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Posts posted by Mollymews

  1. @Kyrah Abattoir.  Yes what you said is all true

    putting it into another context

    over the street ages ago now there was a discussion about scripters needing to be cognisant that our scripts are running in a shared environment. That we should be collaborative and cooperative in a share the love kinda way

    then a old-time creator joined the conversation and I paraphrase what they said: "Thats true and we all do that in the main. However as a professional creator I am also in competition with my peers. When the server turns to mud and my scripted products continue to deliver to my customers, and my competitor's products stall on their customers in the same situation, then my competitor's customers will take another look at who they buy stuff from. There are lots of things that we can do where the benefit in isolation is very marginal. The marginals do add up though across a store's inventory of product when we are competing for customers"

  2. 7 hours ago, Barbie Glas said:


    LL wardrobe department should be ashamed !!! Like shamefully ashamed !!!. Poor wee thing. How she supposed to concentrate on her job wearing parts of at least 2 different corporate uniforms, maybe three or four even. What message does it send to the Moles and the local people who have done their best to present themselves and their properties  as worthy citizens of Belleseria ! Is terrible !!! I am faint 

    • Haha 8
  3. 2 minutes ago, xvxRUBYxvx Praga said:

    I think what he is saying is.  If they are adding the 300+ prims to the new places, why not just give the same allotment of prims to the older homes as well.

    yes that is what OP is saying. Double-prim the old Linden Homes

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes, this.

    Such a stupid thing, lumping these two entirely different kinds of content together.

    My assumption has always been that they didn't do this because it would complicate the coding necessary to filter out one, the other, or both. But maybe it's just a form of 21st-century Puritanism that equates lovemaking with dismemberment by chainsaw.

    there is already a separation between lovemaking and dismemberment violence in the parcel ratings. Moderate and Adult.  Where I think LL got it wrong was in naming the 3rd level Adult when X for eXtreme might have been better. Wrong in the sense of causing unnecessary confusion due to how people interpret labels

  5. @OrbitalDK

    it's ok that your friend landscapes the parcel to change with the seasons.  Putting a spring landscape on a snow textured terrain is no different from putting a winter snow landscape on a sandy beach  terrain which people do also as the seasons change

    a little effect your friend could add is ice boulders and/or snows mounds on the edges of the parcel to blend it in with neighbours.  So that you get the in-the-middle-of-all this-winterland the sun is shining here, the daffodils are blooming, the trees are budding again, etc  

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

    There's a lot  here but I don't know if it's going anywhere.

    my thought was to get a conversation going about what a possible solution might be, rather than continue conversations about what doesn't work. So the conversation then went more in the solutions direction

  7. 7 hours ago, MajorCooke said:

     Also, should I be using http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetRegionFPS as part of it? Since that can certainly have an effect, I've been told by a friend, do you recommend I plug that in for the 45 of your code?

    personally I have always used time dilation. My typical approach to these kinds of problems is to go with trying to convert the rate at which the server is running to constant time on the client. Its doable to use llGetRegionFPS tho for sure  

  8. 4 hours ago, MajorCooke said:

    Furthermore, using llSetTimeredEvent definitely seemed to help a little as well, and while it's still not perfect, it at least won't go completely out of whack in more populated areas and won't screw up the rest of the timing, which apparently llSleep was doing for the script.


    you're onto it. Varying the length of the timer event period for each specific circumstance puts you on the right path

  9. 9 hours ago, MajorCooke said:

    Then that's what I'd like to do. How would I go about doing this? Particularly I'd like to start with the walking animation.

