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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. No one even noticed it was one set of footprints turning into two sets. It really didn't have anything to do with that poem. I was saying everyone has done what they could to help Rose and now she can walk on her own again. In a sense I'm saying those who helped, carried her and have now set her down on her own feet because she made it through and can stand on her own for a while again.
  2. Reminds me of a skit done by some girls at a Y-Teen camp when I was a kid. Ever hear the song about great big globs of greasy grimy gopher guts etc? And the last line is "and I forgot my spoon." Yeah well one of the girls had a straw. Good thing it was flour and not confectioner's sugar. 🤭
  3. You didn't see this? Neither did I, even with my prescription reading glasses on. 🤭
  4. You should have posted more since 2010. 🤭 You'd have been able to change your title long ago if you had. 🤭
  5. Much as I hate to use the damn things, sometimes time outs in a carrier get the idea across when the behavior of the other cat(s) is noticed. They're like children and sometimes you have to treat them as if they were children. Just don't ever use a water spray bottle. They are messy and make the cat even harder to bathe if necessary for fleas. Even when they don't go outside, you do and that is where the fleas are hitching a ride on you! 😬
  6. My cat is weird. He doesn't bother the tree. Even when I left it up for over a year he never tried to climb it or knock anything off. Just gets behind it on the skirt and sheds like there is no tomorrow snoozes.
  7. No I am not. I am basing my observations on the words you yourself have posted on at least two different forums for several years. Customers can be happy with products and get the world's worst customer service at the same time.
  8. Yeah. Not gonna happen. LL doesn't care how many people she runs off the forum.
  9. Best thing to do is ask @Linden Lab via support ticket.
  10. There's an armor plated roach in your A.I. encasement? Peeve: Bugs disguised as features.
  11. I bet he wears dirty socks when no one is looking just like the other sock wearer. Peeve: Robots that wear dirty, stinky socks and then stuff them in the air purifiers.
  12. Let me know if you find it. In the meantime... *parks her av within eyesight of @Vanity Fair in a certain pose that breaks ankles really bad and proceeds to toggle the lock on and off and on and off and on and off and on and on and on I figured I'd better come back and let Vanity know before I would even use the durn thing I had to play with it to see what it did. Once I saw the difference, I left it on. Over 2 years ago! 🤭
  13. Peeve: Someone starting a new thread way too soon after the last one is locked. Wait at least two hours so the mods won't be looking. They can't sit on the forums all day. 🤭
  14. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History/WindLight https://lindenlab.wordpress.com/2007/05/21/windlight-atmospheric-rendering-comes-to-second-life/
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