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Posts posted by Mollymews

  1. 7 hours ago, steph Arnott said:

    What has any of that got to do with writting code in LSL? And no you are not going to gain a place on any professional team knowing LSL

    this is actually not true. Full-time real world staff positions as LSL scripters are advertised and filled from time to time. Typically the successful candidates for these jobs, also have experience with http connectivity  - are also able to develop and maintain the complementary server-side codebase

    it is good that you are also getting into other language environments like Lua. The broader our experiences, the more opportunities there are to grow our knowledge and skills, and the wider our life and career path choices become  

  2. when software comes out of beta and goes to release then it's all maintenance thereafter

    LL and SL yes.  The LL team maintain the SL codebase, which includes adding new features and rewriting parts of the codebase to accommodate the changes. In the adding of new features, this can include substantial rewrites to improve performance due not only to client requests, but can also include new hardware availability, new algorithms not previously invented, new operating systems, new hosting platforms, new client connectively devices, etc

    i accept that at this stage in your development as a scripter you are pretty enthusiastic, as are most self=taught scripters. All going well then in time you will grow your ability to gain a place on a professional programming team. At which time you will know what it means when Da5id says "you're going to have to maintain this code as well as write it"

    "as well as write it" means develop the codebase from scratch.  Maintain means to support the codebase for all of the above reasons, after it has been released

    • Like 3
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  3. 2 hours ago, steph Arnott said:

    If code maintaince is needed after being tested then the code is poorly written. Only thing i do after my code is released is use it as a base for something else, or add something a client requested

     code maintenance does actually mean adding things to the codebase that clients request. Code maintenance literally means rewriting parts of the codebase to accommodate the new things added

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, DarkEmperor13 said:

    Hi i'm really in need of a script that handles multi-page dialog menus with sub menus in tow. The kind u see in furniture with animations. I could really use the help

    if this is standard-ish furniture then it's worth having a look at the "AvSitter" system, to begin with.  It's open source LSL code, is operationally familiar to many residents when they sit on the furniture. Is notecard-driven, no-scripting needed for the typical/common use cases

    after you have explored AVSitter a bit, then if you prefer can jump in to coding your own furniture menu system

    you can buy a AVSItter Support Pack on Marketplace, or can dive in and get the LSL scripts off GitHub


  5. 2 minutes ago, TechDave said:

    I'm wondering now if there are any "Models" to just look at, for us poorly forsaken soles that missed out.

    That's actually not a bad idea. A section set aside for show homes, displaying the different types, which people can go into and look round

  6. @CoffeeDujour

    i would like all the things that you have mentioned. I can see myself getting into those things, like I get into all the other SL activities that I get into now. They are not though a substitute for quiet time, they are further hectic opportunities I can add to my life

    suppose we define isolation to mean a quiet space in which to take time out. And then apply it to an individual person and what it might mean for that person

    in SL I don't stay on my parcel and never leave it. My parcel is where I take time out. SL like RL can get hectic sometimes. In RL when things get hectic I retire to my room, my own quiet space. Listen to my music stream, sort out my closet, lie on my bed, chat to a friend on my phone, stuff like that. In SL when things get hectic I retire to my parcel, my own quiet space. Listen to my music stream, sort out my inventory, lie on my lawn, chat to a friend in IM, stuff like that


    • Like 3
  7. only mainland (not private estate regions/homesteads) can be auctioned on the SL Land Auction website

    the FAQ is here:

    if you are being offered a homestead by someone else then best to check who actually owns the private estate to which the homestead belongs. You can find the name of the actual estate owner in About Land dialog. Estate owner name should not be confused with the name of  a parcel owner

  8. if the signup page that does say that we can have a skybox above a Linden Home, doesn't get re-worded then it is going to keep messing people up.  Could just change the text to say something like:  Sky boxes above the new 1024m Linden Homes are allowed. Skyboxes above the old 512m Linden Homes are not allowed  

  9. 2 minutes ago, Teager said:

    Either way, I'm very happy with what's already being done and would not be at all upset to continue with exactly what we have (but more of it). I just saw the potential value in the suggestion, that's all :) 

    it is certainly worth chatting about.  All the what if this, what if that, maybe this, maybe that. Sometimes stuff falls out of all these kinda conversations about this, that and everything else, and Somebody Linden goes ooo! and does it. And we go: \o/ thank you!

