lol. When I saw it in Yakuza ages ago, I couldn't help but giggle. Yakuza games take all kinds of risks, though. Seeing the convo here reminded me of those scenes and I had to post one of them. Couldn't help it! 🤣 And no, I seriously doubt if anyone's running around as an obvious adult like that, they'd be a target. At least I hope not. Just let people live, lol.
  12. Rowan I'm cackling. Surely you knew I was joking around. 😂 Though to think of someone at LL having to really think seriously about some of this very niche stuff is somewhat amusing to me. Not to say diaper fetishes are entirely rare or anything, but I've seen it in SL exactly that one time that girl posted her photo in that other thread. I'm more familiar with the RL scene, and of course I'm of the mind that as long as consenting adults are involved, have at it. In SL - well, I'm just glad I don't have to investigate the reports and work it out. 🤣
  13. Depends. Oh god. What did I just say. Anyway, from the Yakuza game series... Would these guys get banned? I dunno. https://i.gyazo.com/e4795cde8dd73a412e9c217f05e0d896.jpg I placed it as a link instead of an embed. You're welcome, lol.
  14. That's a good idea. I could set up a new profile for SL. My default mouse config just has copy/paste on my buttons because I'm lazy like that. 😂
  15. Oh no worries! I'm one of them, which is why I responded. SL is mostly just a shopping/avatar customization and photography simulator for me. For everything else I like to do, I go elsewhere. Totally hear you about the camera, though! How many times have I sneezed and hit something by mistake and messed up my perfect shot, LOL.
  16. Second Life is your best bet for those particular activities - especially the level of avatar customization we have, if you're already used to our system and how it works here. You can go customization crazy in The Sims 4, too, with custom content. Other games have very, very good customization, but that's not all you'd be doing - they're usually RPGs, so you'd be leveling and fighting with whatever you created. True privacy would be either singleplayer games or renting out a private server and only inviting your friends along. Clubbing - not sure. Maybe VRChat. When most people say other places do X better, they're mostly talking about activities like small or large-scale combat, roleplaying, life simulation, farming, card/table/dice games, building, racing and driving/flying vehicles, exploration, and large-scale socializing (like guilds with hundreds to thousands of people all being able to chat together without group chat dying a sad death - either using in-game group features or Discord).
  17. Same, honestly. I don't wear kawaii fashion much (well, maybe on my frog on occasion), but I do really like the style and feel people should be able to wear it if they want to. It's crazy popular both in SL and out.
  18. And that's only one of so so so so many groups on there. In fact, go peek at today's SoKawaiiSundays ads. Hopefully word about the changes spreads fast in-world.
  19. Agree, especially about Flickr. If you take a look through any of the more active fashion/photo groups there, well...if that's truly how people look in-world, they're in for a surprise. Not only that, but vendor ads and things. Just browse the promo groups and weekend sales. Welp.
  20. Riiiight? I have issues with Genus for obvious reasons, but woooooo, they are killing it on the male heads. I may have to seriously start considering one. Have you seen the M002 Classic? OOF. Also, if you're open to wearing male non-unisex heads, really dig into Lel's offerings and check out skin stores like Unholy, for example. You can do some THINGS. Unholy Cornelius on Lelutka Wade: Unholy Lestat on Lel Connor: Edit: Another trick - you can wear female skins on male heads and male skins on female heads. Yolo. Try it!
  21. Human? Akeruka has Pride. Lel has River and Zo. BeSpoke has Yon, Azure (elf, but I believe the ears are optional), Ryker (an older, mature face that makes for some hawt wicked male avies I'm just saying), and Marionette (technically a doll head, but can look very human). All EvoX. If you want something a bit different (and are okay with using a male head and male body, not unisex), Genus' male Baby M002 is cuuuuuuuuuute! Just mentioning it because I never see it, but it could make some very nice avatars. Not EvoX.
  22. Do colors need modesty layers, tho. Anyhoo, I don't think anyone's particularly concerned about what colors their bras, panties, boxx0rz, bloomers, or speedos will come in. Probably a variety. Maybe even patterns! I think some are more concerned with what they're going to look like, will they break existing content, will they play nice with low/open back tops/swimwear/dresses, will they allow people to present as whatever the heck they want without feeling pushed or punished, and whether they're tight enough to cut into the underarms/hips - gawd that is SO ANNOYINGGGG!!!!
  23. Yep! Moving things around and positioning is totally fine and very easy, but if you're going for a certain theme that's a bit off the beaten track, just the shopping aspect can take a lot fun out of it. I spent ages hunting for 80s retrowave neon furniture and decor for a paid decorating job I was hired to do, for example. I did find stuff, but it took a lot of digging to find it. I was designing an arcade/gaming lounge. Of course, I can't easily make that in Minecraft either, buuuuut...well actually I dunno, never tried. I might have to try that sometime. The good news is furniture and decor is often mod here, but the bad news is modding it WELL often requires leaving the platform and opening graphics programs, and I just don't have that kind of motivation. But yeah, gathering is so relaxing to me. I always play Minecraft in survival, but in a peaceful mode with hunger because, listen, I need my foooooood. The food/farming/cooking/baking/gardening/ranch/livestock mods are SO GOOOOOD. 😂
  24. While SL is very pretty, visually, when I'm looking to design something, it's all about ease of customization for me. SL looks muuuuch better than the Sims 4, but I don't need to learn 3D (or even open Photoshop) to swap shapes and textures around in The Sims. Plus, I'm one of those weirdos who loves farming my own resources to build with, so games with a lot of crafting in addition to building appeal to me much more. I could go farm rocks and stones and wood in Minecraft alllllllll dayyyyy (especially once modded to add a bajillion new biomes and material types, plus foods and plants and flowers and and and). SL decorating, while I love it sometimes, generally leaves me very frustrated.
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