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Everything posted by Dresden

  1. DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Then you can't fault us for our ignorance. No; only for being content with it. You assume, and you are wrong. I am content with nothing in life. However, you have offered nothing but questions of those who don't seem to follow your doctrine. Show me. Teach me, but don't spit platitudes and make assumptions of me. And your assumption is wrong because you think I am defending the confederate flag; or even racism. I am defending the right to fly what ever **bleep**ing flag you want to fly. And I am willing to die defending your right to do so. Even if you would not defend my right to do the same. Talk about being content with ones ignorance, Theresa. Um... did you miss Theresa's first post to this thread where she stated, "I personally don't believe in preventing others from using symbols like the [flag that sort of looks like one of the various Confederate battle flags although usually the wrong shape and/or having the wrong color blue]"? ...Dres Did she read my first post? Because I don't make the jump from the confederate flag to that of the atrocities of Nazi Germany it is assumed I . . . ? I was specifically referring to your right to fly whatever flag you want. ...Dres
  2. DejaHo wrote: DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Then you can't fault us for our ignorance. No; only for being content with it. You assume, and you are wrong. I am content with nothing in life. However, you have offered nothing but questions of those who don't seem to follow your doctrine. Show me. Teach me, but don't spit platitudes and make assumptions of me. And your assumption is wrong because you think I am defending the confederate flag; or even racism. I am defending the right to fly what ever **bleep**ing flag you want to fly. And I am willing to die defending your right to do so. Even if you would not defend my right to do the same. Talk about being content with ones ignorance, Theresa. Um... did you miss Theresa's first post to this thread where she stated, "I personally don't believe in preventing others from using symbols like the [flag that sort of looks like one of the various Confederate battle flags although usually the wrong shape and/or having the wrong color blue]"? ...Dres
  3. DejaHo wrote: Then you can't fault us for our ignorance. I don't. I fault those who hide behind the Southern pride/heritage argument for their support of what they damn well know is a symbol of white supremacy. Especially those who do so for the specific purpose of political expediency. And that includes Pat, even though he doesn't do a very good job of hiding how he really feels. ...Dres
  4. DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: I was born and raised in the deep south and I assure you, there's nothing to misconstrue. The Southern pride thing is a convenient cover story. Everyone knows what that flag really symbolizes, they just don't talk about it in mixed company. ...Dres If deep south Southerners just don't talk about it in mixed company then how can a northern New Yorker or a Canadian be blissfully ignorant? Unless deep south Southerners enjoy 'us' not knowing. They do. ...Dres
  5. Derek Torvalar wrote: For many outside the US, and probably for some within as well, the flag is seen 'innocently' as a "Rebel Banner". Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. ...Dres
  6. Rhonda Huntress wrote: :smileylol: I was asking for opinions. I got yours, but then I already knew what it was. I live here too and have slaves very close in my family. I was hoping to find points of view outside of our boarders and wanted to be sure that people knew they would not judge no matter how they felt. I don't see that being possible now. My issue was with the presumptive and dismissive manner in which you phrased your question, not with the question itself. ...Dres
  7. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Good or bad, the images people use to advertise their beliefs aid in the identification of those beliefs, and those people. I'm not in favor of making that harder to do. I tend to agree with you on this. Part of the problem with political correctness is that it entices people to cloak their true intentions. Hence, the use of Southern pride as a defense of the confederate battle flag. Long overdue is the time for such pretense to be seen by most for exactly that which it has been since before I was born. ...Dres
  8. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Just because I'm curious, what does the rest of the world think? Do the Koreans just roll their eyes at American arrogance to think their internal squabbles mean anything? This is a very strange question. I've been attempting to discuss one small aspect of the fallout after a national tragedy and consider your referring to that as an internal squabble rather dismissive. After all, I wouldn't have classified the French people's reaction to the Charlie Hebdo incident internal squabbling. If being concerned with something that is happening in my own backyard and not really caring what people who live across the globe think of my being so makes me arrogant, then so be it. I'm sure Americans are not the only ones likely to feel that way. ...Dres
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: The so called confederate flag is the battle flag not the official flag of the confederacy. This is the actual national confederate flag: I live in the former capital of the Confederacy and most people here think that flag IS a flag of racial hatred. It's used by the same people that claim the civil war was not about slavery, but states rights in an attempt to justify and white wash the south's did. But the right that they were fighting for was the right to keep slaves. Here the flag can not be used on state property anymore except in a museum setting. There is even a debate starting now about all the statues that were erected after 'the recent unpleasentness' of Confederate Generals to glorify them and if they too should be removed. The special license plate for the Son's of the Confederate Veterans is now being redesigned to remove the flag too. South Carolina recently is having a debate about the flag flying on state property too. The governor has said it only belongs in a museum. Alabama just today removed it from government property. While people are allowed to fly the flag on private property because it is a free speech issue, you don't even see it used that way much anymore around here. The flag is a part of history and it is important as a learning experience about what the Civil War was about, but I don't think that it should be used except as an historical educational tool. To the person who claimed it was not as bad as the nazi symbols, I disagree. If you are black it symbolizes how your ancestors were treated as slaves. Slave owners could do what they want with their slaves and a lot of them treated them like animals including what we consider today torturing them and killing them. As far as LL is concerned, I wouldn't want them to stomp all over free speech, but using it in a racist manner should be banned and AR'd, IMO. I am white in RL and I find it offensive myself. QFT. ...Dres