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, kiramanell said:

    The unconnected idea may likely not work for parcels (or not without a major rework). But there's nothing stopping Linden from essentially just creating mini-regions (like homesteads, but then only 1024m2, and accordingly prim-limited). That, to me, would constitute a very elegant solution, and ideal for skybox dwelling.

    there is a current business revenue issue for LL with making these as standalone mini-regions, particularly if the mini regions were to be sold directly to residents.  At the moment to secure a homestead region we have to buy a full region. If people were able to buy homesteads without a full region it would impact on LL's current revenue stream. Direct resident mini-regions would probably exacerbate the revenue situation at this time.  LL are I think fully-aware of all this, and their revenue forecasting would take all this into consideration

    i think that we have to remember too, when it comes to what people like myself demand from LL, is that I pay $US72 a year. $US6-10 about for my parcel and the rest on L$ spending money. This money is important to LL for sure but $US6-$10 per anum for a standalone mini-region with its own server instance and estate controls? This is not going to happen at this price point. When the alternative is 64 parcels stuffed on 1 estate server instance. Not less than $384-640pa revenue, if we assume that L$ stipend has some effect on  L$ buys     

    when talking about LL's revenues I think we have to remember that they had been declining over a long period, and is only in this last year or so that the decline has been arrested, and is now some hope for the future. I think we also have to remember when talking about homesteads (and new mini-regions) that it has been the large private estate barons, individual full region owners, and the mainland rental barons, who have insured the survival of SL over the long period of revenue decline,  by continuing to make the tier payments regardless of whether or not they generated sufficient parcel L$ rental payments

    i still want a black box room for sure. But I want it at my price point. Which at this time may not make financial sense for LL


    • Like 3
  11. 39 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


    So, tl;dr, the same could maybe be done for skybox plots: tiny 1024m2 min-regions, as it were,, all unconnected in the meta config, that peeps can use for their large environment surrounds, and be ideal for skyboxes.


    a year or two maybe ago now, there was a discussion on here about this.  The idea was that a new parcel option be added. When checked then a person on the parcel would not receive any data (agent or object data) from other parcels  from the region server. And a person on the region, not on that parcel, would not receive any agent/object data from that parcel

    as I remember it was @Penny Patton who kicked off the discussion. A Linden ,whose name I can't remember off the top of my head, said they thought that was an interesting idea and went off and did some viewer-side only coding on it to see what it would look like from a viewing pov.  After which they commented that it was all a bit disconcerting when traveling across a contiguous region with this option.  Stuff popping in and out of the view depending on the individual parcel settings.  So the matter, at that time. never went any further than an idea

    the only way the idea can work is when the agents cannot move off their parcels, and when camming then all they will ever see is stuff and agents on their own parcel. From a pragmatic pov then anyone wanting such a setup is not interested in moving off their parcel in any case. They are just wanting it as a room/skybox/island for themselves and friends

    can work in this case meaning that LL puts some further thought into it, in terms of a premium offering, and some kinda estate control that sets the whole region either on/off. This not being an individual parcel option

    edit ps

    i don't ever see this as any priority, it can go on the long list of everything ever wanted and i am happy to wait like I am happy to wait for the 50+ other things I want LL to make for me :D.  The priority right now for LL is get the new Linden Homes continent built and done

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    How is this any different from getting some regular mainland or horizons land .. and not building on the ground.

    I agree that having a skybox-only region with a contiguous terrain is no different from old mainland

    i think that anything new would be quite different. They would have to be like rooms. Can't see anything outside of the room. Can't move outside of the room

  13. I, Molly, claim this mountain at SSPE115 (27,13,108) in the name of umm! ummmmmm... myself. I humbly accept the honor of having it named after myself, a ever so humbling honor bestowed on myself by myself.  I also accept the naming of this mountain after myself, by myself, on behalf of all those who never came here before me. Annnnnd on behalf of those who might of but never brought any sign. Thank you!



    • Like 4
    • Haha 19
    • Confused 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Odaks said:

    If people want to live in a box in the sky, there's definitely a case for LL to provide, well.... a stack of boxes in the sky somewhere?

    i am with you on this. I am waiting for LL to offer me a premium black box parcel on a continent with only black box parcels on it.  Is lots of people like me who want to get one of these. Our own little 1024m private island set in the middle of a vast blue sea as far as the eye can see.

    • Like 4
  15. 11 hours ago, Yorkie Bardeen said:

    Hi, I tested this just now with my own mainland parcel and Firestorm viewer.

    My friends are at 110m altitude. I set my draw distance to 1024m and moved myself to 510m

    No avatars visible.


    No avatars visible.

    310m, 210m

    No avatars visible.

    I repeated this and did not get any visible avatars until I was within ~30m vertical distance.


    not sure when this got changed by LL but it is something that @Patch Linden should maybe make a post about. Will save a lot of people a lot of angst about all this

    when an avatar is inside the banline box area, and avatar parcel visibility is unchecked, and the parcel access is set to allow Anyone, then a avatar hovering on the roof of  the banline box cannot see an avatar inside the box, even when the avatar is 1 meter below them. Vice versa, the avatar inside the box cannot see the avatar on top

    I haven't tested what you did at every height, but it seems that when both avatars are outside the box over a parcel with these settings then the physical distance between the avatars is up to 42 meters for them to see each other

    • Like 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Female Winslet said:

    True. But it runs into the same problems that exist with current policy, which says the following, with respect to warning time:

    You can use scripted objects to enhance your land ownership tools. Generally, such scripts should:

    • Provide adequate warning to the undesired Resident.

