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Posts posted by Mollymews

  1. for the CIL compiler it doesn't make any difference. Local variables are initialised by the compiler at the head of the function  (in the same way that Pascal does it) 

    for both methods posted then the resulting CIL code looks like this:

    .maxstack 2
    .locals init (
       int32  V_0,
       int32  V_1,
       int32  V_2,
       bool   V_3)
    IL_0000: ... code starts here ...

    the bool is added by the compiler, the bool value is used to determine when to break out of the loop

  2. another thing you can look at is that some skin designers have chest options which dehance as well as enhance

    i only know Pink Fuel, which has applier chest options Default, Small Chest, Dehance and Cleavage in 4 different modes: Regular, Athletic, Ripped and Curvy

    other people may be able to say about other skin designers who do similar

  3. Develop menu. (Ctrl+Alt+Q)  \ Show Info \ Show Color Under Cursor

    bottom right your screen will show 4 numbers.  RGB of the pixel under the cursor is the first 3 numbers

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  4. @Kimmy Swee*****er I do have some sympathy for you. Yes the landlord has a covenant, yes it is their region, yes its their rules, yes its their lawn.  Which they never enforced for 3 years.

    and it appears the landlord never had any conversation with you before sending your stuff back. A simple IM to tell you that the covenant is now to be enforced, because other tenants also now, so please pick up your stuff would have been nice, after 3 years of you and your partner paying them rent

    a thing about why your stuff needs to be returned. It may be that your stuff is non-phantom, preventing the other tenant's boat from actually using the water channel


  5. 13 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

     It's kinda like people who add a tonne of friends, rarely talk to them, but just keep on collecting friends

    the good old days of Bebo and MySpace. When everybody loved everyone else for no reason at all, and just because we could  :)

    i had about 24,000 friends on my Bebo back in the day. 160,000 something on my MySpace. Never talked to hardly any of them ever. There was one person who decided to try and get 1,000,000 friends on MySpace back then. They got them as well

  6. 1 minute ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

    I was scold by her to suggest only Maitreya.  I proposed her Big 4 last night. I said there always has Big 4 in real life.  She was silence to me this time.  

    ah! ok.  Best not to raise it again with her then

    I do have some sympathy for her, about wishing there was a unified mesh body system. It isn't going to happen but still some sympathy for her and all the other designers confronting this same issue

  7. 1 minute ago, Ruslana Koskinen said:

    Furthermore, my clothes designer friend already complain too many female mesh body now.  She said every month has new. She want a united mesh body.  She is a kind of want to support all mesh body type.

    your friend may need to think about how much time she has

    Two  my fav designers stopped trying to make clothes for all bodies. They make only for Maitreya Lara now. I still buy a lot their stuff because they make what I like and I have a Lara to wear them on. Another designer I found makes only for Ebody Curvy now. I buy their stuff as well because I also have that body

  8. 7 hours ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

    "deformers" for certain effects. I find that stuff actually intriguing

    me too.  I am tempted to buy this TMP Legacy body just to see how they did it. Sure it's L$5,000 so have to think about it a bit. But I already got other bodies, so its not like my purchase decision is this body or that body, pick one.  Then also I recently spent $3000 on a Snow Rabbit head, even though it doesn't do anywhere near what the Bento heads can do. I just wanted it so I bought it

  9. 8 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:


    At the expense of everything else also tends to be locked to the current service as provided, and if nothing else, the service will always evolve to punish techniques that try to game the systems provided.

    yes, this is typically how it goes.  When particular actions start to impact region performance then throttles get introduced

  10. 12 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Two ways of thinking:

    Ensure the script's impact on the region is minimal.
    Ensure the script performs as it should, at the expense of everything else.

