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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. LOL, I got hit on by a man who wanted me to use a dildo in RL a few seconds after Cat logged off with her alt.
  2. Well, here I am at home... Watching Cat's alt try on some new stockings and shoes I got her. I think she'll kill me if I fill her inventory. Fortunately, she DID like them. Before we went back home, we were trying to get picked up together. No luck today on that.
  3. Did you backup your FS settings? If you did, then restore them and see what happens.
  4. Thanks. I saw it logging in today. The issue about things not loading and having to relog three times seems to be gone though.
  5. I went to see my friend Sheri at the club where she works this morning. Don't laugh. We discussed the Spacemouse Navigator, and how it can be used to control our cameras. I DID tip her. I know it's hard work dancing and Escorting. Been there, done that. And she knows her computer stuff. I would rather help support a friend than get free tech support from a company (when half the time it's wrong anyways)...And I got a nice show to boot!!! RL tech support doesn't provide a view like this!!!
  6. Peeve: When tech support gives the wrong information!!! I couldn't find the power connector for my new computer case's fans. It's not mentioned in the installation manual or online PDF as far as I could see. So, I call tech support. They told me to follow the wires, and find a 3 pin connector that will plug into the motherboard. Well, it turns out it was actually a MOLEX connector nicely tucked into the backside of the case, and nearly invisible!!! Those fans are controlled by switches on the case, and not by the MB!!! Bad tech support. Bad...
  7. I am totally lost on this. I've never heard of SteamVR or Visual Studio. What are you creating with these programs?
  8. Cat and I celebrating our second Anniversary at a seaside SL restaurant. She really is wonderful woman.
  9. Uggh....I don't know anything about Visual Studio.. But I get it.
  10. LOL, I used to be a ho, but not so much anymore. Restarting? I restarted my new PC about 10 times in the last half hour just to get "effing" Windows 11 to recognize that the TV I'm using as a monitor really IS 10 bit HDR!!!! Faece me!!! I'm pissed that I should have to do that!!! A reg mod really IS much easier.
  11. Thanks!! I have only used my NVIDIA Shadowplay to capture bits of SL video. I will give this a try for sure!!!
  12. Sorry, I misunderstood. I was talking about things like using CTRL+SHIFT+ALT and arrow keys to move the camera around. That drives me nuts. I never learned how to type, so I need to look at my keyboard when I'm positioning my fingers when I start that. That's hard with "on the fly" video, where a fraction of a second can mean missing what's happening.
  13. I've been spending my week at home with a bad cold. I've been slowly building a new PC... when I don't cough and sneeze so much I'll destroy the components. I've been telling Cinny about it. She said (cynically) "it's so hot, it needs air conditioning". I got it working and booted up today. I'm surprised my shiny new CPU didn't go up in a puff of smoke when she showed me some of the outfits she bought today!!! I'll have to get a bigger CPU cooler...
  14. It works in Firestorm. Alt + left click mouse button.
  15. This isn't really necessary, and very encumbering on a day to day basis in using an SL viewer, unless someone is recording video constantly. It's like playing twister on the keyboard. At least for me it is. I can't type.
  16. Something isn't right on the SL side, when multiple people have similar issues. I was able to login with BD, but same thing. So it's not our viewers.
  17. I thought it might be my VPN, but it's the same with it turned off. And I always end up floating in the air when I login, even when everything loads properly. That's the same with all my accounts. I even cleared my caches just in case of corruption. I just tried to login with Black Dragon. It's worse. It said I have no clothing in my inventory, and logged me out.
  18. LOL!!! There IS a reg mod NVIDIA provides that removes the cursor. I looked it up, and just installed it. Works fine. I just have to add the other reg mod if I want the cursor to show. But I'm not making instructional videos, so I don't need it.
  19. LOL, I'm sure something can be arranged!!!
  20. If only I could get better shoes...I'm so embarassed when my ankles don't look sexy!!! And nylons? OMG!!! I keep getting runs and ladders!!!
  21. I've been having to restart least 3 times to get things loaded properly. What the hell is going on?
  22. I won't be upset next year. I'll know to expect it. It makes me look forward to what they can come up with!!!
  23. I totally forgot April 1st was April Fools Day!!!
  24. It certainly does take practice. And it's hard to remember if I haven't recorded video in a bit. What drives me nuts is whatever I use the alt left MB on get's centered on the screen. Focus follow cursor won't work with video recording, since the cursor gets recorded too!!! This why it would be nice if our SL cameras could record video. If it can show a "clean" screen with our cameras, it should be able to with video recording too (if it was implemented).
  25. If I knew that it WAS humour, then it IS funny. The problem is, I didn't. The OP didn't know either. If I had known it wasn't some sort of hack, them I would have laughed!!!
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