    And the problem we run into is: What is "adequate?" 

    i posted a bit of code in the scripting forum that shows a way in which terms like "adequate" in these kinda problem cases can be considered


  17. there has been a little bit of chatter in the Land forum about what kind of security system LL are going to make have now made for the new Linden Homes

    one topic was what a graduated system might look like. Graduated meaning that the further away a visitor is then the more time they have to clear the parcel

    A question then is: Further away from what?

    What? can be from some fixed point on the parcel, or it can be from an agent, say the home owner when present, or in the absence of the home owner a person on the home owner's whitelist who is present on the parcel

    a way to do this is to use a logarithmic scale which converts the distance to seconds. Using a game paradigm: The closer the intruder gets to the defender, the greater the risk to the intruder, and lesser time for the intruder to accomplish the raid before being discovered

    some LSL code that shows how logarithmic scales can be used for this kinda problem case


    // changing TIMESCALE_ parameters gives different times for the distance
    float TIMESCALE_MAGNITUDE = 4.0;  // should be 1 or more
    integer TIMESCALE_BANDWIDTH = 5;  // floor the calculated time to nearest bandwidth
    integer vectDist2LogTime(vector a, vector b)
    {   // convert the distance between 2 vectors to seconds using a logarithmic scale
    integer agentDist2LogTime(key a, key b) 
    {   // convert the distance between 2 agents to seconds using vectDist2LogTime()
        if (llOverMyLand(a))  // agent a, may have moved off parcel since last scan
            if (llOverMyLand(b)) // agent b, may have moved off parcel since last scan
                vector a_pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(a, [OBJECT_POS]), 0);
                vector b_pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(b, [OBJECT_POS]), 0); 
                return vectDist2LogTime(a_pos, b_pos);
        return -1;  // either or both agents are no longer on parcel 
            vector myPos = ZERO_VECTOR;
            // myPos = llGetPos();
            integer i;
            for (i = 0; i <= 40; i++)
                llSay(0, (string)i + " " + (string)vectDist2LogTime(myPos, <0.0, 0.0, (float)i>));


    • Like 1
  18. i put together a string-based version of the breaktext/leftjustify problem. As a coding comparison

    in LSL a string-based approach has no real advantage over a list-based approach that Ruthven has shown. When the input text can have multiple separators, i.e. [" ", "\t", "\n"] then the list-based approach would be significantly faster

    string leftJustify(string buffer, integer width)
       string output;
       integer len;   
       while (buffer)
          integer ptr = llSubStringIndex(buffer, " ");
          //  ptr == -1 then is last word
          //  ptr ==  0 then is a extraneous space
          //  ptr >=  1 then is a word
          if (!~ptr) // if ptr == -1 
             ptr = llStringLength(buffer);
          if (ptr)   // if ptr is now >= 1
             if (len + ptr > width)
                output += "\n";   // append linebreak
                len = 0;          // begin newline
             len += (ptr + 1);        // add 1 for space
             output += llGetSubString(buffer, 0, ptr);  // append word
          buffer = llDeleteSubString(buffer, 0, ptr); // remove current word or extraneous space
       return output;
           string text = "This is an unusual paragraph. I’m curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching.";
           integer width = 25;
           llSay(0, leftJustify(text, width));




    • Like 1
  19. 37 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

    My question is and always has been: since I had changed nothing, why did script performance drop so drastically?

    it may be that the number of regions hasn't changed. It may be that another region that shares your server has now gotten a new enthusiastic script-loving parcel owner. How server time is allocated to each region  I am not sure, but it could be something like this

  20. the Brendens were part of what was referred to as the 5/9 bots. Although it was never conclusively proven ( because the RL owner of those accounts never came foward), the Brendens were linked to then FindMyFriend scheme, or if not that scheme then something similar

    it may be that some other RL person has now obtained the code to run the bots and is experimenting with it. And your name (for some unknown random reason) is on the bots target list from back in those days

    in SL's past there have been lots of these kinda bot programs with all sorts of capabilities, made by all sorts of people, for no reason at all really other than that they could

    on a previous account I was on the Insult Bot list.  How I got on there I dunno, just that I was. Two or three times a week, one of the bots would IM me with a random insult. If I replied it would then parse what I said and try to response. Like have a conversation. Which would get even more insulting. It was kinda interesting in an academic - how good are the skills of the programmer of this thing - way, but after a time then meh! not very good at all and block

    further info from other users about the Brenden 5/9s can be found on google. Like here for example: http://cassandrakestrel.com/2015/08/introducing-the-59-bots/

    • Like 4
  21. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    * It's "wasteful" it takes significant computing to get, process, and track agent lists individually for each secured space, compared to doing it for all the spaces at once and distributing the results for individual enforcement.

    i like this.  If LL were to make this an integral part of the estate management toolset then it wouldn't need any LSL at all. 

    /me points at Qie and shouts again at Somebody Linden :D

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