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Everything posted by AlecDeBoeuil

  1. Scooby Mode wrote: If I knew you were a troll earlier, I would have brought you lots of food to feed you. Then I could have eaten it, and made it disappear, and that would have been . . . . . . MAGIC!!! Alec - gustatory interlocutions
  2. Scooby Mode wrote: I'm more than likely betting ENGLISH IS NOT YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE. Gambling isn't for idiots. Losing is. Alec - to see you losing it
  3. Marybeth Cooperstone wrote: Horrors!! I am in the state of extreme embarrassment. I made a typo - and a misspelling! I meant to say that " I am admitted to the bar in serveral several states, but not everywhere." We lawyers aren't supposed to make misspellings! Maybe I shouldn't write things after traveling all night. Marybeth I would recommend, to satisfy the misguided perceptions of those who expect lawyers to behave in a professional manner, that you try using a spell-checker. The one that comes with the forum post editor would suffice, since the wonderful utility called After The Deadline which I normally recommend includes style and grammar checking, but does not have a "legal" mode which eliminates punctuation to encourage ambiguity (thereby promoting litigation) and of course "style" is not an epithet which could in any way be applied to any legal document I have ever read. Alec - ambiguity myself, but humour is wasted on lawyers
  4. Scooby Mode wrote: Oh, good to see you using your natural language now Alec! *golf claps* That's just one of the four I speak, actually. English is my mother tongue of course. Was your mother illiterate, because that would explain a lot. Scooby Mode wrote: (assuming french) Aren't you certain? Is your cosmopolitan education lacking with regard to the world outside Abnormal, Indiana or whatever redneck backwoods town you growed up in. I suppose if you failed your English 001 then they would have thought it pointless teaching you how civilised people communicate. Scooby Mode wrote: I did look up your post history, you seem to have a history of trolling hard and being snarky. Dahling, that's merely the very small tip of a very large iceberg. And you are out of your depth already. Alec - offering sparkly things to occupy small minds PS Have you looked up "riparian" yet? Have you worked out how it relates to "literal" and my reference to a bank? Keep trying, you may get there by the turn of the century.
  5. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Linden Lab. There can be only one. In fact, there is an infamous photograph of the good, the bad, and the ugly (mostly the last of these) which features the dog, but every time it gets posted it is taken down for some reason, although it is publicly available on the net elsewhere. Alec - golden ones; they are even more stupid than the black ones
  6. Scooby Mode wrote: You deserved that question cause you're replying back with stupid posts, so that was a legit question, not a stupid one. Scooby - Owning the attention whore some more. Au contraire mon petit chou-fleur, you get the answers here you deserve. Ask a stupid question, get an answer you don't understand; you probably didn't even get the riparian reference. Alec - using long words that Scooby has to look up; it increases the time between his posts, which is a benefit to everyone
  7. toscalaurence wrote: It all seems so useless now. A perspicacious summary. Alec - being concise and to the point
  8. Scooby Mode wrote: Why are you . . . taking it so literal, Because, and you can bank on this, the forum is a written medium. Alec - giving simple answers to stupid questions
  9. Scooby Mode wrote: English is my first language, you're just a baddie. I bet you aren't from the USA, this is exactly why you probably don't even get half the things I say because it has to be worded so simple, a grade schooler could undestand for you to pick up! hahaha You're right, Scooby, I am not from the USA. And my education involved attending the original Cambridge University, not that second-hand copy just outside Boston. I will also admit to the accuracy of your comment about my diminished comprehension of your posts, but that is probably because you must have missed kindergarten last week when they taught you how to use a spellchecker to hide semi-literacy. Alec - taunting morons
  10. Scooby Mode wrote: Your daughter makes Ice cream disappear cause she eats it., and you made her sound overweight with that follow up. So eating is magic, then, by your argument? (And my daughter is absolutely gorgeous; if you don't believe me, watch out for a movie coming out called "Gullible's Travails" - she plays the second lead in it and a Hollywood career awaits.) (Would you feel happier if I told you that I make her boyfriends disappear, or would you quibble that it's actually the shotgun I am pointing at them that does the magic?) Alec - playing with my food
  11. Scooby Mode wrote: That was idotic Alec. First off, I doubt you can turn a car into a garage. Hahahahahaah! English isn't your first language is it, Scooby? I turned my car into a garage only half an hour ago. First I used the electronic garage door opener so that I didn't crash my car into the door, of course. Alec - how stupid people are, especially when they don't realise it
  12. Colby Firehawk wrote: In respect of this Tos Section (http://www.lindenlab.com/tos#tos6): 6.1.(iv) Post, display, or transmit Content that is . . . false, inaccurate, misleading . . . This effectively makes the whole of SL contrary to its own ToS. Alec - using a name that is false, inaccurate, misleading . . .
