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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Ok, so instead of simulated chemicals, we’ve got shiny, bumpy, wood-y, particle-emitty, physicality, projector-y, and twisty. Good enough.
  2. Sounds hard. Can always just make it shiny!
  3. Would “gold” (au) prims be heavier?
  4. My first SL partner (2009?) spent too many late nights in SL to hang out, and not enough studying in college. He dropped out of college..but years later got a nice EU government bureaucracy job..
  5. Not to make light of mental illness, but I keep being reminded of the old stereotype mental patient, who thinks they are Napoleon, and wears a paper bicorner or tricorner hat. It was a comics meme in the 70’s I think..based on a psychiatric condition called the “Napoleon Complex”. This is also a term for “short men who act out because they are short.” One running joke would be to have several mental patients arguing over who is the “real Napoleon”. https://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2764/napoleon-complex/ https://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/n/napoleon_complexes.asp https://thesmallhistories.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/napoleon-complex/
  6. More disturbing than I was prepared for. Here we are, 100 years later, and police still shoot unarmed black people with impunity.
  7. Maybe you would be enslaved by them, and forced to build roads. It wasn’t all ponies and circuses back then.
  8. BS. You use such words to inflate your argument. In this case, the “argument” is the entire statement in the post I quoted.
  9. I only want to create a “moving sky”, moving at the rate I want, with multiple texture layers.
  10. My white husky died of seizures a few years ago. That’s why there’s only pictures of the red these day. Seizures are scary!
  11. When you called Callum a liar. I refuse to answer all your questions. You don’t deserve answers. Main reason: you’re a bully who poses as a teddy bear.
  12. I’m sure you’ll do everything possible to get the last word. And not admit you lost all arguments, once again, when you overreacted and used insults.
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