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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I understand your opinion on this and why you feel that way. And maybe I'm wrong for pointing out that is precisely what viruses and bacterial infections do. To reduce animal populations that are "out of control". It's hard for us to understand it because it isn't something controlled by a sentient being. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8530531/
  2. The Lindens have always told us, when in doubt, file a report! Ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.
  3. My furry buDDy is ok with firecrackers and bottle rockets going off. It's the big booms he freaks out and hides over. Preferably in a dark room by himself. Once the loudest ones are over with, he comes out on his own soon after and is fine. Never bothered my dogs much since most of them were used to guns since we hunted back then. Peeve: No more meat from the woods.
  4. I have two. One is about 45 years old and the other is about 25 years old. By Revlon. Although you might want one of these for those dragon nails. By Almay. Or you might consider a full set: Am I dead yet? 🤭
  5. Oh, it's one of those "scene" things. I thought you meant an object like a bed or chair or something. I've never had any use for one. I much prefer keeping things simple. Peeve: Having to google something that someone should have linked to! 😋
  6. What the? What on earth could possibly need to be "set to home" before rezzing? Or do you mean you need to be somewhere where rezzing is allowed? I've never heard of any product in SL that needs a home set for the object itself before it would rezz! That's sheer stupidity!
  7. Good thing LL didn't do this way back when. Mine would have read Days Logged In: 365 for about 10 years in a row. 😬
  8. I said I'd buy you another six pack! Geez.. try to make some people happy...
  9. Even Archie managed to get over his prejudice, with a lot of hard work on himself. At least he had by the time he bought Archie's Place. He still struggled with it, but he at least made the effort.
  10. Way back when, there was no preschool or daycare. Education started with kindergarten. There were 3 age groups or grades. Elementary was grades 1 - 6, junior high was 7th & 8th, high school 9th - 12th. I ended up not liking kindergarten much. That's where all the trouble started.
  11. Cutting it to the chaff, no, I do not believe any human being is naturally dominant. No mammal is. It's a human social construct. In the real world, if a "male" role is vacated for whatever reason, it's not unheard of or unnatural for that role to be taken over by a female, even if only temporarily. The same is true in reverse. If a person is raised in a controlled/controlling environment, they tend to develop the idea that everyone is that way so they must be as well. Peer pressure doesn't help.
  12. If you're married/shacking up, you should see/hear it from her eyes/ears. Sometimes it's fun to watch. Mostly we just take ourselves elsewhere until things clam down. 😉 🤭
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