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Saturn Venus

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Everything posted by Saturn Venus

  1. Hi! Nice to meet you Miya. You can message me on here. I'm open to new friends.
  2. LMAO...that's exactly what I've would've done. I've had similar encounters like this in various places. Except some time I would even get inventory gifts like a single rose or bouquet of roses or something else. Quite odd... 😬
  3. @Scylla Rhiadra Thank you for explaining this. 🙌🏾 Best way to put it. lol
  4. What we mean by POC is people with darker skin pigment and black people in general and non-black people with darker skin.That’s what we mean.
  5. Yes it is quite disappointing. I agree there should be more things like this in SL. Hopefully in the future it will be! And not even just for discussing topics like you stated, just to be social in general. Like hangouts basically to talk about whatever for POC (not just Black POC but all POC). Possibly to bond and make friends? Things of that sort. That'd be great.
  6. This is an amazing idea to do! ❤️ ----------------------------- Pertaining to the photo you added: If I may add, you are really pretty 🙂 ----------------------------- I wish I still had my pc so I could attend this. I've always wanted to do things like this but could never find anything on here. ☹️ & Yes I am a Black POC in real life as well as in SecondLife. I would've loved to attend this. I'm sad. Haha
  7. Hello I’d love to chat with you and become friends. I wrote about me in another thread and I didn’t feel like typing it all again so I’ll link it what I wrote here. Lol
  8. Hi I’d love to be friends or maybe like godsister or something. Haha send me a message on here.
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