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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I haven seen "Day of the Triffids" either. The blindness part horrifies me too much. I started the book, but had to put it down.
  2. A bit later we were together... ...But she tortured me by wearing those sandals!!!
  3. OK....So... @Cinnamon Mistwood is shopping right now. She prefers shopping alone, so we aren't together...And ...she buys me THIS!!! I had no idea what it was until I unpacked it. Of course she wouldn't tell me. She knows I wouldn't be caught dead in THIS!!! I don't know who was laughing harder, ME or HER!!!
  4. I noticed the 2.70 Ghz minimum requirement when I was on that page. The OP's is running at 1 GH, but can turboboost to 3.60 Ghz. Which is an interesting question as to whether that "boost" makes is enough fit the minimum requirements. But still, if it works properly after a while, I tend to agree that it's possibly more of a paging issue.
  5. Very true!!! I think of it as living in an interactive movie with no script sometimes. Where admission can be somewhat expensive, if one chooses to buy premium tickets.
  6. Me with someone who IM'd me out of the blue when she saw me on a SIM, and had forgotten that we had once met in a rather "cough" kinky situation on the island. She wanted me to turn her into a living statue, so I did. But then we got talking a bit, and I was questioning if she had told her partner (who I know as an acquaintance), and she hadn't. I really didn't want to be a part of it at that point, but she logged off before I could release her. Well, there IS always turning RLV off...
  7. Me in my "Sandy" AV, and my "ex" Mysteria (with the dark hair), having a nice conversation together on the Island. Of course, there WAS some kink in the conversation. We are still good friends.
  8. Thank you!!! I think we are "projecting" a bit onto each other (in a positive way). You are looking at it from a third person perspective, (which I had forgotten). Thinking about someone other than yourself living in the places you build. My SL is fully first person.The Island Caitlin and I have is about where, and in what, we would want to live if we were RL married. It's a fantasy world of course, so we aren't encumbered by physical and (to a degree) financial limitations. What I write and show pics of is actually what happens in my SL life. Caitlin named it "The Wren Island Refuge", because she said it was her refuge from reality. When I show a pic with a caption like "Cat and I discussing RL stuff", then we actually WERE discussing RL things. The images and captions I post are more of an SL diary than a story. But all that said, there IS a storytelling involved. It's meant for others to see and read. Not just notes and pictures in my personal diary. And btw, I would be happy to read an essay or book you write about how you furnish land in SL with storytelling!!! Count me in!!!
  9. The present official release of Firestorm is the last one that supports 32 bit. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/changelog:firestorm_change_log_6.6.17.70368
  10. I didn't look back to check the OP's bandwidth, but I have issues if I set it too high. I usually leave mine at 500. That seems to give me the most stability. When I was using a cell based modem for internet that could barely do 3 Mbs, it was a big issue if I set it even at 1000. Again, we don't know the OP's internet speed.
  11. I kindly explained that I had to logoff LOL!!! So no scandal...
  12. I agree for sure. The biggest issue is why it takes weeks for the OP's viewer to stabilize when there is an upgrade. If their viewer runs properly after 2 or 3 weeks, then the hardware must be capable enough. But 2 or 3 weeks of being online how many times? Is it an issue with filling the caches? Is their cache size affecting this? What about bandwidth? Could it be set too high or too low?
  13. FS won't run with a two year old version. They block older versions, and let us know.
  14. But why would anyone want to run SL with these limitations? But the OP might be forced to though, if they can't get a new PC. But it's not established yet if it's their hardware.
  15. You have been a great inspiration. The island Caitlin and I have wouldn't be what it is now without her and me having visited your Dutch Estate. I don't see you're writing here as "storytelling". I see it more as a journal that you share. It's not fictional. It's what you have done in SL. Thank you for your kindness and willingness to share this with all of us.
  16. One other way, if I'm recording video. is to make my AV invisible, and use my arrow keys to move around. But it's not easy.
  17. Black Dragon is one, but it's complex. I use Firestorm because of the chat window setup, and the ability to save and restore our settings. And it does take decent pics. Not as good as BD though.
  18. Try Firestorm and see what happens. Or any other official third party viewer
  19. Post your laptop brand and model number. Maybe someone else is running FS with the same one. Then it's easier to sort out if it's hardware or software. Are you having issues with any other software?
  20. The OP's info from FS shows their graphics card as Intel UHD. So no Nvidia. Their processor is slow at 1190.4 MHz. Firestorm requires 2.70 Ghz. But... the i5-1035G1 CPU can boost to 3.60 Ghz. Integrated graphics are certainly no help though. We also don't know what other processes are running on the OP's laptop that could be interfering, and what their internet speed is. Personally, I think the best way to find out, is to see if anyone on SL is running the same laptop with the same BIOS version, and if they are having the same issues. OP, can you post your Laptop brand and model number?
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