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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Cat and I at @Scylla Rhiadra's "Presence" Exhibit. Beautiful Pics as always. This plaque caught my eye. The quote struck a chord in me. The concept of absolute nothingness. The total absence of everything. Even physical laws. It is a concept I have contemplated for most of life. And why there is more than total nothingness. I'm sure many others have ruminated over this as well. I don't believe we can ever answer this question.
  2. Weird....When I first logged in today, my pics were replaced by placeholders, and showed "unavailable" when I clicked on them. It must be the work of...Anubis!!! He's signaling us that he doesn't want anyone to know he was giving us information on Istelathis' evil plot to free Scylla!!! There is no other possible explanation!!!
  3. We are on your trail you crooked fiendish woman!!!
  4. Cinny, straighten your seams. We have to put a stop to this nefarious plot!!! To the Blabmobile!!!
  5. Scyll,, remember, you are still on bail...
  6. LOL, don't ask. It's too crazy even for me!!!! I can't stop laughing!!! No post processing in these Cinny, other than a crop!!!!
  7. I've been able to rescale and tile in PBR. It's just different than with Blinn Phong. I had to do that in this room with the tiles.
  8. Yes. If you see it, then you have reverted from PBR.
  9. Then use "default". You have to click on what we use as a texture box first, and then select from there.
  10. I just learned from The Firestorm Preview group, that there IS a way to revert back from PBR. It's easy. We click on the material window where our textures usually display, and then choose "none" from the popup window. Setting it to "default" worked for me too.
  11. I just learned from The Firestorm Preview group, that there IS a way to revert back from PBR. It's easy. We click on the material window where our textures usually display, and then choose "none" from the popup window. Setting it to "default" worked for me too.
  12. And this!!! I need to catch up somehow!!! She walks fast even with Covid!!!
  13. Oh hell, I can't get my pics done as fast as Cinny can lol!!!
  14. I don't think PBR will attract any new users. It's just eyecandy for those of us who like that. And it's best used cautiously IMO. Not being able to revert back from PBR when necessary is a real issue in my mind. The firestorm team is working away on troubleshooting their Alpha viewer. I personally don't have any issues, but I might not be using certain features. Cinny can't post on her feed with it, and Cat had issues with alphas since she's on a MAC. Apparently Mac users have to turn shadows off, or the viewer uses alpha blending, and things such as my hair turn invisible .
  15. Cat and I having a Valentine's dance a day early. She's a truly wonderful woman. When I'm happy, she's there. When I'm having issues, she's there. I do the same for her. She deserves it.
  16. OMG, pineapple on pizza....Blasphemy!!! And I really DID have a slice of pizza with double anchovies and olives in RL just before LOL!!!! I might not try that again...
  17. And coming to you almost live!! Cinny trying on new hair!!! I guess you had to be there....
  18. Love your pic!! Thanks!!! I've done my fair share of RL candid shots over the years, so I'm used to capturing a moment when it happens. SL is easier than RL though, because our AO's repeat. Here's the one you are referring to. We logged off so late, that I only had time to work on the other two. I was half asleep by the time I did something with those lol!!!
  19. It must have been the double anchovy and olive pizza slice I had right before we met up...
  20. When i logged in this morning, Cat was sitting in her Zodiac!!!
  21. Hanging out with Cinny She said this pose is a reflection of her personality.
  22. Christina usually just sends me a TP invite when something is happening. I'm chatting with Christina right now. The location varies. Best is to join "The Happiness Project" group, so someone can get the info. You and I will just get an invite from Christina, but for others it's better to join the group to see where it is.
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