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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Everything posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. I worked as a hostess for six years about before my hearing loss made it impossible for me to comfortably continue. I would make around 300L on a good night because I was an attentive, polite and personable hostess. It paid for my home, my daughter's necessities and savings I could put towards things I wanted or needed in SL. I worked three hour shifts/five days a week. I've never heard of anyone making 500K Linden per week working as host, DJ, CSR, etc. Successful content creators work long hard hours to make their businesses lucrative. It also takes time and dedication to learn the necessary skills. Same with land moguls who run estates. I get being ambitious, but it seems far reaching for not even having a set plan of action for yourself.
  2. Thank you for sending out such an adorable bear! Hubby and I have been wanting one for our baby daughter's nursery for the longest time. Sorry the photo isn't very scary, but Wednesday was certainly impressed.
  3. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry your friend went through that. I'm sorry you went through that. No one deserves to go through chronic pain. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm glad you don't compare yourself to others as you explained. It is hard to watch people do that to themselves because we really can be our own worst enemy at times. I know I am at times! Take care and be safe everyone.
  4. May I offer you a hug and advice please? One thing. Never try to compare your experiences with others. That isn't being fair to yourself. You're invalidating your own life experiences by doing so and you're worth so much more than that! Be kind to yourself. 🤗 Edited to add that I apologize since I tend to be a rather sappy person. Take my advice with a grain of salt. I just take things daily. I'm just having a difficult day. Most of the time, I just try to focus on the good. I can't at times though so I peeved here a bit. I'm sorry if I've caused bad feelings to stir.
  5. Great idea! They really would add something extra awesome! Perhaps you gave him some fashion inspiration for the future? 😲
  6. I get migraines on a regular basis, but at the moment my peeve is constant pain I experience from congenital scoliosis that went untreated until I was eight years old. It causes constant daily nerve and muscle spasms along my entire spine. They became unbearable in the last few years when pain levels escalate to ten daily. I'm on heavy pain meds as a form of pain management that takes the pain level to three on very good days. Level five most days. Sometimes I just get so sick of chronic pain. I love life, but I get sick of pain. I also have fibromyalgia and cfs so yes...sick of pain. My dad taught me to try to love my scoliosis curve. I do for the most part because it's part of me. I'm not fond of the pain though.
  7. This is one of the very reasons I stopped myself in responding further. What is the use?
  8. I have always loved this song, but for some reason this ASL version of it brought me to tears. It is beautiful.
  9. I'm deaf so have no idea what she sounds like. From her actions and commentary through closed caption, she simply seems to be enjoying herself. If being this way makes her happy, I find that completely acceptable. She isn't hurting anyone by doing so. I think she is putting a fresh perspective on Second Life to a younger generation who watches her. Besides that, she has enough self awareness and maturity where she can actually laugh at herself. She doesn't take herself too seriously. That I admire in itself. Exactly! My personality is much more conservative to an extent, but it really is fascinating to watch her learning and actually enjoying her journey doing so. I've watched a few of her other videos and although some make me cringe, what is important is she is having fun. I needed to add that this has been an enjoyable thread to read through! Great idea! Plus it's good to see you back in the forums.
  10. I found her adorable! She is so youthful and enthusiastic. It's nice to see a younger generation checking out Second Life. I know I've read her voice is annoying. I can't hear her so have no idea. She just seems to be having fun and being silly. It is also interesting to see Second Life through someone who is learning how things work. A bit nostalgic.
  11. My husband, our daughter Wednesday and me all together today in Bellisseria.❤️
  12. My husband, our daughter Wednesday and me all together today.❤️
  13. I'm so thankful for my hubby. This past week I've been pretty ill physically and he has been trying to find ways to cheer me up even if it is simply to hold me and let me know that I'm loved unconditionally. That means everything! 💗
  14. How dare you actually use a confused reaction because something posted caused confusion. You should be so ashamed! 😂
  15. This has happened to me many times. I'm deaf and when others have done this in the past after I apologize and explain I'm deaf, I get accused of lying. I found that those who act that way aren't worth the worry or my time most often than not. I cannot change their attitude and the only person"s behavior and actions I have control over is myself. I'm sorry anyone has gone through this. It can be extremely unpleasant.
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