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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. That's to bad before I got a chance to go see it.
  2. I don't, I add a signature to those pictures I convert to virtual paintings, but I do that because paintings typically are signed, and not for any type of security. If someone wants to steal my picture they can, I have more important things to worry about. I did have someone steal a picture on a RL website. I don't even do anything to prevent it there, it's not like I was going to make money off of it.
  3. 400 views, does not mean 400 viewers, and even if it did, the odds of the group owner having seen it are slim. She should go ahead and contact them.
  4. Good money is a relative term, and varies a lot according to who says it. What is good money to one person is chump change to another.
  5. Sometimes some things don't need to be remembered.
  6. Tram for starters. Also check out Exile many of the men's styles look great on women as well. One of my female alts used one of there styles most of the time, though that one does have hair over her face, so probably has the same issues.
  7. Yes you can, I was just messing with you. Your art is good. Do you have it displayed in world? I could maybe get you gallery space of you don't have it yet.
  8. Most of us come to SL to do the things we can't do in SL. Not having a job being high on the list.
  9. Have you tried contacting the group owner with an explanation of your inactivity and asked nicely to be reinstated?maybe you can get back in the group without having to pay again, and if so you have nothing to complain about.
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