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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. My close friends stay my friend. Period, end of story.
  2. That wasn't my actual intent on a conscious level. Subconsciously I can't answer.
  3. In now way do I promote any toxicity. I find that fully repugnant!!! Your post made me reflect on myself, and what Caroline Takeda said. Selling sex doesn't work. It's about promoting yourself so that people want you in particular. I haven't deliberately done that, and she posted that well after I started in the forums. It is simply my personality. And all of this helping me understand the differing dynamics of inworld vs the forums. Really that's what I am trying to do....to understand how things work!!! I don't get anything financial out of being in the forums. What I HAVE gotten are some very dear friends, an SL Sister and a Mother!!! And that is worth more than any $L I could make!!!
  4. OMG you almost made me die RL laughing!!! The only association you have with the sex trade is by being my friend and meeting my friends!!!
  5. I'm sure it is lol. from the T-shirt I saw you wear the other day....But I'm already headed there anyways, so I have nothing to lose!!! I'll have good company at least!!!
  6. When SL lets her log in again???Jordan....Did you do something...naughty???
  7. Lol, you really have to tell me more about them sometime so we could have a laugh!!!
  8. I have no idea who they even are. The argument wouldn't last long inworld. I would activate the infamous "block" button!!!
  9. We truly have to meet inworld lol!!! I already love you!!
  10. I am quite aware of that The forums are a place of hostility in a lot of ways. But thank you for the advice!!!
  11. Um, excuse me? where have I ever denied that I want to be the center of attention? Of course I do!!! My threads are honest questions though. If you don't like them, you don't have to read them or respond to them.
  12. You couldn't be friends.with anyone who says a lot of "ignorant stuff". That's impossible,.
  13. Thank you!! I like you too. very much actually!!!
  14. I never felt hatred from you. A bit of anger at me perhaps, but never hatred. Hate or disagree with what I do. I have no issues with that. I never would have asked you to meet inworld if I felt hatred. I understand you refused, but it would have been nice to have a realtime conversation
  15. Well Jordan, your here. You can't hate me that much. Or maybe you do.....that much!!! And lol, I actually like you!!!
  16. Thanks Scylla. I really appreciate you letting our friendship be known.
  17. That's a good thing. My friendships really do run across the board, The hatred for me has RL shocked me. I mean in the forums. Nothing like this inworld. There I get hugs and kisses!!! And I mean by my friends!!! Pearl composes herself a little after becoming emotional.
  18. I have made some very dear friends from the Forum, and even an SL sister. Because I'm such a controversial figure I worry about them being judged for the company they keep.Eventually it becomes obvious. I can take care of myself quite nicely, but I don't want my friends to have to do the same. just because of me!!! Thoughts anyone?
  19. Scylla.....You very well know what I would say lol!! Remember that friends can be the best lovers....It runs deep.....
  20. A little cold lol!!! My rose just shattered!!!
  21. It almost made want to leave....But I didn't lol!!! But I would rip my claws so hard into someone like that now....
  22. None of us have the right to be SL police. We would work for LL if we did!!!
  23. I didn't submit an AR because i was too new. I wouldn't be particularly "nice" to someone like that anymore. He would be the one shivering!!! I have zero tolerance for that sort of thing!!! Seriously though, we don't need or want those types of people in SL. We are here to enjoy it. Some enjoy hurting others unfortunately.
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