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Gone Incognito

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  1. Finnish retard-punk? *gasp* insulting our ppl's music! No Tori meeting for u 😧 Edit. Realised how old this post is, oop ^^
  2. We're still looking to meet new ppl ^w^ wether ur new to sl or long time player, all welcome
  3. Dont ask questions.... OwO In all seriousness, were not that social and rarely leave our house in sl to explore etc, so weve been pretty much with our own group since 2014. But during the years our group grew smaller and now we started looking for new friends to hangout with ^^
  4. Bumping this up, Now also looking for possible roommates! owo
  5. Hi! Decided to come have a looksie around here, since in-world it seems like its getting harder and harder to find like minded people. We are a small goup of friends who like to do dumb stuff and hangout. We're kinda weird, but hopefully that won't be a problem. There are currently about 6 of us who are the most active, looking for new friends as our group has slowly grown smaller over the year. We bounce between rp styles and would love to meet new people interested in hanging out with us and maybe joining us for things like this as well as parties/hanging out during holidays, games, exploring.... being weirdos in general Most of us live together on a rented land, but theres also those who live on their own and just hangout at our place. So there is an option to become a roommate, if it looks like we hit it off. Were all between 19-30 years old, from different countries though. So our timezones are different. But most of our sleeping schedules are messed up, so were on quite alot. Our group has humans, furries, horses, wolves.... pretty much everything you can think of. Theres no discrimination of other people of any kind. And no bullying. Ask if you want to know something else. Shoot me an IM if you would like to meet and hangout! ^,..,^
  6. Im looking for someone who could make a custom texture for my TWI wolf. I have the design ready, but dont know how to make it myself.
  7. Hello, I am a long time player with a lovely skybox, who would like to have some people to share it with. The skybox is 128x64 and also has a spot on the official ground too. The rooms and stuff are not there yet since I figured it would be best to listen to what kind of living situation the possible roommates like, you know mansions or single cabins for each one or whatever. As for myself I am a ... weird person. I am a furry, but rarely use my furry avatar these days. Im mostly human or wolf. I rp in a wolf pack, which keeps me busy at times. I would like to think im an open person, since i have a very rainbow colored friend circle. I myself am some kind of a rainbow too. Im not really good at this posting stuff, so I would much rather explain the details and stuff to those who are interested ^,...,^. Feel free to mesasge me inworld or comment below here. Im usually online from 11AM to 4PM SL time, and then im off for like 1-1,5 hours, sometimes less, then I return and im online till I fall asleep irl so like 5 more hours. I basically live in sl. Thats all I can think of... soo, look forward to hearing from you all ^,...,^ (Oh and I dont have a decided number of how many roommates im taking so im going to just see how many are interested first) ~ Jazz
  8. I have actually built the house plan that i have once, and i was happy with it. But the reason i considered custom made is that i have no idea how to do windows and I do not know how to do mesh stuff. Although I might have to go with self built option if i do not finda builder
  9. Is there anyone who makes houses that you can design yourself?
  10. If youre a furry or interested in being a furry, and looking for people to talk to or help you get started, we have a little place where our group lives and we have a few extra spots for new family members ^^ The only thing that is required is that youre not afraid of dirty humor and that you arent against any sexual preferences since we have wuite a variety of those at the house hah. Feel free to IM me if you want to come hang out ^^
  11. Hey! I've been in sl since... 2009 i think so you would think i have many friends. I did, but most of them were ones who never talked to me so i would love to meet people that actually like to just chat and hang around. The problem is im not an explorer type so i like staying in one spot, mostly my home heh. I do like to party and have fun with gestures and avatars tho. Also im not good at starting conversation. Im quite good at keeping up with it, the start is the problem. Im not easily scared off by "weird" subjects to talk about so those are OK :D
  12. I have been in SL since 2009, but most of the people I have been friends with have left SL. Now im looking for people who are not scared of dirty humour or having fun. Send me an IM if you want to hang out :3
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