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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. And speaking of griefers, it reminded me of a nagging beggar. He was constantly nagging myself and my partner for money. So I told him he can have money. If he comes home with us and has sex with me and my (beautiful female) partner as well. He IM'd back saying I was crazy, and never bothered us again.
  2. Some of us thought of it as a sort of age verification system to make sure that we aren't providing sexual services to anyone underage. Because a person can't have a credit card account under the age of 18. But they can be authorized users at 14 in Canada, so it really doesn't indicate anything. As it was discussed in another thread, we have to accept LL's verification as people being over 18. And if someone is 13 years old in SL, then they would logically have to be over 18 in RL. Also, a person can make an alt with no payment info, and pay themselves from their other account, as Anna brought up. I never thought of this aspect, but it could be very helpful in situations like that.
  3. Alone doesn't mean lonely, exactly as you said. We all need our alone time too. Both RL and SL. I'm generalizing, because I truly believe it's general. I was complimenting Aiyumei on the appearance of her AV, and the fun sense of humour she displayed with her pic!!!
  4. LOL, Aiyumei, considering our responses, I don't think you would be spending any lonely nights in SL!!!
  5. I was actually going to ask you what that meant!!!
  6. And in case anyone is wondering, my AV is NOT naked!!! I'm wearing a thong!!!
  7. My friend Caitlin. I spent many hours helping her with this look.
  8. My friend Caitlin. I spent many hours helping her with this look.
  9. Exactly what I was pointing out, but with much more detail!!! We have to accept the proof that is legally accepted.
  10. Then the RL business should ask for proof outside of SL. All we have to go by is what LL accepts as proof. It certainly wouldn't be reasonable to ask someone or everyone we are going to have sex with in SL to provide RL ID. Within the TOS, yes, but reasonable, no. The same would apply to any porn site on the internet. What concrete proof does anyone actually have that any models or actors are of legal age? It certainly wouldn't be reasonable to contact the author of any photos or the production company of videos to provide proof of age. And it would be required BEFORE we view the pic or video, if we have reasonable doubt.
  11. I'm having the same problem for this AV. The hair looks nice from some angles, but weird from others. It's hard for a female AV, but I find there are much more choices.
  12. "How does your SL look today?" is also a good spot. It's meant for images of anything SL related!! https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/473720-how-does-your-sl-look-today/page/5/#comment-2381800
  13. Your pic invokes such a nice, calm serene feel!!!
  14. That was fun to watch!!! I pressed pause at random intervals, and saw some neat images. Interestingly, I paused on a screencap of an old forum page mentioning how someone's AV got stuck inworld after logging off. I love learning about SL glitches, And it's a great bit of SL nostalgia.Thanks for posting that!!!
  15. I think it's unfortunate that many of the old pics are missing. I would love to go back and look at what people could create in the early days. But I don't know if there were any threads that were devoted to pics in the early days. I haven't been in SL long enough to know SL history .
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