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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. I don't have any "good old days" stories. It's only ten months ago! I was intimidated by the whole thing, and scared of IMing anybody. When I could eventually explore the adult sims, that was scary for a while. It wasn't long before I got the incessant requests for sex and the occasional RL photo............. Slowly I got used to it here. Now I chat to anyone. That leads to some interesting experiences!!! Hardest thing was understanding how to fit clothes to my system avi!! I made huge mistakes in the beginning........
  2. Yeah I set up the Forum Angels group soon after the first meeting with Tati and Tali. We have a range of members but we haven't made best use of it so far!! That title isn't exclusive to the group and we can use it wider if that's what people want!
  3. Well....*coughs* this anim is from XO!! It's the hero/herione anim. You can imagine my surprise and mirth when I hit the sit button and it did this!!!! It has some superhero type poses and the usual stuff. Nothing really special except for this swooning dive, which I might use in a public place for a laugh. Or better still when being hit on....hehe!
  4. So I got this new animation and when I saw the price...…………………………….
  5. I managed to fix Salty's hair with the Hawk mask just now, although there's just a tiny clipping both sides, it's acceptable. The cute blonde look really suits her. I tried two Rezology hairs, Europa, and Pixie 9. Europa just fits under the mask. Pixie is too bouffant at the front!! See what you think. I'm also photobombing in the background...……..haha!
  6. I was at a business meeting in a hotel in Amsterdam...…….. The cakes are lovely here!
  7. I'm Grouped, I'm Flickr'd, I'm RFA...…..Ready For Action
  8. So there are celebrities in that photo?
  9. So just to be clear...…….what defines a blog pic? I'm serious. Is it just a link on the bottom.....?
  10. It's already been tested really when some of us met last week at Zennessa's to do an Arabian dance video. The usual unplanned IM and having to buy an outfit on stage etc etc, but it was huge fun!!!
  11. Same here. I need a fortress of solitude, an escape pod, an antidote to the stresses of RL. So nobody knows. They just wouldn't get it.
  12. Obviously........ I'm in... So is Salty (on a good day)!
  13. I would never wear something I didn't like just to promote it. My style is my style and that's not negotiable whatever the perks!!! Oh and being at the behest of some store owner isn't my idea of fun either so I'll just carry on floating around snapping up shiny things!!! My best finds so far have been Lutz (where I just dropped on the link and then explored it properly)...... and now OX. And that's all down to a dance at the Lesbian Sisterhood sim!!!! But that Hawk outfit is one of the best I've ever seen. It looks good, like Wonderwoman, and makes me feel great wearing it...... Just a reminder that my store of choice is Blueberry........ Oh and Essenz... And I've paid for it all haha! But don't tell (RL) management or I'll be in trouble.
  14. We....the collective Hawks....will stop you....*evil laugh*.......
  15. Well, I seem to have lit another fire hehe! (No offence Maddie!) Lovely that Salty found Sara and Zeta and Neph all at XO just now. I spent too much there earlier and you'll get to see what when I have time!! But here's some breaking news! There's a new stage at Lutz. It's in addition to the others, and if you search in the dark, it's brightly lit and in the corner which has the grass and trees and derelict buildings. First image is long range to give you the idea. Salty went there for some photos and this is a good spot. No windlight, just point and click!! Second image is a closer shot, at present she's just wearing a hairbase, as I can't find a hair which works as well as for me!! But she looks fine just like that to be honest! Final shot is the sexy version, which is how I first saw this outfit at the dance...………….. it made my eyes hurt!!!!! Y'know....I just HAD to have it. No ifs, No buts...…..had to have it. At least Sara will understand...…..haha!
  16. Just back from XO's in world store. It's on a residential beach sim and is quite a nice place to be. The store is Uh...….well, amazing...….don't go! .........don't go!.......don't go...……... You'll be sorry if you do...…….. Just saying...…..
  17. Hey! pinching my identity? You know what this means...……………. A photo opportunity AND, it's such a great outfit that I got one for Salty...……. So there. Three of us, plus those still in the closet haha!
  18. Today I persuaded Salty to join me on lifeguard duties. Y'know what? So far we haven't had the obvious chat up line about the kiss of life...……... This is the beach at Charleston Heights, so it's a good place to mess about with Windlight. Now we might try a busy beach to test reactions...……..
  19. In RL for sure, so in SL I make more effort...……..*grins*
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