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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. indeed, I would like to see creators make HUDs for modestly layers like any other form of clothing so we can have lots of designs and colours. As long as TOS is followed that should be possible.
  2. You do raise some good points about older children. I'm not sure the back part is needed but I also can't see LL changing their mind. For the most part the examples of the modesty layers LL supplied are a lot better than I thought they were going to be. I think at some point you just kind of have to go.... this is as good as it's going to get and if you push any harder they might just say sod it.
  3. I think it's more for teenage avatars since they still count as under 18 legally and are chilren in the eyes of the law.
  4. I honestly don't see how the modesty layers need to be discussed anymore really. They are very reasonable and a lot better than I feared they would be in regards to breaking existing content. Identity issues in SL aren't really a thing in the sense you can present as a different gender / sex at any time. As I said earlier: If you're a boy one day then present as a boy: wear boy clothing, hair etc and make sure you're wearing at least the boy's modesty layer. If you're a girl another day, wear girl's clothing, hair etc and make sure you're wearing both the chest and undie layers. At no point should anyone be able to insist they don't need to wear the chest modesty layer if they are very visibly a girl with a defined chest area etc.
  5. I agree and think LL have been very reasonable. The only content those modesty layers break are content that kid avatars shouldn't be wearing anyway.
  6. Also can I just say that I was pleasantly surprised that LL didn't end up insisting boy's have a chest modesty layer. The FAQ also had quite a bit of reassurance so I'm glad we did discuss what we did since it's very obvious LL took into account what we said.
  7. If one day they identify as a boy they wear boys clothes and the modesty layer appropriate for boys, and vise versa for girls. The only time it would be an issue is if someone insisted they were a boy and only wanted to wear a boy modesty layer while having a very clearly defined chest. In that circumstance, sorry no, TOS overrides any identity issues.
  8. I think with the changes to TOS you're going to see less and less borederline cases, which when you think about it, is actually a good thing. It doesn't really matter that LL are not as focused on avatars that look say 16 or 17, you'll most likely find that sim owners on A sims will do the policing for them. People have already mentioned that happening in this thread. Nobody who isn't perverted wants anything to do with that sort of thing, adult and child avarars alike, so everyone is going to be a lot more cautious. Again, this is probably a good thing.
  9. Not really, does the bear even know how to use a gun? Even if it does, the knife is still worse. As Alan Rickman's infamous Sheriff of Nottigham one said. "It'll hurt more." Second one, the first thing I thought of when I read the words lifelong celibrate were priest. Err no, I don't want to be anywhere near a priest as a little boy. The man wants to give me candy? Okay, think that one is self explanatory. Last one, both are really, really bad, but I'd wager I'd still be safer with the bear compared to the sort of man who wants to go out into the woods and dress up as a bear.
  10. It's one of the most frequently broken rules in SL. I'm not sure most people even know it is a thing.
  11. I do think a public statement of some kind from LL reassuring those who play child avatars would be a good thing. I do actually believe they want to keep child avatars around. I'm sure in some ways it would just be easier to ban us altogether, although that would go against the very foundations of what SL is about in regards to freedom of expression. I hope Quartz Mole won't mind me saying, but it was very nice to get a message reassuring me about the Social Hub. A public statement at the very least, would signal to people that it's not open season on child avatars and might help to reduce the levels of open hostility. There have been a number of very inflammatory comments in this thread RE child avatars. I'm going to continue ignoring them. I try to be as understanding as possible and unless you've played a child avatar, I don't think you can understand the level of contempt we receive, so in some ways I don't blame them. I just wish people were more kind and considerate to others. Cherry Amore, mentioned earlier in the thread that there are things people could do on M land to make it a friendlier place and in a way I agree. Now let's be clear, it's not a demand, no one is forcing you, no one is taking away your rights, but we all do things in life because they're polite and respectful, or I hope atleast most of us do. There is no rule stating I should smile and hold open a door for someone, but the world would be a very dark and sad place if we only did what we're legally obliged to do. Of course, not everyone does that either.
  12. Almost as funny as the 200 page plague(sic) award 😝 Runs.
  13. Indeed, I used to enjoy going to the Social Hub as it's G land and because there are usually always one of the Moles around and they're fun to talk to. Mini Mole even gave me a teddy bear and Viola Mole is a very kind. Now though I'm not even sure if I would be allowed to go - the landing part often has newbies making their avatars and that can lead to all sorts of problems with nudity.
  14. Yes, a different account would be better. An adult one.
  15. Honestly depends on how clean G land is and how LL polices it. G land is meant to be the safest place in SL for real children and child avatars, yet it is the very place I was approached by a pedofile so go figure.
  16. It's a good question, I'd ere on the side of caution and say you should only be selling things that would be appropriate for child avatars. If you want to sell anything else use an adult avatar.
  17. Which ever direction we go there will be consequences. If child avatars can't use BOM that will severely limit the content they can use forever. If you go down the route of adding physical mesh layers to body's that have modesty layers painted on and can't be removed, you would heavily inconvience people a lot in the short term, but in the long term as new content became available you would still be able to use BOM.
  18. The mesh for my body was designed with the body's current proportions in mind. If you add a physical layer on top of the body then it will clip through pretty much every piece of mesh content in the affected area. You ever worn the wrong size mesh for your body by mistake where everything pokes through? That's what would happen.
  19. It would, but it would also break all mesh content.
  20. You can get ones that don't take off clothes first before repalcing. I use CTS Wardrobe and you can customise the process. I tend to put on my new items of clothing individually (it's set up to be mix and match) and then once I know everything is in place I can take off the parts I want.
  21. LL have stated they are going to release guidance on the modesty layers soon which is what sparked our original debate into how they might look so they could consider issues like breaking exisiting items of clothing. Some like the thongs etc need to be broken, but others are perfectly innocent and shouldn't be.
  22. No, the last time we discussed the issue we were debating how they might look. We basically agreed that the layer should be significant enough to prevent extremely skimpy items of clothing like g-strings, thongs and thin bikinis etc, but not so long that it breaks ballet leotards, babies onsies and ordinary swimwear that is already modest etc. We agreed that for the lower part a full brief would be best since that would be unisex for both boys and girls, and that both boys and girls might have to wear some sort of tube vest around the chest area (child avis all use the same avatar so there is no real way to distinguish between boys and girls at the avatar level).
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