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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I have a D&G handbag. Not top of the line or anything - their lower range sub-brand that I picked up on clearance in a department store a million years ago, but still. I should set it on fire. 🔥
  2. Ew, that ad is so tasteless! Ok so Dolce just makes a habit of this crap then. I've noticed the fashion brands (especially the luxury brands) are ALWAYS doing this nonsense. I remember something else recent-ish with an accessory...lemme look up who it was... Prada. And oh look, Gucci, too. And H&M, too. *insert like 400 other brands here*
  3. Mhm, I fully believe it's a marketing tactic. It happens FAR too often for it to be an innocent "oops." Companies know it'll go viral and all they have to do is type up a quick nonsense apology and it's all good. 🤑 *looks up* Omg that Dolce & Gabbana ad.
  4. Not parody. I mean, I've seen a lot worse happen recently (look up the Ulta/Kate Spade kerfuffle - that one's bonkers), so at this point, I always think these things are intentional! And omg, look at the Bud Light ad mentioned in here, too: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-macys-advertising/bloomingdales-spiked-eggnog-ad-sparks-outrage-on-social-media-idUSKCN0T12O020151112 That's probably the one thing I don't worry about. 😂 AAVE has been co-opted by sooooo many people since the Internet exploded (well, the words - the grammar is never right - in fact, there's a Twitter account that posts nothing but AAVE fails and "struggle tweets" and it's flippin' HILARIOUS) that if we worried about all that, we'd never get anything else done. I mean of course, academics and scholars and activists are right to point that out, but ya know... I'm just surprised we haven't had any AAVE fail ads!!! Or were there? *thinks*
  5. That is so cool! I found some on Ebay, but they were priced a bit higher. Sold out at other stores, and Amazon had one for...$60something. I'll wait and keep it on my radar!
  6. You know the infuriating part? This still happens quite often TODAY. Ads absolutely get passed through various departments and get approved and signed-off on, so... sometimes I think this stuff is intentional. Outrage marketing, or somesuch. I won't go into details because of the subject matter, but, if you're familiar with Kate Spade and what happened to her, you should see what Ulta's brand recently did with their email campaign. There are articles you can find via Le Google if you haven't heard about it. YIKES.
  7. I've never seen that! Is that like one of those mini consoles like they were making years ago - games pre-installed/built-in? *runs off to check around*
  8. I've got the original NES somewhere...I think. Maybe. In a closet or something lol. I wish I had my old C128 (they're pricey to try and get now) and Atari, but I know how I am with these things. I emulate some of my old C64/128 and DOS games, and the nostalgia feels sooooo good for like, 5 minutes, and then you start to wonder how you EVER had the patience to play these things in their entirety. 🤣 Especially old NES/SuperNES/Genesis games! They were really difficult omg. There's a video on YouTube of a streamer playing the old Disney Lion King game for the first time and raging through the whole thing. 😂
  9. Way off-topic for me to address this, so it's the only thing I'll say on this topic. "Woke" as an adjective was and is AAVE, and the only way I ever use (and acknowledge) the word. I don't use it in that context when not speaking with other Black people. "I woke up from a nap" - sure. "Stay woke" - hell nah. That's just me. Everyone's got their own comfort level with that. Matters not to me who co-opted it and how it's used today. I stick with its traditional usage. "We" never actually stopped using it that way in our social groups and communities (like Black Twitter and other spaces), so I don't know if there's anything to reclaim there. Okay, back to the dumb ads! Bloomingdales! Come on, now!
  10. Man, I loved the hell out of that thing. Remember the other toy...what was it. One sec... Spirograph! Man, between those two, I was set.
  11. I used to wonder about kites a lot as a kid. I was tiny, and some of them were massive, and I would always think...can one of these carry a kid off, orrrr?
  12. I've been a fan of hers for years now. She's so dang funny! If you like her humor, check Bluntcard's website, too. They also do the vintage snark quite well.
  13. I was talking about both. The Ball version became a fad in the 80s when Hasbro started pushing it.
  14. Put good in quotes, there. It wasn't all good. Some of that stuff was straight up deadly! Pogo sticks (and the more younger child-friendly Pogo Ball) were out to get us ALL!!!!!!! But no, there were some amazing things that came out of the 70s, too. I'm not even gonna lie - I love some of the fashion, personally. I missed a lot of that. 80s fashion sucks!!! Yes I said it!