  10. Bree Giffen wrote: I don't think LL should ban confederate flags. Look at what is cited as examples of taking down the flag, Target, Walmart, Amazon,. These are corporate entities whose moral compass is based on preserving their public image. The media does not mention of individuals taking down the flag. You say this as if LL isn't concerned with preserving their public image... oh wait. Bree Giffen wrote: It is a hollow gesture to allow the corporation to pat itself on the back. Taking down flag products does nothing to change the thoughts or behavior af a racist person. I agree. I find it rather amusing how so many politicians have supposedly, all of a sudden, realized the meaning which has been connected to this flag for so very long and how now they're trying to bend over backwards to take them down, remove statues and rename streets. A vulgar display which reeks of political expedience, in a lame attempt to sidestep the actual issues. You just know they'll be patting themselves on the back for doing little more than a bit of redecorating. It disgusts me to think that it took such a horrific tragedy to get them to do even that. ...Dres
  11. Jumpman Lane wrote: whay yall doin I'm puking in my mouth. ...Dres
  12. DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres Do you really think Nazi Germany = Southern CSA? It is a totally disproportionate analogy. I am not a southerner, but I never made the leap to equate the two. Probably because you're white? I am white. Are you telling me I should not be proud to be white because it offends others? Right. I don't fly the confederate flag, or the rainbow, or celebrate Christmas. . . but I have the right to do so if I so choose. . Shouldn't a German have the right to fly a flag that represents the period of Germany's highest power in world affairs as evidence of his/her ethnic pride? What? This ain't Germany. However, the Germans were among the first settlers of this new country. German was once considered to be the official language of the USA. The christmas tree is a German introduction to the USA. Why would any American German want to raise a swastika - it is NOT a symbol of ethnic pride - it is a symbol of ethnic embarrassment. Perhaps you're laboring under the misconception that the confederate battle flag is simply a symbol of Southern pride... it's not. ...Dres Perhaps I am Dres. This is what I have been taught. This is what I witness. Yes, there are those who abuse and misconstrue its meaning to support their own hatred, but I do not. I was born and raised in the deep south and I assure you, there's nothing to misconstrue. The Southern pride thing is a convenient cover story. Everyone knows what that flag really symbolizes, they just don't talk about it in mixed company. ...Dres
  13. DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres Do you really think Nazi Germany = Southern CSA? It is a totally disproportionate analogy. I am not a southerner, but I never made the leap to equate the two. Probably because you're white? I am white. Are you telling me I should not be proud to be white because it offends others? Right. I don't fly the confederate flag, or the rainbow, or celebrate Christmas. . . but I have the right to do so if I so choose. . Shouldn't a German have the right to fly a flag that represents the period of Germany's highest power in world affairs as evidence of his/her ethnic pride? What? This ain't Germany. However, the Germans were among the first settlers of this new country. German was once considered to be the official language of the USA. The christmas tree is a German introduction to the USA. Why would any American German want to raise a swastika - it is NOT a symbol of ethnic pride - it is a symbol of ethnic embarrassment. Perhaps you're laboring under the misconception that the confederate battle flag is simply a symbol of Southern pride... it's not. ...Dres
  14. DejaHo wrote: Dresden wrote: DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres Do you really think Nazi Germany = Southern CSA? It is a totally disproportionate analogy. I am not a southerner, but I never made the leap to equate the two. I'm less concerned about the meaning behind the confederate battle flag at the time of its creation, than I am with its use as a symbol of support for segregation by blatant, white supremacists during the civil rights movement of the 60's. If it wasn't before, that alone reduces it to a symbol of hatred in my eyes. So, no... I in no way believe that analogy to be disproportionate. ...Dres
  15. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Dresden wrote: I ask the following questions not to be incendiary, but because I honestly believe that doing so might actually start an interesting discussion: Considering recent events, do you believe that Linden Lab should follow the likes of Wal-mart, Target, Amazon and Etsy, henceforth banning the sale (and perhaps even existence) of any creation containing the image of the confederate battle flag from its services? And, of course, why/why not? ...Dres ETA: the word battle. Wal-Mart, Target and Amazon are independent entities - they are saying "I won't do this." In Second Life, Linden Lab is the de facto government - they'd be saying "You can't do this." I personally don't believe in preventing others from using symbols like the [flag that sort of looks like one of the various Confederate battle flags although usually the wrong shape and/or having the wrong color blue] because it makes it harder for everyone else to identify those who would use it as the idiots they are. What about Etsy? Aren't they saying "You can't do this"? But, I agree with you that, as independent entities, companies have the right to choose what they want to allow and disallow. I just don't see how that's any different for Linden Lab. ...Dres
  16. DejaHo wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: DejaHo wrote: In a PC world, humor is a capital offense. No, LL should not follow the likes of others and ban images of the confederate flag. What's next banning Christmas perhaps? The rainbow flag? How about the Russian flag raised at the UN? Wal-mart and others are following the John Ashcroft model - cover all the naked statues . . . None of your examples ar symbols of atrocity.. You have: a stolen holiday, a sybmbol of equality and love, and a countries flag. And you Godwin'ed the thread with your first post. I disagree... it's not a Godwin when it's a fair comparison. ...Dres
  17. I ask the following questions not to be incendiary, but because I honestly believe that doing so might actually start an interesting discussion: Considering recent events, do you believe that Linden Lab should follow the likes of Wal-mart, Target, Amazon and Etsy, henceforth banning the sale (and perhaps even existence) of any creation containing the image of the confederate battle flag from its services? And, of course, why/why not? ...Dres ETA: the word battle.
