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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Funny......... when our cats speak of "birds", it sounds just like "gulp".........
  2. /me hesitates to speculate but wonders if a "Birb" is just a small "Burp" from a lion's tummy..........
  3. Sadly, no physics, just rigged and static, four settings on touch (like men, in general): limp, half-staff, fully erect and boxers off. No dancing either, he is too much of a homebody, sigh.......
  4. Really, how could I not buy these for my M'alt??? He has been such a good boy......
  5. I am giving the Botanical Cypress trees a whirl. They seem to be a good match to the Mole trees, are very low LI and have excellent LODs. Here the two in the left foreground are Botanical that I fattened up a bit and tweaked the color, with Mole trees elsewhere:
  6. I was disappointed that the Moles did not give us one of their lovely and very low LI cypress trees in the Mediterranean content creation pack. I have started looking around to find other cypress that match or blend in well but without much luck yet. Has anyone found good cypress trees that blend with the Mole trees and the Mediterranean look? TIA!
  7. I think the AI obliterated what made your sweater dress so attractive: the texture of the fabric and the wonderful detailing. Style notes, please?
  8. Hovering......... in need of Hoovering............
  9. I am tired of the hair and the makeup and the costumes......... I just want to jump on a ride and go........... and never look back............
  10. As a blonde, I must say that I am offended! On the other hand, I had a dear friend years ago who made it a hobby to collect blonde jokes wherever she stumbled over them or found them rotting in the mud.......... 🤗
  11. Oooooooooooo, lovely, as always! Style info, please, especially for that great dress?
  12. Not moi! Dancing up a storm on the line............
  13. LOL, I see you! Do you see me in the back of the dance line?? Come up here! See? That was easy!!
  14. THANK YOU for those stunning maps! FYI, I am saving all of them in a desktop folder that displays them, changing the map every minute or so. They really make an impression on my new 32" monitor!
  15. Thank you SO much for these updates! I am thinking there has to be a reason that the north edge of Mediterraneans is edging east: to eventually connect to the east, just to round up the Mediterranean sub-continent, something else??
  16. I feel as if I have spent the past couple of months dancing or running around in the skimpiest, barely-there, holiday outfits so it was time to make a change, dig out something new and cute from my inventory and go check out some of SL's beaches. Tiggie picked out my glasses and seems to enjoy all the seagulls around him.
  17. LOL, I tried to learn Blender slowly (over 4 months of courses in SL) but crashed and burned and flunked out in the end, sigh.............
  18. Trust me, many of us feel as you do! There are some wonderful creators who sell items on the Marketplace that adapt and expand each of the Linden Home themed houses and items for the Mediterraneans are beginning to appear (though I have not looked to see what is available since before the holidays.) Try searching for "Mediterranean" and sort by "Newest First". Happy hunting!
  19. That look is just gorgeous! May I ask where the hair and adornments, leaves, etc., are from?
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