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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Thanks!!! I really didn't spend much time on it. I just turned on video recording with my NVIDIA card, and I liked what I saw when I previewed, so I trimmed it and converted it to an animated GIF from an MP4. We didn't plan the shot. We really were just chatting. It took me longer to get it converted to a size that I could upload than anything else. This pic took me a lot longer, and it's nothing overly exciting. It's when Cat wore her new T-shirt for the first time. It's exciting to me though, because it's her wearing something new. This is the original I had to work with: I was stuck with it, because we were discussing something. I can't and won't say "Hold on a min while I add some fill lights". The conversation is much more important than any pics I take.
  2. What's worse, is when SL things suddenly "revert", or "change". For no apparent reason. I spent an hour adjusting Cat's vanity. Then a month later, the colour's are messed up, and I know she hasn't adjusted them (she would say "ooopps"). Or terraforming, and it's suddenly back to where it was before I did anything when I log in the next day.
  3. I really do wish machinima recording was built into Firestorm. The camera can turn off all HUDS and UI, so it should be theoretically possible to do that with video as well.
  4. LOL, yes. I saw that too!!! That was one of the reasons I made it a GIF posted it. I had to double the speed, unfortunately, because I wouldn't have been able to post it otherwise.
  5. ...And if you want want Weird and Bizarre...And Bad...
  6. Yes because...And i'm down the exact same road...
  7. I just watched. The music isn't my thing, but the creativity is. I can just imagine storyboarding those. It's an intense vision. LOVE IT!!!
  8. Been there, done that. It really IS awful when it happens though. I try and use "edit linked", and/or "Select faces". I've come close to tears when i've spent hours on something, and I make a mistake like that.
  9. Absolutely!!! They don't work all that great without actual hair though.
  10. Exactly!!! A hairbase is a tattoo. It's not actual hair.
  11. The weird part here (other than Cat and me. OK, she says she's "different", and I'm "weird"), is how her hair got darker. She didn't do that purposely. She ends up with all kinds of weird changes. She's on a MAC. Anyone have any ideas why this could be happening? I'm on a windows PC, and I don't have issues like she does.
  12. Caitlin with a new T-shirt. I'm surprised she didn't say: "I must be crazy. I've been married to you in SL for almost two years".
  13. I am well aware. Sometimes the symbols can create more divisiveness, than they can unity. That was the point I was making.
  14. I WILL make a statement though. Why does there need to be a fist in the middle? Or am I just seeing that wrong? I believe in equality and mutual support, not power.
  15. I love fishing in RL, so we depicted it in SL too!!!
  16. It's true though, I think a lot of us DO switch viewers, depending on the situation. I use Speedlight at work to send IM's, since I can't fully login for privacy reasons. I like the pics BD takes, but I don't know how to back up the settings, if I muck something up. FS DOES have a PBR Beta, which is working fine for me.
  17. I've done that to reduce lag in a crowded store. Is FS the only viewer that has this feature?
  18. Do you know the actual Stat on that?
  19. I personally use the Firestorm viewer, because it is RLV enabled, the chat window is exactly what I like. I like the features as well, and I now feel lost trying any other viewer. Also, since basically everyone I'm close to uses it, it's easier for us to help each other. Thoughts or opinions anyone?
  20. I wonder what the stats are on the percentage of users for each of the various viewers,
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