    I should note I learn best by examples with explanations.

    this is not an easy problem and there is no total solution to it. The main obstacle is that we can't make our script run in constant time on the server. Best we can do is try to ameliorate matters by knowing the server dilation time (how slower than the standard 1.0 is the server running). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetRegionTimeDilation. 1.0 dilation equates to 45 server frames a second

    our walking animation is running client side in constant time (30 frames a second typically). Lag caused by network data traffic excepted. Nothing can be done from LSL about network lag  

    Proceeding then some arithmetic: 1.0 / 30 * 45  = 1.5.  Or more simply 2 client side animation frames for every 3 server side frames

    If we don't have access in RL to the animation file then we use our eyes and a stopwatch to get the time for each walking stride.  From this we work out the number of animation frames for the stride.  Lets say we calculate  3 client-side animation frames per stride

    with this information we get the following:  1.5 * 3.0 = 4.5.  4.5 server frames for each stride when the server is running at 1.0 dilation. 

    knowing this we then can set llSetTimerEvent() to some proportion of this.  1.0 / 45 * 4.5 = 0.1 seconds

    basically when the server is lagging then we try to muscle the server event queue so our script timer event gets called proportionately sooner

       // ... play our effect ...
       llSetTimerEvent(llGetRegionTimeDilation() / 45 * 4.5);


    ps. add

    as wrote this is just the basic beginning of how this can be ameliorated.  We can do further amelioration (adjusting for spikes and dips - smoothing) by using a queue. Queue in this case meaning  putting the last x number of dilations into a list.  Removing the  oldest dilation and adding the latest dilation. Then setting the next timer event to an average of the queue

    • Like 1
  10. not sure exactly what you mean by forehead line of brown, lets assume you mean the system hair on your head, and walk it through

    a note before we do.  For the Girl Next Door avatar, t`he color of the eyebrow hair is painted onto the skin. So (out of the box) we can only change her eyebrow color by changing her skin

    back to the hair then

    in the Editor for Eyebrow Shaper: set all the Style sliders to 0.  This will give her a bald head. Save and done.

    Next is to get a hairbase tattoo and Add it to her, so that she don't have a totally bald head.  There are quite a few hairbases we can get.  Suggest you start with Amacci, who provide a gift Hairbase  Fatpack with lots of different hair colors, which can help to match her head to her mesh/prim hair color

    Amacci here:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Amacci-Hairbase-Tattoos-FAT-PACK/1291358



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  11. now that you are done.  I will mention that I did give the OP an actual answer to their question. An answer that based on their current understanding of LSL. will actually help them to get their application up and running in very short order.  OP also posted their question over here in Wanted



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  12. 4 minutes ago, steph Arnott said:

    So in short nothing. Okay. Also FYI i used to write whole scripts here years ago. Now i do not and niether do anyone else.

    i could point to quite a few complete LSL Library scripts on here that I have written on previous accounts, down the years, covering a range of fairly uncommon topics that only a tiny handful of people will ever want or need to implement. Code topics without which their intended application will not see the light of day. Topics with posted code, not only on this forum, but also on the old SL forums, and across the street. But how would pointing to any of these now, serve any of us

    this forum is about people looking for answers to their questions. Questions overwhelmingly asked are: How to identify the algorithm needed?. What knowledge is  needed to be gained from the wiki? And when the wiki is silent, then how might they approach those algorithms and what options are available to them

    the thread I linked to is about algorithms. And again I invite you to contribute to that thread, so that you can help other scripters to better understand algorithmically what it is they are asking


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  13. 15 minutes ago, steph Arnott said:

    Stil have not seen any of your own written code. You keep posting but nothing code wise.

    my product is posted code. Code that shows how algorithms can be implemented in LSL, in those cases where how to approach the algorithm may not always be immediately apparent to every reader. I refer you again to the thread I linked to previously

    if you have time to make code contributions to this thread then it would be welcomed 

  14. Just now, steph Arnott said:

    Well i write code and build for groups who use it, and i do it for free. So you carry on because i see no evidence you have produced anything in SL..

    ah! then we are the same, we both do what we do for free. When anyone asks us how might they do whatever they are wanting, then we do what we can to help as best we can

  15. 9 minutes ago, steph Arnott said:

    Sorry but i see nothing you have produced. The one i did release to the marketplace i was pushed into.

    this did make me laugh a little bit. Comparing your 1-only product release to my 0-only product release. The engagement between enthusiastic amateurs can get quite fierce sometimes :)

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