  15. They already do! It's funny watching an older streamer on Twitch (say, mid 30s to mid 40s and up) mention something like discontinued foods, hair bands, old 80s commercials and infomercials, retro video games (C64, MS-DOS, Atari, etc.), or cartoons or something and some people jump in with the nostalgia and the younger chatters who are late teens to early 20s have no Earthly idea what is even going on. It's fun for me watching people discover that stuff for the first time. The 80s were certainly a time. Hell, just the other night, I heard someone say he "grew up with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" - that game came out in 2007. 🤣Imagining all the fun/hilarious/stupid/dumb stuff he missed out on makes me sad. Like damn...he wasn't even alive for the original Mortal Kombat! Or Pulp Fiction. Or Jurassic Park. Or...Beanie Babies... I'm an 80s kid, so I'm kind of guilty of making fun of my own stuff, too. Except toys and games. 80s toys were the absolute best (but were far more likely to kill ya than anything else - had to have been before all those "small parts" warnings). Looking at you, Lite-Brite and Operation!
  16. I'm starting to really understand Anne Taintor's snarky sense of humor the more I see these crazy ads. 😂
  17. I peeked at my landmarks - apparently, it was either Sau, Vix Motors, or JFC. Or maybe another one and silly me forgot to grab a landmark. As it looks like most of those sims have moved/shifted around, I genuinely can't tell now. We're talking at least a year or two ago. All I know is the bikes looked insanely detailed and realistic with tons of animations, features, HUDs, controls, dodads, thinggiemabobs, bike stuff... I'm not really much into autos in RL so, ya know, LOL. They had a TON of models out on display in all kinds of designs and colors and you'd rez the model you wanted to test drive out on the track and play around for as long as you wanted. I never considered the possibility of running across nasty orbs or bouncing ban lines because my intention was to maybe join a motorcycle club with my friends that had its own riding sims (they introduced me to some super nice people who ran one), but still - dem sim crossings would still be an issue even without having to worry about restricted spaces. Didn't seem worth the investment for me (I can't even remember the prices now).
  18. To summarize: 0-warning orbs are the absolute least of my problems. And seemingly rare. Sim crossings on the other hand... those are why I don't ride across the mainland.
  19. For me to log in and actually stay online longer than it takes to pay rent, I need to be inspired in the first place. Usually it's "oh, I should make that new avatar I've been thinking about" or "I should take a photo of..." or "I want to build some new antlers..." I'm not sure, actually! I'm familiar with that one, but I can't remember if that's the place I was at. I only remember a giant outdoor showroom and a big big big race track with lots of curves and turns that went up into the sky? Am I making this up? LOL. I'll have to dig through some landmarks.
  20. I've been wanting a motorcycle for the longest time. I can't remember the store I was at (was ages ago), but they had so many amazing models with tons and tons of features and a giant race track to test them out on. They felt SO GOOD to ride! But I knew trying to cross sim boundaries in one of those would annoy the stuffins out of me, so I gave up the idea and didn't buy anything, LOL.
  21. This is so me. Once I log in, I'm immediately in a build/design/create mindset. I very, very rarely build out in public unless I have to rez something beyond my current prim limit (usually a furnished house I want to take apart), in which case I head over to Builder's Brewery long enough to dismantle the house, grab all the furniture and bits I need out of it, and head back home to organize everything in the inventory. And forget photography in public. Not happening! I spend hours setting up my more involved shots anyway. My home is my creative studio space, so yeah, I rarely welcome people into it unless they're very close friends who don't mind me being zoomed in on something for the entire time they're chilling out there. Even having buddies there is kind of distracting at times, but I don't want to be a TOTAL brat. I can't imagine trying to create in peace on ground-level Mainland, though. It would never even occur to me to try that.
  22. Hmmm... Ascend, A&D, and Cold Ash come to mind for that. Etham has some nice leather jackets, but I'm not particularly fond of their fit (everything feels more wide than I'd like it to be). Agree with you on Steampunk, too. I know where to get accessories, but not anywhere with a full clothing selection.
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