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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I took a random pic Cinny really liked, and she wanted to use it for her Alt's profile pic, so I did some quick cropping and minor adjustments before sending it to her. It was getting late, and we both needed to logoff, so I only had a couple of minutes to work on it. And of course she is Insane...She hangs around with me...That's a well known cause!!!
  2. I like PBR too. Not for every single object though. I find some things look better using Blinn-Phong textures, while some look better with PBR materials. I'm using the Firestorm Beta, and that gives us a choice of PBR or Blinn-Phong, and it can be converted back and forth. I don't know if the official viewer does that. I find the overall image is better on the FS PBR Beta, than on the non-PBR version, even with Blinn-Phong textures. So, I definitely DO like the changes and options. and especially the look!!! I haven't tried it on an older system yet, and I really should on an old i7-980 tower I have with Windows 7. I have heard from some of my friends with older systems, that it really does cause a performance hit, and now from Simo as well.
  3. At least you were nice enough to pull out a violin. Everyone else just laughs!!!
  4. Hanging out with Polly for a short bit before we had logoff.
  5. I seem to deserve to spend lots of time with @Cinnamon Mistwoodand Caitlin. If that's punishment I am absolutely doing SOMETHING right LOL!!!
  6. Now wouldn't THAT just be a scandal!!! Scylla forgets to use birth control....
  7. Are you sure you aren't pregnant? /me runs for cover before Scylla hits him with a baseball bat for even suggesting that...
  8. I was actually responding to Scylla, but my response to her applies to you, myself,, and everyone else too. Not every pic we post has to be a piece of artwork. That would take away the fun if we are pressured like that.
  9. LOL, your pic looks just fine. If we wanted to make every pic we post a work of art, we wouldn't even have the time to even be inworld to take any!!!
  10. Scylla and I DO tend to argue LOL. I would call it debating though, even when it gets a little tense. At least that's how it is from my end.
  11. I have been blindfolded and unblindfolded, to suddenly find an underage AV wanting to perform "adult activities" with me when I was RLV forced on a chair. So yes, I panicked. I hit CTRL Q so fast I had no chance of knowing who they were and reporting them. So yes, I HAVE been affected. I really don't care if Child RP'ers, or you, feel I am expressing intolerance or myopia. I am absolutely expressing intolerance and myopia in regards to the existence of child AV's. So? Glasses don't seem to change my view. You have every right to express that you never wanted adult activities to exist in SL. We wouldn't even be having this discussion if they hadn't have been allowed. I wouldn't be here. Maybe you wouldn't either.
  12. I am not talking about banning anything or anyone. I am simply stating that in my opinion depictions of children should not have been allowed from the beginning. I am not implying anything. I am stating it. Hopefully clearly. Sexuality is VITAL to my experience in SL. I didn't know it was possible in my first few weeks in SL, but I would have left very quickly if it wasn't. No images, no creating, no friendships, no relationships. Nothing. I would have just left, and likely never bothered with ANY virtual world ever again. Like RL, it's not necessary on a daily. or even weekly basis (OMG, did I just admit that?), but it IS a necessary, and vital part of my SL. I won't be apologizing for that.
  13. I agree with you. I don't understand why some of it is allowed. It is NOT illegal to depict those however. Mainstream horror movies do that all the time. In SL (and RL movies), both men and women can be, and are vivisected. I have seen both. I don't want to see either anymore. But any depictions of children involved in adult activities IS illegal. In Canada, even a text story leads to criminal charges. You know that. I stand by what I believe though. SL IS and WAS meant for those above 16, and only AV's above 16 should have been allowed at the start. That policy would have prevented this entire issue. But LL simply can't suddenly eliminate child AV's, and it wouldn't be fair to those who have them for innocent purposes. But there again is another question. We truly don't know who does what in SL, and for what purpose (with exceptions).
  14. Just to clarify, I don't support banning people who have child AV's, or forcing people who have one to suddenly abandon the time, effort, and expense they have put into them. Bill Fletcher pointed out a perfectly valid reason for someone to have one with Cosette. My view is simply that child AV's shouldn't have been allowed to exist from the beginning, in a virtual world where everyone has to be at least over 16. A griefer with a child AV has the potential to cause very serious damage to a person. not only in SL, but in RL as well.
  15. Christina says "HI" btw.. I know she would be happy to see you there.
  16. I was with Caitlin when Christina gave me her (usual) 10 min warning. Apparently the "Happy Dance" was on tonight. Cat had to leave in 5 mins, so I told Christina I would come right after. I know she would have come, because she likes Christina, but RL was in the way. @Cinnamon Mistwoodenjoys the happy dance too, but she couldn't be online either. I always go to things that Christina is involved with when I can. She's a good friend.
  17. Another pic at Scylla's exhibit with @Cinnamon Mistwood. I can't remember which character from the play this was in the background.
  18. I've tried that program. I got a few up to 500 LI trees if I remember correctly LOL. I put it away pretty quickly too!!!
  19. A few more pics with @Cinnamon Mistwoodfrom yesterday. This one makes me think of a "Black Widow". It wasn't intended to be, but that's how it turned out. In my mind anyways. This one looks like I AI generated it, but I didn't.
  20. My keyboard is Cinny proof now fortunately!!! I hit the caps lock by accident, but I liked it, since we were havING FUN AND BEING WEIRD I KEPT IT. Oops, there's the caps lock again...
  21. Well, seriously, dancing is exactly what we wanted to do!!! Was it appropriate? I don't think think so. Do I care? ...Nope !!! Was it fun? Absolutely YES!!!
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