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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Is it true that women with those beauty marks are Succub..I mean can steal men’s souls?
  2. Thanks, I may be remembering that a) I’m bad at Marketplace search and b) I limited my search to those which worked with my mesh body. Saved link!
  3. So he’s testing the new games on “Breaks”..??
  4. I imagine that one could invent a fun drinking game for those meetings, for instance take a shot every time a Linden mentions Jira or new LI calculations.
  5. ..then I don’t see how the “wouldn’t normally be available” statement qualifies one bit. In the Edit window means “available” and thereby normal. Sheese.
  6. Are you saying it’s possible in the edit window, or just with scripts?
  7. Personally, I get bent out of shape if people question my motives.
  8. But as most people age, the shift to the right! Perhaps education helps.
  9. Oho, so you’ve got your own definition. I believe what you are suggesting is impossible.
  10. Somehow I doubt I found this in my search, but google found it? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AS-Queen-Tiye-Ancient-Egyptian-Queens-Rigged-Mesh-Gown-Black-Leopard-Pharaoh-Omega-Applier-for-Modesty-Top-Pants/5542634
  11. No I don’t, thanks for the idea! I’ll add this one to my list. In my mind, I’m looking for something in gold. Perhaps that expectation is not matching “reality” is why I can’t find it! Will also google and post a reference pic when I find something like I’m envisioning.
  12. Maybe they will be replaced by higher-quality furry type and robot? Like, those sad avatars with the tired-looking rings around their eyes are higher quality? I imagine a scruffy fur and bashed-up robot.
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