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Mar Scarmon

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Everything posted by Mar Scarmon

  1. Please join us Sunday Nov.19th 11:30AM SLT for The Bearpaw Tour, a ranger-guided tour which leads you around several scenic parts of Mount Campion National Forest. It tells the story of the Bearpaw Tribe and how they migrated around Mount Campion as they were forced to flee from hostile invaders. The tour usually lasts between about 60 minutes and 75 minutes. (For BBB passport holders, it also includes 3 stamps... one of which is brand new.) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Highflyer/163/134/130
  2. Come to Heterocera, Route 3 is nice, Route 6 (The High Mountain Road) is very scenic but a little rough, four-wheel drive or a horse is recommended.
  3. I love the High Mountain Road! I have also seen it referred to as the bridle trail because it is so popular with equestrians. Continue east on this road for 9 sims or so and you will find Mount Campion National Forest, it spans six sims and has over 155,000 sq meters of forest, canyons, rivers, and of course the extensive cave system. Mount Campion is also the highest natural point in mainland Second Life. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/152/90/302
  4. I just thought of a brilliant idea, if they could make a feature that permits property owners to de-render objects visible from their property for everyone who is on their property. Problem solved! That's my problem, how do I de-render things for tenants and prospective tenants? They come to my property to check out a rental and see crap floating around nearby Being able to de-render in my viewer only is not much help.
  5. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/104/103/285
  6. Please come to Mount Campion Caves National Forest, it is a huge park with gorgeous scenery. We have large and small campsites, and some cabins and houses. The park ranges over six sims, over 150,000 sq meters of forests, trails, canyons, cliffs, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and of course the caves! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/104/103/285 We also have a smaller seashore-based park called Ipperwash Cliffs that also has campsites and houses with lots of beautiful scenery to explore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/104/103/285
  7. Even above 1000 meters would be a huge improvement; I don't think anyone keeps their draw distance that high. What is frustrating is that so much of the sky crap appears totally unused and abandoned, even put there by mistake. Another solution would be to set physics so that anything under 1000 meters fell to the ground if left in the sky more than an hour, let people live in their own junk.
  8. I checked out Four Bridges, beautiful build! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Four Bridges/174/113/22
  9. I own a great deal of the land around Mount Campion and I would take issue to the Lindens covering my land in snow, If I wanted snow land I would have gone to the winter area on Sansara. Also if you go to the summit of Mount Campion now there are plots with palm trees and other out of place features. I have gone to a great deal of expense and effort to beautify the area around Mount Campion, it is set up a mountain park, Mount Campion National Forest, but adding snow to my build would mess up a lot of the work I have done. This being said I am firmly committed to the betterment of mainland Second Life. Thanks Marz Second Life Maps | Campion
  10. I notice many mainland parcels that literally have not changed for over a decade. You never see anyone on them either, other than occasional wanderers, certainly not the owners. I always wonder who would pay the tier for something that is apparently unused? I suspect that many are grandfathered by early SL permanent grants or similar, and no one is paying the tier. I wish SL had a policy that if a parcel was not being paid on, and if there has been no sign of the owner in years, recycle it, sell it, make public land or water ways out of it, just do something with it! I agree about outdated ground textures and horrible old plants and trees. Please let surrounding landowners landscape some of the public spaces. I would like a rule no sky boxes or other sky crap under 1000 meters. Also if several different landowners agree that something is obnoxious or atrociously ugly they should be able to petition the Lindens to force it to be cleaned up. Finally, there is too much available mainland, take some land off the market, make it public, turn it into roads, parks, or waterways.
  11. Check out the Sea of Fables in the middle of the Sansara continent. It's pretty large, with many gorgeous islands and natural areas to explore. Second Life Maps | Bohol
  12. Thanks for visiting. The park is much larger than just The Nature Center. If you follow the trails up the mountain you can actually cross the Heterocera continental divide and descend the south face of the mountain range ultimately to SL Route 6 (The Bridle Trail, also known and the High Mountain Road). The park ranges over six regions. The caves are also interconnected and extensive.
  13. I own some rental properties in second life. I live in the U.S. and am a U.S. citizen. My monthly tier payment is $540 U.S. Dollars. My rental income usually covers my tier payment, sometimes a little less sometimes a little more. I convert the Lindens I receive in rent to Tilia dollars that then pays my tier. I have never taken any money out of Tilia to my bank account, all Tilia funds go toward paying my tier to the Lindens. My question is, will these transactions be reported to the IRS? Do I need to report or account for them on my U.S. Federal Income tax forms? I heard today that the IRS is cracking down on on-line earnings like Paypal, Etsy, Venmo, etc. Thanks
  14. Mount Campion National Forest - miles of mountainous trails (a few are challenging) gorgeous scenery, spread over six adjoining sims. You can cross the high Heterocera mountain pass through the park. A very popular place for equestrians and hikers; North Entrance: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Highflyer/101/221/124 South Entrance: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/9/120/163 Ipperwash Cliffs Nationals Seashore - Wider easier riding trails through two sims of Sansara mainland, beautiful scenery and views over the Sea of Fables. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lakeville/236/142/56 The well mannered public is welcome in both parks. - Marz
  15. Because when you own the land you are committed to the tier payment. When you rent you can leave whenever you please without needing to sell the land to recover your tier fees.
  16. Camping trailers are welcome at Mount Campion National Forest and Ipperwash Cliffs National Seashore. Campsites are available for a modest price, the people are very friendly and the surroundings are gorgeous. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Campion/109/107/285
  17. I would love to see the Lindens do almost anything to improve the "glories of the Mainland". For that matter I would love to see the Lindens do almost anything to promote Second Life and try to attract some new people. I heard a television snipet on CNBC where they were talking about Roblox, they said something like Roblox has more users visiting in an hour than Second Life has total users. What a shame, because Roblox is absolutely crude in comparison. Imagine what SL could be if they set their minds to it. Regarding draw distance I keep mine under 300 to avoid seeing all the mainland garbage and to keep my frame rate decent.
  18. OK I finally bought a Lelutka mesh head to go with my Maitreya Lara body. When I use my old classic avatar skin it just looks weird. But I want some eye makeup and various makeup choices that don't seem to be included with the Lelutka head. So I am guessing I now must buy new skin. Does skin include eye makeup , lipstick, etc.? Or do I need to buy that separate as well? I am looking at Glam Affair skin. Advice is appreciated. Thank you
  19. I operate a large in-world National Forest. I want to set up self directed tours, I already have tour stopping point signs that point the way and an accompanying notecard with landmarks, currently the signs display a message in chat when yo touch them. What I would love is if I could record audio messages, put them in a prim or in the signs, then when people touch them the message is played audibly, similar to voicing. RL museums use this sort of thing. Anyone have any idea of how I could accomplish this? Are there already devices in SL that do this? Thank you!
  20. I am an old-school second lifer. I have tried several mesh head demos and they look awful. They all seem to make me look like a pouting teenager or I have hideously distorted facial features. Can I change my facial features with a mesh head like I could with my classic avatar, things like lip shape, eye spacing? What else to I need to buy? Do I need to buy makeup? Do I need to buy new skin? I have my old skin that works with my Maitreya Lara body. Do I need appliers (not clear what these are sorry). Is there a brand of head that is easier to use and set up? Should I get a non Bento head or a bento one? Sorry I am so hopeless but thanks for your help.
  21. Where possible I think they should turn abandon land into lakes and ponds, connecting to the oceans where possible. This would improve the value of the surrounding land, and removing excess land from circulation would improve the value of everyone's land. Parkland would be a good choice when it is not feasible to convert it to a lake or river.
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