    we are getting deeper into the philosophicals now

    yes life would be a whole lot simpler if we could reduce everything down to a binary choice, where one is good and the other bad. When we do however apply this wider to all situations then it can in many cases become quite limiting, restricting diversity in some situations, causing suffering in others, etc

    a philosophical conversation topic. Most organised religions are reductive in this way. Actions are either good or bad. There is no between or beyond. That when we choose bad then salvation lies in penitence and always taking the proscribed good path ever after

    consider the binary choice in the racing yachts scenario. The sailors would see the party-goers as bad. The sailors would not see themselves as bad, the region was running fine until the party goers showed up, script-loaded up to party

    the sailors wonder why the party-goers choose to wear such a volume of scripts that it lags the region. Wonder also why LL does not script-limit agents? Grumble mumble and then take action. Take back time from the party-goers. As the sailors see it they are not taking time, they are taking back time, even though the pratical outcome is the same. The viewpoint has shifted from what is good|bad, to who is good|bad.   

    the proscribed binary "what is good" path for the sailors is to do nothing and suffer the binary "what is bad" path chosen by the party-goers. From a philosophical pov, this is another tenet of some religions. Suffering brings us closer to purity  

  11. i agree that not every situation needs to be tweaked to pieces. The general approach we all take is close enough is good enough. OP for example, after a conversation about all the things that could be done, went with a solution that was close enough to be good enough for them OP.  I think the basic philosophical rule is that which makes us happy enough

    i added the racing yachts example as its a pretty common occurrence. Two boats racing, both using the same weather system and running on the wind at 10 knots say

    another boat enters the region with a group of party-goers loaded down with scripts.  One boat adapts to this and maintains closer to 10 knots, the other doesn't.  The sailor on the boat that is adapting and maintaining closer to 10 knots is pretty happy in this close enough is good enough way.  The sailor on the other boat is not happy at all - the weather system says 10 knots and they are falling behind in the race

    when both boats are adapting then they are still racing at par. Both sailors are happy with this

    ps. add for completeness

    in the situation where both boats are adapting then they are queue-jumping the party-goers scripts, not each other 

  12. 9 minutes ago, xomollykatxo said:

    I have my PayPal linked to my account though I think it's linked to my debit card instead of my bank. I also transfer my PayPal money to my bank account just about as soon as I have anything there. Could that be the issue I'm having?

    delete a bunch of stuff

    you best to check with Paypal then. It may be that when LL tries to make a transaction with your Paypal account, its being blocked by Paypal

  13. the wording is not very clear as you mention.  Where it says "Transaction" it means a USD transaction, not a L$ transaction.

    we need to have real world payment method on file with LL. Credit card, Paypal or Skrill account.  When we file our real world payment details then LL validates the payment method by doing a a $1US debit/credit transaction. Takes $US1 from our real world account and then deposits it back. When this happens then our account status changes to Payment Info Used. Then we can have a marketplace store

  14. a apples to apples script comparison

    suppose we have a queue that can hold 10 events

    suppose there are 10 scripts each firing a timer at 1.0 second, all showing the same visual effect on the client screen

    the queue by script no. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];

    [1] gets processed. queue now [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1]. [2] gets processed. queue now [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2] and so on.

    we are script no. 9. We are happy with this when the server is running at 1.0

    then the server starts to lag for reasons nothing to do with these 10 scripts. Say the time dilation is now 0.9

    so we adapt our event time to 0.9 and the other scripts don't. The cumulative effect of this is:

    and so on.

    our No 9 script is getting in ahead of the script immediately in front of us on each round, while at the same time the others still have a slot in the queue

    the outcome of this is that the other 9 scripts are now showing the client side effect at about 1.11 average. While our client side effect continues to be shown at around 1.0 average

    when all the scripts are adapting then they are all at about 1.09 average

    another situation where time dilation management is useful is vehicles. A inworld example, yacht racing. The server starts to lag. Some yachts continue to move smoothly across the water on the client screen, while other yachts are stuttering. The yachts that continue to move smoothly on the client's screen are factoring time dilation into their linear and angular motors

    the customers on the stutter boats think this is not good, and go buy smooth yachts ever after

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