  13. Darrius Gothly wrote: I'd have time to worry about the REAL issues, like Aliens and the use of radioactive tracing compounds in M&M's Only the blue ones; the rest are safe. Alec - the blue ones actually
  14. Eleven years? It just show you can have eleven years of experience or 132 repetitions of just one month of experience. Alec - the way that people become senescent quicker in SL
  15. No, you're just being extremely naive. Alec - people who come to the forums to tell us how stupid they have been
  16. So the whole of the technological effort of the internet age is being directed to stop kids from saying "are we there yet?" Sounds good to me. Although duct tape is cheaper and extremely effective. Alec - a sense of proportion in an argument, which is sadly missing from this thread
  17. Scooby Mode wrote: You can't just compare the soul definition to magic/healing cause there was proof between those two words that they relate and go hand to hand. Would you like to rewrite this in English please. Alec - laughing at the clumsy rhetoric of the naive and unpracticed
  18. Canoro Philipp wrote: you dont believe that the mind is immaterial? you dont believe that we have different personalities? you dont believe that our different personalities are caused by our minds, which are created by our brain? if the required elements to fit a definition exist, than the defined object exists. Gosh, aren't I a clever solipsist to have made the Canoro figment ask thse ridiculous and irrelevant questions. Alec - being the only thing in my universe
  19. Scooby Mode wrote: Are we now going to exclude what every website says Yes, we can, since there is no guarantee that ANYTHING on the 'net is accurate, truthful, or makes any sense at all, like your "arguments". Alec - under age posters who don't realise how stupid they make themselves look
  20. Scooby Mode wrote: Last I checked, if you were to make something disappear, that's a bit of magic. If a magical person could have the power to make something completely vanish, they are using their powers to obviously make that something vanish. Almost no different from healing because someone is chanting a few words, or working their hands, performing such a miracle to rid someone of a disease and have it completely gone from that persons body. (Disease suddenly disappears). Is that really hard to understand? Really? I can turn a car into a garage. Is that transformation magic? Not really . . . My daughter can make ice cream disappear. A tub of it will vanish in a matter of minutes. That's not magic. And no miracle is involved in the evacuation of it from her body either. Alec - making people go ewwwww
  21. Canoro Philipp wrote: the proof can be simply in the definition of the word soul. Merriam-Webster: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life. by this definition, the vast majority of lifeforms have a soul. Dictionaries quote usage, not facts. Proof that ain't! Alec - the way posters to this thread appear entirely ignorant of logic
  22. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: aren't the handicapped pets always the cutest? I can honestly say that in all my years of perusing Mr Guccione's magazine I never saw one that was in the least handicapped. Other than by the normal deficiencies of their gender. Alec - being an animal lover
  23. Marybeth Cooperstone wrote: I am admitted to the bar in serveral [ sic, or perhaps, hic] states, but not everywhere. Me too. Except when I am in a real state. Alec - double indemnity ambiguity
  24. Did you know that this McGuffin, the key to the whole H2G2 oeuvre, was stolen by Adams from graffiti written between the tiles of the end stall of the toilets in H staircase, New Court, St John's College, Cambridge. It was a series of "posts", initiated by someone who bemoaned the fact that despite having a Maths Scholarship (and John's had the best mathematicians in the universe university) he kept thinking that 9 x 6 = 42. This was the subject of much derision and debate, with non-mathematicians chipping in to say they thought 9x6 was 43, and others saying that they didn't have enough fingers to check the calculation etc Then someone pointed out that this equation actually was correct, in base 13 arithmetic. The original author indicated that this emlightenment had probably saved him from going mad, or suicide, and the temporarily seated hordes rose as one in acknowledgement, with a movement claiming that 42 was probably the answer to all calculations, if expressed in a suitable base. Adams lived in H staircase and used those facilities on a regular basis. I doubt if he would have given this answer when he was asked where he got his ideas from . . . Alec - to think I, his neighbour on H staircase, was the inspiration for the Vogon Spaceship Captain. ETA: I think that the previous poster must have got his comic inspiration confused with that of Monty Python: DrAlisterFrost wrote: Brian size
  25. ChinRey wrote: AlecDeBoeuil wrote: Alec - it when a project is running late within a few months of it starting; I know it'll never be finished Oh, I really, really hope you're wrong. It would be very sad if Sansar never happened and the beginning of the end to Linden Lab. Remember Vizact? That was Ebbe's crowning glory at Microsoft. You don't? "Development was ended due to unpopularity" (He left at the end of March 2000, and Vizact was discontinued on 1 April, 2000) Alec - that the only thing that you learn from history is that nobody learns from history
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