  18. clivesteel wrote: The backlash starts TODAY! Using my investigative alt, created today, I have enquired about several SL jobs. Quite frankly, what I've discovered disgusts me. A DJ undertaking a two-hour set, for instance, is expected to make do on 'tips'. I asked how much one earns on average and was told "can be around 500$L". This is US$2.02 for two hours' work. Would you expect a RL DJ to work for this??? Of course not. Yet, the work and time involved are exactly the same. The UK minimum wage is £6.50 per hour, which translates to US$10.32. Therefore, the criminals who run these clubs should be paying AT LEAST 2,559$L per hour, or just over 5,000$L for a full two-hour set. Otherwise - this is slave labour - pure and simple. According to payscale.com, the average UK DJ earns £27.50 per hour as a median wage. In other words, SL employers should pay, AT LEAST, $L21,654 for a two-hour set. "This is just a game" you reply. Wrong, TIME IS TIME. The average SL DJ probably does as much work as a RL one. It makes no difference whether you put in two hours of work online or in McDonalds. So you see, SL employers are guilty of the most heinous abuse of human labour!! And nobody has the brains or guts to pull them up on it! TIME to campaign for a fair wage on SL - pay your employees what you owe them. I call on ALL DJs, hosts, dancers and SL workers to withdraw their labour and refuse to work on SL unless you are paid at least $L2,559 per hour. You must be joking. SL is an environment where people go to pretend to be something they usually can't be in RL. The price for being taken seriously in SL as something you've no chance of being in RL is the difference between such inequitable pay scales. If someone is good enough to make-believe they're worthy of earning a small pittance of cash in such a place, they should not only pat themselves on the back for being able to earn the minimal income they make in SL, but accept the fact that they most probably have no chance whatsoever of earning anything comparable to that which might sustain an actual RL existence. At least not that which involves a whole hell of a lot of hard work and initiative in the real world. People work and perform here, not because they wish to make RL money doing so, but because either they're honing their craft or trying to have a good time while doing something they truly enjoy simply because they enjoy doing it. To suggest that such sometimes quiet talented, yet still mostly amateur, performers should be paid RL professional wages for pretending to be SL professional performers is utterly ridiculous. ...Dres
  19. I had no idea who said any of that, but I'm pretty sure they must have been speaking of the Bible when they said it. ...Dres (Am I right?...and, if so, do I get a prize?)
  20. Mitchell Indigo wrote: Is there any DJ's who use Mixxx? If so, I'm trying to set up my stream in it but it keeps not working. Not sure what I'm doing right. Can someone please contact me in world? I don't use Mixxx, but I found this on their forum which may help... link. ...Dres
  21. RoryClegane wrote: So am I correct to assume that I cannot sell my game which is created for the purpose of creating traffic for sim owners? The game is free to players I might add. My understanding of the skilled gaming policy is that, as long as your game cannot be set as pay-to-play, it should be alright to sell it without getting a skilled gaming creator license. Though I must suggest that you ask an actual attorney who is knowledgeable in gaming law if you want to be absolutely sure. LL will not give you any legal advice whatsoever. And any advice or opinion you get here, or from some random person in SL, should not be trusted to protect you in any way, shape or form... including the opinion which I've just given you. ...Dres
  22. Zsigmond Alcott wrote: For the first time in my SL I am speechless other than to ask why? why? why? WHY?????????? GOOD LORD! :matte-motes-agape: Are you effing kidding me? You've been in SL for what... nine or so years and have never been left speechless by the rampant, inane, stupidity/insanity on pretty much consistent display? If this is truly the very first time you've become so disturbed by this sort of ridiculousness, I must commend you for your wherewithal. ...Dres
  23. lSpyrol wrote: OMG I love you so much right now, I'm buying the eyebrw remover, it works, and it doesnt completely remove all of the eye brows, it leaves some there which makes my eyebrows look angry, I like it. Thank you. YAY!!! ...Dres *smiles*
  24. Thank you, Burper. This is certainly knowledge which some, albeit rather small, portion of male SL members will find incredibly useful. Let's hope they're able to find it, should the need arise. ...Dres
  25. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Have you tried duct tape? I have and have found it to be eighty-three percent effective. ...Dres (The other seventeen percent are very unlikely to be making any statements to the contrary any time soon.)
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