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Everything posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. Having an odd issue with PRIM_TEXTURE. I have a bar, the bar itself is rotated 90 degrees. In turn the texture displayed on the bar is rotated 90 degrees. This all looks normal until I update the bar using PRIM_TEXTURE,ALL_SIDES,tStr,<1.0,1.0,0.0>,<0.0,0.0,0.0>,90.0 This doesn't set the texture rotation at 90 degrees, it sets it at 116.61988. To test this I also set the rotation of the texture at 180 and 270 using PRIM_TEXTURE and on both occasions it gave skewed results. The wiki states the rotation should be in radians so using 90.0 should work as it does if you enter 90.0 on the built panel. No other modifications to the prim or texture have been made so the other vectors should be accurate. Any ideas?
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but were these two items banned in SL for some reason. I know prize versions exist but I am talking about the linden cash versions. Can someone update me on the status of these two items?. I was thinking of giving out cash rewards on sim for players who actively engage but would that be considered against TOS. Perhaps a magic tree that awards X if you engage X much?. Or sploders for the same?.
  3. Problems are an understatement. Neither me or my other friends who own sims have ever known sims to be as buggy as they are at the minute. We are having restart them a couple times a day, after restart we get good performance which slowly degrades and degrades. Everything seems to take longer to load since cloud migration, script performance seems to be affected etc etc.
  4. Has there been any update anywhere in any in world meeting groups or anything about just how long the land store outage is going to last. I know we can still buy regions via tickets but just curious how much longer there is going to be an issue with the land store. Will have been a month shortly since it closed again.
  5. I mean if we are on this subject. Lets just have a thread hijack moment and go... -Bigger region sizes 512x512 -Improved scripting editor -Revamping prims or introducing new prims and giving them basic mesh modification capability (points and verts) -Split the viewer into two programs. ---One for the explorers, bloggers and fashionistas that contains all the photo tools, inventory etc features that is much lighter in weight. ---One for the developers that includes all of the above and a built in avatar animation studio, enhanced prims, improved scripting editor, lots of debug features, on (enhanced prim) texture painting. F-it we will just steal a whole idea from Roblox and call it SL Studio. Idk... -Voxel Regions (Too much?). probably wouldn't work... -New notecard object that lets you write to a notecard. Could call them Storage Cards. Idk... -Lower the price of land again now you are saving more money. Pass some of that back to us.. -Global experience keys....been years since you promised and then forgot about this Or maybe I have just gone mad...... As you were
  6. If I had to change anything... I would make in sim teleports more of a move than a whole entire "teleport". I could think of a dozen uses in a game or combat zone for instantaneous teleport movement without the delay of having land again etc. Griefing with the standard permissions version is almost non existent With the experience version. Just leave the experience if someone abuses it. In all the years I have been in SL since llTeleportAgent was introduced I have yet to be griefed using it. If they want to change anything how about finally letting us rotate avatars via scripting without having to sit on something?. Or maybe finally come out with that idea they promised about letting us slow down and speed up animations via script. Or, now they have the new modern shiny amazon hardware....give us bigger region sizes to play with.
  7. Ahh yeah I know of PRIM_LINK_TARGET. I was hoping there was a way to avoid using that. Using llSetPos is a single function that uses up much less memory than multiple PRIM_LINK_TARGET calls. Hmm never mind.
  8. So. I have an attached hud object that is comprised of multiple prims. I have it set at the minute that should an event occur the hud will shake (move) up and down slight by 0.001 and I am using llSetPos to do it. Annoyingly llSetPos has a 0.2s delay so I went to use llSlPPF as it has no delay but I can't replicate the behaviour of llSetPos. I have LINK_THIS, LINK_ROOT, PRIM_POSITION, PRIM_POS_LOCAL etc etc but there is no combination I can find that moves the whole HUD object up and down like llSetPos does. Anyone got any ideas?
