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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Have you checked her cart lately? One of mine keeps loading hers up to the max. I bet she thinks I'm going to pay for it all! Ha! I've got her fooled! I'm not the main! *maniacal laughter* 😈
  2. Before SL Gor there was AW Gor. AW=Active Worlds https://www.awportals.com/aw/archives/newsgroups/thread_8384/
  3. I have met the man in person. It was decades ago when I was in my early 20s and I never wanted to meet him ever again. His charisma reeked of something evil. He is worse than a religious cult leader. I grew up in the south and while I can, at times, pass, I am not white. Let's leave it at that.
  4. Btw, I've been meaning to tell you, you mispeled Be. And there is no ion in Champ! 🤭
  5. David Duke isn't a religious leader and who is D.T.? If you mean that orange baboon, I'm walking away from this right now.
  6. You would be correct. http://herbalifejanet.blogspot.com/2012/01/second-life-vs-real-life.html
  7. Oh. So, none of them ever log in because they're all chatting on Discord. You sure it was FLDS and not Gor? 🤔
  8. You have no idea how much I've always wanted a decent telescope. We do have an ant problem in the MH park no one seems to want to do anything about.
  9. Why is it, every time I try to say something (a joke) that will start our day off in a good mood, why does he have to go and ruin it every damn time?
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