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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I despise coding interview questions! One reason I’ve kept the same programming job 21 years..
  2. I believe you are using the “display name”, which can include Unicode characters (making the byte length longer than 24 even if it appears shorter). Try using llGetUserName or llKey2Name instead. I’m sure someone will correct me, if I’m wrong.
  3. I only read the Retief books (SF book club), did not know they were written so long ago. It makes sense that Laumer was a diplomat. Think I read the Bolo books more recently based on a friend’s recommendation. Was not disappointed!
  4. “The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!” ”We don’t need no water let the M-F burn!”
  5. I got my first CJC from the Science Fiction Book Club in the early 80’s. I may have imagined it, since I don’t recognize any of her titles.
  6. I didn’t care for the Dune books either, but I read them out of order.
  7. Whoa! You’re so good, I almost believe you! Are you a member of a Liar’s Club?
  8. Buy a mod house and “tear the roof off the sucker”, as in the Parliament song.
  9. This was required reading in SF college class. Wasn’t my favorite, but it’s themes stuck with me.
  10. I don’t disagree, but you’re prescient and a polymath like she is.
  11. As I’m sure you know, 99% of Heinlein’s work was all connected. “Friday” was a stand-alone. However, the man from Friday may have well have been Lazarus Long, and Friday his daughter / lover / mother. She was a polymath and saved the world from a plague.
  12. A lot don’t know that he wrote for the early Superman, Green Lantern, and The Phantom comics, and for The Shadow radio show, and early television.
  13. I would add Phillip K. Dick, glad a lot of his novels are finally being made into movies the last 20 years or so. And, Kurt Vonnegut.
  14. I noticed last night that “Ray Bradbury Theater” is on Amazon Prime. Delightfully out of date. Episode I saw was Usher 2 or similar name.
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