  9. No. It's not only the youths oyster. Life is yours to live how you please and dress how you please. I will give you an example of myself. I am 35 years old. I have both my ears stretched. I have three lip piercings, one septum piercing, one nose piercing and ear piercings. My hair varies in what colour I want it to be. My dress is on average somewhere on the scale of Nu/Casual Goth. My makeup is usually either black liner with red, green or purple (or a mix) shadow. My hair is sometimes straight, sometime wild, sometimes natural depending on how I feel. I could care less quite honestly what anyone else thought about my sense of who I am. They are not the ones living my life and they are not the ones that determine what makes me happy. Do people judge me?. Probably, but again, my life is my life and I am not here on this earth to live my life based on the opinions of other people. Life is short, do what makes you happy and give no care to what others think of it. So long as you never harm another person you are good to do as you please and hell to the idiots who judge you for it. Think about it this way. On average you have maybe 70 years of life on this earth. What if you get to the end and there is nothing. What if there is no god, no afterlife. Just....nothing. How would you feel about these worries and concerns then?. Would you wish you had done things differently?. Would you wish you had just lived life in whatever form made you happy instead of wasting it worrying about the opinions of others?. There is a good chance really that this is it, our one shot. Live it for you not for others.
  10. Sorry. Had so much on in RL and with SL projects that I forgot about this. Yeah its the best method for increasing running and walking speed but taking into account peoples mass so that each persons speed increase is more or less the same. There are a couple of functions such as llGetMass and llGetMassMKS that I have played around with but my query was....what is the best method and combination of functions. llGetmassMKS seems to be more accurate. But then I wondered if llGetObjectMass should be used in conjunction with it somewhere?.
  11. 2 on shift at at any one time. Two shifts per day
  12. Okay so, the math on this has thrown me a little and I am not sure where to start if I am honest. Lets say we have a total of 64 hours each week that needs working Then we have 6 employees split into three teams of two Each employee needs to work 40 hours per week or say 120 hours per month There are two 8 hour shifts each week day and four 12 hour shifts at the weekend Each employee needs on average two days off per week....give or take.... I am trying to code a scheduler that generates the optimal shift pattern for this data. Not for anything in particular per say but just....because I wanted to figure out how it would work but I have lost myself already xD. Now, a rolling shift pattern over a number of weeks is acceptable so each employee works 4 days on 2 days off for example. But how do I go about starting to scripting this, maybe im over thinking it but at the minute my brain is upside down. I want it to generate the optimal shift pattern for all employees so that in theory you wouldn't need to enter anymore data ever. Any ideas, tips, pointers?
  13. Rented a homestead a couple of days ago and keep having to restart it as I keep getting error messages every couple hours saying “cannot derez/ rez object due to inventory fault”. Once it starts it doesn’t stop until the region is reset. Uplift bugs?
  14. Oz Linden will deliver it personally with nothing but a sculpted cloud to hide his shame
  15. I have been using the code from this link to generate text on prim http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyyyyzText But, I am struggling to find out how they actually generated the font layout. On the other linked pages there are VB scripts to generate font layouts in photoshop for some of the other methods but I can't locate any reference to how they generated this setup. Can anyone help me track down this info?. I have a font I want to use with this code but at the minute its doing it by hand and that's a hella lot of placing characters on textures
  16. I thought uplift was complete and we were done with this?
  17. What is the best and most accurate method for increasing someone’s movement speed. I know we can apply impulse but is there a good method for taking into account an avatars size so that the speed increase is consistently the same regardless of their size?.
  18. Really. You can gift premium?. Shows how much attention I pay to things outside my plot of land these days..😅
  19. Tell you what. If I get a lottery win I will buy the lab and keep the lights on forever!. Be warned though....changes will be made...many many changes
  20. I wonder who will still be logged in the day SL closes its doors. The last few of us gathered in the one remaining sim throwing a final party, with a countdown clock going until the world goes black
  21. It’s finding the right distance that doesn’t hit me but will also still damage people who are close
  22. I do have a class system in place. However I need the players to at least feel like they are achieving something. Victories are all good but there needs to be a reason to progress besides victory. An endless levelling system to me gives that little bit extra progression. The Log10 looks good, I haven’t played around with that too much so going to give it a try later. Im trying to make the system more about skill but I also need that gratification to keep people playing. I have been trying to make a sword fighting aspect using llCastRay with more accurate rays the higher your skill but...I keep detecting myself 😑
  23. Could it work in SL?. Iv been thinking for a while that I would like my system to not have any kind of cap and just keep allowing the player to progress. The combat levelling is very...organic?....you simply use something or get damaged to become stronger. What I would like to avoid is there becoming a large gap between players where new players are unable to kill anyone and old players can one hit them. At the minute the levelling is simple. 200 levels, each level giving 0.5-1% more of the base damage/health they started with. What I would rather not have to do is make a whole new hud in a year after everyone’s maxed out. How do you think I could balance it. Fair fighting across the levels, no level cap, no ridiculous gap in fighting capabilities
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