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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. You got me curious now. Why don't you like Firestorm?
  2. Is there any viewer that DOESN'T have some flaws? FS is the only viewer I've tried that has chat organized exactly the way I like. And anything without RLV would be useless to me except to take the odd pic.
  3. Firestorm has a lot of settings hidden away in places I wouldn't think of looking. Even when I've used a setting, I have to look it up or ask, if it's been months. Some are in more than one place too, like camera settings, and AV slo-mo!!!
  4. There is an option under Preferences/Firestorm/Build 2 that lets us see parcel borders extending upwards. If you are using FS that is.
  5. Experimenting with Machinima on the Island. It looks much better in full HD and 60FPS though. It's not a zoom. I was using an invisible AV, and flying forwards. I should have moved the cursor to the side though.
  6. Probably because some women are willing to pay the higher price, instead of buying men's socks that fit? They're socks. Socks are unisex (unless it's a particular pattern or style). If women's socks were cheaper, I would buy those if they came in the right size (and no particular pattern or style).
  7. I can't take credit for this shot. My "partner of the evening" took it. I just edited it and added some PS filters....Now I might have to put another keyboard in the dishwasher again...
  8. I honestly don't know much about it. They mentioned things such as abuse, so I thought it might be imagery you have portrayed. If i find it's something negative, I won't be a part of it either.
  9. My friend (acquaintance) Vita, and her collaborator, Bella, asked me to exhibit in their art show. It's a war themed exhibit, so I'm not sure why they want me to exhibit a couple of mine, but I certainly am happy to help out. I told them to contact @Scylla Rhiadra as well, since it seems social justice is a part of what they are looking for. Here, I was showing them some of my images in our Island gallery.
  10. Just a quick pic from this morning. It really caught my mood: "Why is it that we (or maybe just me) end of discovering new features only when we use something? Am I missing reading a new feature document in the Firestorm PBR Beta??? I wouldn't have even thought there was a new "HDR Scale" setting in personal lighting!!! What other new settings do I not know about??? Effing Hell, LOL!!!"
  11. This is the part you are misinterpreting: there is no projection "about" someone. What you are describing is an opinion "of" someone. Or a theory, as you have stated. I may have the opinion that someone is a good person, but project onto them that they are doing something bad, because I do it. Of course projection can be a part of the opinion we form of a particular person, but that is only a part of the equation, not necessarily the whole. The implications of your definition would mean that the traits people attribute to you are not actually a part of your character, but a part of the people's character attributing said traits to you. Really, their opinions may be based on purely objective observation and fact, combined with personal preference. Projection can involve something positive as well BTW, but that doesn't follow the standard usage of the term.
  12. The article doesn't mention projection being involved in our opinion OF another person. Projection has nothing to do with conceptualizations formed of another person in the past. Conceptualizations may actually be correct, based on the other persons actions. If someone is in prison for theft, and I consider them a thief, then I am correct (assuming actual guilt). Projection would be me thinking someone is stealing, because I steal. Not because they actually are.
  13. Projection though, isn't about about what we think of another person, but projecting our own feelings or thoughts onto them, usually unacceptable ones. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/basics/projection
  14. I'm still working away on the dress. Nowhere near perfect, but making some headway. Learning more about the limitations than anything else!!! It got worse before it started to get better!!!
  15. /me starts to thumb through his photo album...
  16. No Clue. Looks nice though. Care to drop any hints?
  17. Don't pull a "Cinny" on me!!!! My keyboard finally died from so many times in the dishwasher from me spewing stuff on it from laughing so hard!!!
  18. ??? There is only one room on the Island with security enabled. Our personal bedroom. Everywhere else, including inside the house, is public. We only set security there because we have had unwanted "guests".
  19. The pic Cat and I have in on a sign in front of our house.
  20. /me smiles. WE at the National Blab HAVE discovered your unscrupulousness!!!
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