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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. From the MP entry: ”The Premium version (in related items below) also integrates with non-caspertech systems and includes API support” Paid/premium versions always have more features. The listing mentions one. I will search again.
  2. Not for vendors. Just looked at the MP, a “Premium” version is mentioned but not shown in related items of the “free” version.
  3. Sort of on-topic, I need to redo some of my on-demand rezzers. I need to choose a system I can write my own scripts against. Is the Caspertech Rez2 system listed here a good one, or can someone recommend another?
  4. *gives fine for burning Forumite without a permit* *reads joke, tears up ticket* ”Carry on.”
  5. This is very helpful, thank you! (I posted the question as LoveX by mistake, but it was not inappropriate for “her” to ask!)
  6. Definitely starting Belleza since I’m familiar with that. Literally a flower in the hair (not just a hair clip)?
  7. I was able to answer most questions I had by studying the code.
  8. But..but..I’m super popular here! *pouts*
  9. Maybe she will make friends easier than Love! Do women make friends easily?
  10. I’m not exactly quiet, and I’m male!
  11. Just to clarify, I did nothing to her yet - this is how one of the “default” avatars looks - straight out of the chute! Here’s a bit of news, I haven’t decided what ethnicity she should be starting out. I plan trying all that I can find. Because of my RL affinity with the Trans community as an Ally, I am leading towards African (dark skin/features, not necessarily African dress although I found that) first - and yes, I know that will be a challenge. Thanks for the recommendation!
  12. Well yeah! Love has Belleza/Catwa, so I’m familiar with those and will stick with that brand initially for LoveX.
  13. Totally would not have remembered “nails”! By “accessories”, I meant things like purse, brooch, handbag, hair clip, hat..anything that can be attached and is not a standard piece of clothing. (Whips and chains and ropes and..)
  14. Certainly, call her what you like! (I may use “LoveX”, myself.) I’ll be buying a mesh body tonight, I assume it’s hands will be more proportioned than this!
  15. When I was dating a Filipino, one day he said that “we should go to the Thai store”. Without any context, I thought he said “tie store” and still didn’t get it, out of context, even after he pronounced it “Thhhai store”. Who knew Thai (food) stores existed in Florida? I’ve only been to Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese stores. We never did go to the Thai store.
  16. Cool! So I can’t time travel before I made the account, and spend more.
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