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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Then how is it disturbing or confusing?
  2. Okay, but SL is a place for people to be able to express themeselves anyway they please. If they don't feel like being what you got used to, then that is their choice.
  3. Yeah LL only has jurisdiction in SL so you can't report them if it happened on flickr. Just like LL has no jurisdiction on any social media platform, so basically you are SOL when it comes to doing anything. I am sorry this happened to your friend, but there are always gonna be creeps like that. Who find ways to get away with stuff, cause they use other platforms to post it.
  4. @Bagnu what do you find most disturbing and confusing? The fact people change their avatar to male or female randomly or even non human. Or is it just the change you don't like and want to keep consistency within your SL?
  5. Now, what do you mean by this, when people constantly change their avatar or when they make a drastic change to their current look? Now for me, I understand why people change their whole avatar appearance shape, gender and all. I do it too. As SL is a place that allows us to explore ourselves. For some of us, it allows us to explore a side we never thought we had. For others, they like to switch back and forth between male and female human and non-human. I honestly don't see why me changing my look here and there is to help me explore the multiple facets of my personality. I don't get why it would bug someone. Should I keep my same look at all time, to make you happy? No I don't think so. I want to look how I want, when I want and when I feel like it.
  6. I have multiple facets to my personality, sometimes I don't feel like a chick so I change to my dude. And vice versa. I love being able to change my avi, as it allows me to explore those multiple facets of my personality. I don't find it disturbing at all, I actually find it liberating and freeing to be honest. It's nice to be able to do something, you can't do in RL.
  7. Another big pet peeve of mine, when someone calls in group and everyone answers and you have to hit ignore for everyone who has joined in the group call. Can LL please Change that?
  8. Designers that don't follow theme of events, actually events in general. A new one opens up every dang second, and it's the same stuff different day.
  9. I don't have a problem with Facebook. Oh and whoever is doing that, sounds like they are lazy on the customer service end. If they can help you in Discord, they certainly can help you in second life.
  10. The only way to know, is if you sort by newest first. Other than that, they don't post official date when it was added to MP on MP.
  11. Big pet peeve of mine, house builders in SL who still build for giant avis. Like you don't need a 10 foot tall door way, or the house to be 2 or 3 times bigger than the average avatar today. Like seriously, there are 2 house companies that do this and it drives me up the wall. Then you go, no wonder why the Land Impact is so huge, they make homes for avatars from like 2007 to 2014.
  12. I think it is too. But I was also raised to let other people take their place, if I am gonna busy with anything. So I brought that to SL. And if I have to do something RL, I will either go to my house in world or log off.
  13. But still if I have stuff to do and I am waiting for something to open. I either go home or log out. I am not selfish or rude and take up space on the region. I would rather give my spot to someone else who is online and wants to get in. I can go another time, when I am not busy RL.
  14. Well if they have RL to deal with. They can come back later. They don't need to take up space and camp in the sim for hours.
  15. I would agree with you. Or when they write run on sentences, in multiple texts. So you have no chance to catch your breath. So by the time you are done, you are winded and are like. Use punctuation God Dangit. Lol
  16. Today's image was inspired by the song by Uncle Kracker. I had that song stuck in my head, and that became the title of my blog. I hope you all enjoy ♥
  17. Yeah they would ultimately have to shut down SL. As you said. Because even with those work arounds, and if SL had an anti cheat system like that. People could just up and make a linux ran system and have windows as a virtual machine. No anti cheat system works, people will find ways to reverse engineer it, or find other ways to circumnavigate. So as you said before, they would ultimately would have to shut down SL altogether
  18. We weren't assuming, at least I wasn't. I was just explaining there are work arounds, if you know that is totally fine.
  19. I am gonna be blunt but polite here. We are not calling you an idiot, we are just saying that this day and age. That perma on the internet means jack squat. Also it doesn't take someone who has been in SL for a long time, to know a lot about SL. I knew a fair bit by 9 months. Lol
  20. Yes even still, you can use VPNs and Mac Address spoofers and bypass the ban quite easily. Even though this person got banned, they can still have work arounds. Change the IP again, with a VPN and spoof her mac address with a mac address spoofer. Seriously, getting banned is not a life sentence. When there are work arounds.
  21. I don't get why people don't mind their own business and not constantly question other's decision to go mesh or to not go mesh. It is not harming them, so why go after you for it?
  22. One big pet peeve of mine, and it has to do with designers. How some designers don't put a demo of their product out as well. Especially during events. I am not one to take a risk and buy it without even trying it on. Actually scratch that, if I really love the company I will usually just buy it. But if I see something from a company and I really like it. I will usually like to demo it first. And when I can't demo it, I don't even pay heed to it or buy it. Not worth me taking the risk and something is wrong with it.
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